Saturday, April 30, 2016

Nutrition and Digestion

Your Amazing Digestive System

Your amazing digestive system constantly baffles scientists by performing a series of incredibly complicated chemical feats with speed and ease.  Consider these fascinating facts:

Your stomach can produce up to two quarts of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in minutes -- while this takes hours in the laboratory.  Your pancreas performs a series of chemical feats which today's scientists simply cannot reproduce -- even with the most advanced equipment.

The miracle of digestion begins the moment you put food into your mouth.  You produce between one and two quarts of saliva a day, and enzymes carried in the saliva immediately begin breaking the food down.  They're especially effective against starch -- so much so that a piece of bread will sometimes seem to melt in your mouth.  Chemists can create fluids to break down starch, but the process takes longer and is less efficient than that which occurs instantly in the mouth.

Mucus secretions in the esophagus speed your chewed and partially digested meal on its way so that it remains there only about ten seconds.  The production of this mucus is a trick which even our finest biological engineers and chemists are not capable of doing.

In the stomach the machine-like efficiency of digestion begins to swing into high gear.  Some 35 million tiny glands pour out the digestive juices, hydrochloric acid (HCL) and pepsin.  Incredibly, the stomach which weighs only about 4 ounces can produce a quart or two of this extremely potent acid every day.   Miraculously, the thin mucous lining of the stomach prevents the HCL from digesting its own self.  Once the foods are broken down, they are moved on in a guel-like form into the small intestine.

Here the amazing pancreas acts on it.  The pancreas makes a quart or two of an enzyme soup which is dumped into the upper small intestine, neutralizing the acid, breaking down proteins into amino acids, converting starches into simple sugars, and fats into fatty acids.

Further on, the liver produces bile which is stored in the gall bladder and is squirted into this mixture at the rate of about one or two quarts per day.  It contains components whch finish dissolving fats for absorption further down the tract.

The proteins, fats, and sugars along with vitamins and minerals are then absorbed through the villi receptors of the small intestine, and enter the bloodstream.

Lining the mucous walls of the small intestine like a moss covered cave are friendly bacteria which manufacture certain B vitamins, and assist in digesting our food.

The large intestine is the last stop for the digestive process.  It recyes the last of the salt and water, and stores the remaining bulk material until it's ready to be eliminated from the body as waste.

And so our digestive tract is a marvelous system that serves us well for many years, finishing pleasure as well as substenence for a busy life.  But when things go wrong it can mean troujble spelled with a capital T.

Fire in the Basement
A witch's caldron of acids and enzymes is secreted by the stomach wall which prepares the foods we eat to become part of our body.  When it works right it is a marvel of genius, but when it dow not, "woe is me".

Failure of this miraculous mechanism is seen in heartburn, bloating, and bad breath.  A fortune is spent each day by people running to the drugstore for something to put out the fire.

Dr Hugh Tuckey, MD (30 yrs a gastrointestinal specialist) says that most people who suffer from these symptoms do not have too much HCL in the stomach, but too little.  That is startling news to the person suffering from heartburn.  The stomach feels like the inside of an automobile battery.  How could the doctor sya that there is a lack of acid?  The truth is, there is a lot of acid, but not HCL.  The foods we eat are made up of many acids.  Proteins, for example are composed of 22 amino acids.  These form the building blocks from which our bodies are maintained.  But without HCL they cannot be utilized, and only bring us pain.

Also, the foods that we eat contain certain harmful bacteria which must be destroyed by HCL.  Without enough HCL these bacteria ferment the amino acids and sugars in the stomach to produce gas, heartburn, and misery.  That's where they get the commercial about "turning off the bubble machine".

Dr Tuckey found that giving HCL and pepsin accompanying each meal the natural cycle of digestion was restored.  The fire went out, the gas subsided, and life became a pleasure once again.  (Dr Tuckey's address "The Human Need for Hydrochloric Acid", delivered before the National Health Federation)

NeoLife company produces a product containing betaine HCL and pepsin, called "Beta-Gest".  Taken wich each meal in whatever quantities are needed, it will help solve the problems that beset us when digestion is not what it should be due to lack of HCL.  (note NeoLife link at end of blog).

Trouble in the Tunnel
Digestion, begun in the stomach, must be continued in the small intestine.  If things go wrong there, we are in for more trouble.  The pancreas must produce enzymes to finish digesting protein, or it cannot be used.  The liver must furnish bile to dissolve fats, or they cannot be absorbed.  If these things are not in order, there is further gas and bloating, and our foods and minerals go right through.  Many food allergies begin here.  Poorly digested proteins get through into the blood stream where they are looked upon as enemies by the body's defense system.  Everything from eczema to asthma can be the result.

NeoLife has come to the rescue with a product called "Enzyme Digestive Aid", which breaks down proteins and sugars and dissolves fats.  It is enterically coated to carry it through the acid environment of the stomach and deliver it safely to the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it is easily dissolved, releasing its potent enzymes to go to work finishing what has started in the stomach.

