A great deal has been written about Vitamin C, both for and against it. Most of the doctors who downplay it are skeptical of its efficacy, based on lack of scientific proof. They have had little or no personal experience with it themselves, and have not read anything convincing about its successful use by other doctors.
On the other hand, there are physicians who have had a great deal of experience with it, and are impressed with its marvelous ability to help the human body in a variety of ways. I t makes more sense to rely on the practical knowledge of the doctors who are getting fantastic results with it rather than to go with those who stand back and demand more proof. Here are some areas of nutrition where vitamin C is know to have beneficial effects.
NeoLife GNLD
On the other hand, there are physicians who have had a great deal of experience with it, and are impressed with its marvelous ability to help the human body in a variety of ways. I t makes more sense to rely on the practical knowledge of the doctors who are getting fantastic results with it rather than to go with those who stand back and demand more proof. Here are some areas of nutrition where vitamin C is know to have beneficial effects.
Vitamin C protects the immune system
"Vitamin C is my only choice for fighting any viral infection," says Dr Fred R Klenner MD, who's given over one million grams of it to more then 10,000 patients since 1940. He is called the "Vitamin C Doctor", because he's used it to treat bleeding gums, viral hepatitis, pneumonia, measles, chicken pox, burns, encephalitis and a host of other ailments.
"I have cured viral infections thousands of times using ascorbic acid. I've used more than one million grams of it in my medical practice, and have never seen any adverse side effects," declared the Reinsville, NC Physician.
He began using Vitamin C when his wife told him all of her teeth would have to be extracted because of bleeding gums. He recalled reading that the Japanese had been using Vitamin C in experiments with bleeding gums, so he began giving his wife give grams daily. It worked! Dr Klenner continued...
"I once had a patient with bacillary dysentery. I began giving the child 2 gms of Vitamin C in the morning and 2 at night. It cleared the condition up within 36 hours.
"A few weeks later, I had a case of viral pneumonia and treated it with Vitamin C, giving the patient 5 gms about 1 pm. When I went back at 6:30 that evening, his temperature was going down and he'd just finished a full dinner. The next day I found him out of bed and dressing. We continued the treatment for the next 3 days.
"Massive doses of Vitamin C injected in the bloodstream release a tremendous amount of oxygen, creating a condition known as flash oxidation. This oxidation process strips away the protein coating of the virus, making it vulnerable to the disease-fighting white blood cells."
Once scoffed at by the medical establishment, Dr Klenner's theories are now being hailed by fellow physicians. "Now that Vitamin C has become more fashionable, this man is getting credit for what he's been doing for years, " declared Dr Emanuel Charaskin, chairmen of the department of oral medicine at the University of Alabama Medical Center.
Added Nobel Prizewinner Dr Linus Pauling, author of "Vitamin C, The Common Cold and The Flu", "Klenner has made a contribution to medicine. I admire him for identifying the benefits of Vitamin C, and I have given him credit for his work in my new book."
Vitamin C and Lower Back Pain
Vitamin C can be "very effective in the prevention and treatment of back pain," says Dr James Greenwood Jr MD chief of neurosurgery at Baylor University College of Medicine.
"My study of Vitamin C for preventing and treating back pain goes back to 1957. I'd been troubjled with severe back pain for more than 10 yrs and the attacks had gotten worse over the years.
"Then, at the advice of a friend, Dr Paul Harrington, an orthopedic surgeon in Houston, I began taking 250 mg of Vitamin C 4x a day. Four months later the back pain disappeared and I was able to exercise without difficulty. When I cut Vitamin C out of my diet, the back pain returned.
"During the next 7 yrs I applied the benefits of my own experience to more than 500 patients with back pain. They reported gratifying relief, when the pain was caused by a slipped disc."
"Vitamin C," Dr Greenwood says, "is not a Vitamin in the ordinary sense of the word, but a construction material used in relatively large amounts to help build collagen 00 the gelatin-like protein material contained in tissue and bone -- which holds the body together. (Also which is made by the body, not added to the skin through skincare products, but when stimulated for the body to produce collagen, your skin is more youthful).