A man-made problem in the small intestine arises when we kill off the friendly bacteria that line its walls.  They help with digestion, manufacture some very important B vitamins, and keep candida yeast from getting out of control.  We have heard much about candida lately in nutritional publications.  All kinds of bad things happen when candida escapes from the intestinal area, and invades the whole body.  The friendly bacteria normally keep it under control, but when we take an antibiotic or drug, it kills off both the good and bad bacteria in the body.  (Birth control pills are also said to harm these bacteria).  If the friendly bacteria of the intestines are destroyed they must be restored, or candida yeast can take over the system, producing many unpleasant disorders.

Acidophilus is a well known restorer of friendly intestinal bacteria.  However, it is so fragile, it is very difficult to get it through the acid environment of the stomach without it being digested.  In laboratory tests, 99% of all acidophilus which is eaten or taken in pills is broken down by the stomach acid before it can get to the small intestine where it is needed.

NeoLife solved this problem with a product called Acidophils Plus.  Acidophilus is wrapped in an enteric coating (like the Enzymes), which delivers it safely through the acid of the stomach, and causes it to arrive in the small intestine unharmed and ready to go to work.  Now, instead of fighting the scattered fires of candida symptoms throughout the body, we can build back the colonies of friendly bacteria which corral candida yeast in the intestines where it belongs.

Garlic Allium Complex is another wonderful NeoLife product that performs an important function in the bowel.  While it is important to increase the friendly bacteria which Acidophilus Plus, Garlic Allium gives us a powerful tool that goes to work against harmful yeast and mold.  Garlic Allium is also enteric coated for maximum delivery in the bowel.  It survives the trip through the stomach acid and is delivered safely where it is needed to do its work.  We are also spared garlic breath on the way, since it does not dissolve in the stomach. 

Disaster at the Dump
If you have the nicest house on the block, but the sewer plugs up, there is troujble.  If everything goes fine in life, but you can't have a bowel movement, you have big problems.  Cancer of the bowel has raced ahead to become number two killer in our country today.  There is a reason for this.  When waste moves too slowly through the bowel it irritates the lining, and the irritation starts the cancer.  Food fiber is what keeps the waste moving through the bowel at a reasonable rate, and prevents the irritation from taking place.  White flour has all the fiber taken out of it, and is the greatest aggravator of this disease.

Earlier in this blog we mentioned the rush to the pharmacy to buy antacids to put out the fire in the stomach.  Neck to neck in this race to the pharmacy are the millions who are after laxatives.  Untold millions of dollars are spent trying to unclog the plumbing, when all the time what is really needed is fiber on a regular basis to make it operate normally.  NeoLife has once again come to the rescue with two fiber products offering all the families of fiber our bodies need in easy-to-take supplements.  They are "Multi-Fiber Blend" and All Natural Fiber Drink Mix.

Multi-Fiber Blend contains fiber from many food sources -- oat, soy, citrus, pea, beet, lemon, fig, apple, banana, almond, prune, orange, acerola, peanut, carrot and Jerusalem artichoke.  It provides all five types of dietary fiber necessary to maintain good health -- cellulose, hemicellulose, hum, lignin, and pectin.  It mixes easily with foods and favorite drinks, with a pleasant taste and smooth texture.  Each serving provides 7 or 8 grams of dietary fiber -- one quarter of our daily needs.

All Natural  Fiber Food and Drink Mix is also taken from many natural sources.  It contains all 5 types of fiber from fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.  In addition, it contains Neo-Polyfibe, a unique formula of specially selected "cholesterol lowering" fibers from oats, soy and acerola cherries.  It has a smooth texture and a pleasant taste, and may be used by itself or mixed with other foods or drinks.  Each serving provides 7 or 8 grams of fiber.

Last but not least is Neo-Lax the tried and true combination of herbs for fast and gentle bowel relief.  When you want action right away, you can't beat this natural herbal remedy.

Well, how do you score in the territory of the lower regions?  Are things going well in the basement and the tunnel and the waste disposal site?  Consider what you've learned here and look at the link below.
Sponsor #32-260985

Friday, April 29, 2016

Strengthening The Immune System (Part 2 of the Immune System)

As the blog before this about the Immune system, I'd like to expand on this topic.

Carotenoid Complex-- Latest research has revealed that the carotenoid family protects the skin and linings of the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts.  These areas are our first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.  We also need sufficient carotenoids to keep the immune system strong.  If beta carotene levels fall, the total number of certain immune ystem "soldiers" (T-cells and B-cells) will decrease.  Clinical testing of humans by the USDA showed a 37% improvement in the immune system in just 20 days, using 3 Carotenoid Complex capsules per day (available through NeoLife, link at end of blog).

Vitamin C -- Years ago, Nobel prize winner Dr Linus Pauling announced that Vitamin C has a beneficial efect on the Immune system.  It improves the mobility of white blood cells.  It stimulates T and B cells, as well as the giant macrophages that gobble up and destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi and other disease-causing antigens.  It is an antioxidant and scavenger of free radicals.  It incrases the production of interferon, a naturally occurring chemical in the bloodstream that kills viruses.  Also note, that Vitamin C isn't stored in the body, excess is passed through each day.  So taking Vitamin C daily is important.