Dr Greenwood concludes that a regimen of good nutrition, including 2 gms (2,000 mg) of Vitamin C taken 500 mg at a time, and exercise every day will eliminate most common back pains, sprains, and disc ruptures.
Vitamin C keeps us from "coming unglued"
Since Vitamin C is necessary for making the glue that holds us together, there are certain signs that show when we are starting to fall apart. Bleeding gums and bruising are signs of a lack of collagen. Collagen is like the mortar between the bricks in a brick wall, holding it solidly together. If you take away the mortar, the brick wall will collapse.
So with our bodies. If our gums bleed when we brush our teeth or if we bruise easily, our "brick wall" is in a weakened condition. This is called "scurvy". Another name for Vitamin C is "ascorbic acid". "Ascorbic" means "no scurvy". Vitamin C builds and heals by giving us plenty of glue to hold us together. One type of stroke is caused by blood vessels leaking into the brain. Adequate Vitamin C with bioflavonoid will strengthen all the vessels and make us less prone to such injury.
Vitamin C and "SIDS"
Dr Archie Kalokerinos MD, an Australian physician, worked for many years at an isolated hospital in Australia among the aborigines. For the first 6 yrs of his practice, they experienced more then 50% infant mortality. Then during the next 6 yrs he administered Vitamin C to all the expectant mothers and newborn infants, and this reduced the high mortality rate to zero!
Based on this experience with over 5,000 patients, Dr Kalokerinos believed that SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is nothing more than infantile scurvy. Each child dying of this disease experienced a cold or flu just prior to death, which used up all the viable Vitamin C in the system. Mothers and children who received adequate Vitamin C have no incidence of SIDS at all.
Vitamin C prevents drug toxicity
A good reason to pack your Vitamin C when you're off to the doctor is its power to detoxify many common drugs. For example, corticosteroids are prescribed for a wide range of common illnesses, including acne, rheumatic fever, eczema, allergies, bronchial asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases, arthritis, etc. These "wonder drugs" are also accompanied by an impressive list of toxic side effects including: increased susceptibility to infection, edema, hypertension, acne, congestive heart failure, thin fragile skin with impaired wound healing, menstrual irregularities, and glaucoma, to name a few. But if you are taking Vitamin C along with the drug, your chances of avoiding these complications are greatly improved.
A study by Dr Vincent G. Zannoni of New York University School of Medicine, found that Vitamin C can prevent toxicity of drugs by speeding up their metabolism, so they don't build up to excessive levels in the blood.
There is a growing body of evidence that Vitamin C blocks the formation of chemicals called nitrosamines, which are known to be highly potent cancer causers. Nitrosamines are formed in liquor, cured meats, and cigarette smoke. Vitamin C detoxifies them and renders them harmless, protecting us from their cancer causing ability. It only makes sense in this polluted world in which we live to keep a good supply of Vitamin C on the shelf and in the body at all times.
Which Vitamin C is Best?
Most Vitamin C products on the market are synthetic, NeoLife GNLD thinks "natural" is important enough to bypass the laboratory, and market a natural C. In addition to Vitamin C, flavonoids are important for building collagen. We can fight viruses with Vitamin C alone, but we can't make collagen without flavonoids. All of NeoLife GNLD's Vitamin C products contain a rich supply of this essential ingredient. So stock up and be sure the whole family is protected with a regular intake in sufficient quantities to meet their needs. NeoLife has a variety of Vitamin C products, and since they are all natural they taste great. They have chewable, powdered and time-released.
Natural Vitamin C has no side effects, and goes to work to build the immune system and make the glue that holds us together. Be sure to get all that your body needs each day.
Additional Information About the Health Benefits of Vitamin C at this link http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Vitamin_C.aspx
Foods high in Vitamin C http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/foods-high-in-vitamin-c/