Vitamin A -- Is especially important in helping to maintain the parts of the body that first come in contact with invading organisms: the skin and the linings of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, urinary tract, the eyes, tears and perspiration.  If we do not take in enough Vitamin A to keep these aras of the body strong, disease-causing organisms that ordiinatily would be destroyed will find their way in.  Vitamin A also enhances the activity of the T-cells and B-cells that are such an important part of our immune system.

Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)-- Keeps the mucosal lining of the body in shape to ward off invaders.  The mucosal lining is among our first barriers against disease, so it's important to keep it strong.  deficiencies of Vitamin B-2, are associated with several immune system weaknesses, such as deficits in anti-body production, decreases in the number of T and B cells and shrinkage of the thymus gland.

Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic acid)-- Facilitates the release of antibodies from the plasma cells.  Antibodies are like guided missiles that travel through the body to destroy disease-causing antigens.

Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine -- Is important for the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein.  The immune system is absolutely dependent on adequate supplies of nucleic acids and protein.  A deficiency of B-6 leads to shrinking of the thymus gland, an integral part of the defense system.

Vitamin B-12 and Folic acid -- Both B-12 and folic acid are necessary if the immune system cells made in the bone marrow are to mature into active disease fighters.  A deficiency of Vitamin B-12 and folic acid is associated with a decrease in the number of neutrophils, immune fighters that "eat" and destroy bacteria and other dangerous particles.  Lack of B-12 result in decreased "sell eating" and a fall in the absolute number of T and B cells.  Folic acid deficiency leads to a decrease in T cells, as well as shrinkage of the thymus gland where so much of the immune system is based.

Vitamin D-- A deficiency will hamper the "cell eating" functions of the white blood cells.  In too large amounts, however, Vitamin D can suppress the immune system.  It is recommended to take with Calcium, rather than as an independent Vitamin.  A good calcium supplement will include a balance of Vitamin D.

Vitamin E -- This vitamin is most effective as a free radical scavenger.  A deficiency of Vitamin E in animals leads to low levels of antibodies, T and B cells, as well as a decrease in lymphatic organ size.  Administering Vitamin E to lab animals boosts their immune systems' ability to produce antibodies.  The cell "eating" activity of the white blood cells is also increased by Vitamin E.

Selenium -- After Zinc, Selenium is the most important mineral for the immune system.  Selenium is an antioxidant and scavenger of dangerous free radicals in the body.  A deficiency is associated with a drop of B cell antibody response.

Protein -- All parts of the body are made up of protein. The immune system is no different.  Without adequate daily protein, we cannot produce anti-bodies or any other defense against disease.

Our best defense against bacteria and virus invaders is a healthy immune system.  And the only way to  build a strong immune system is through nutrition.  If you are not doing all you can nutritionally to build a strong immune system, won't you consider a high quality, pure natural human food source, no synthetics, nutritional substitute.  Please, do a little research and don't just accept what people claim about a product.  Too many on the market today are worthless, ineffective, even dangerous in some cases. 

Neolife began as a nutrition vitamin company. Its main goal and vision has always been the best most natural products on the market.  We were the first company to organize a Scientific Advisory Board.  The first company to get a Pharmaceutical license.  Things that were unheard of in the industry for a company that developed and made there own vitamins.  Many companies push hype and false cures and quick money. We were never that kind of company. Neolife  has always been debt free and a leader in the industry.  Sadly the vitamin and MLM industry is not very regulated and many companies can say whatever they like or sell anything they want and get away with it.  Our primary focus has always been to make excellent products not all the hype. We have been around since 1958 and are still going strong. I am including a couple of link on Arthur Furst. This will give you more information on who he was and what he stood for.

Dr.Furst said he would only work for a company that did not use synthetics or unnatural ingredients
in there products. It was a perfect match from the beginning.

I want to be honest with you about the NeoLife (GNLD formerly) company.
Neolife has never had any legal or ethical issues.  Again we are primarily a nutrition company.  Neolife was very well known in the 70s when my parents got involved.  When Jerry Brassfield decided to combine his three companies, Neolife, Diamite and Golden Products to become GNLD, It was a very bad idea.  People thought Neolife had gone out of business.  Nobody ever heard of GNLD and a lot of distributors dropped out.  In the last few years Jerry finally went back to Neolife. NeolifeShake, NeolifeTea, Neolifebar etc.  More people have heard of Neolife than GNLD.  And as NeoLife is a world wide company, it's making a strong come back in the United
States where it's home is in California.  What is impressive however, is through their scientific advisory board, and the guidance from Dr Furst, NeoLife has always kept the integrity of the purest source of whole natural human sourced foods (meaning we don't eat tree bark and pond scum, so why develop a supplement from strange things un-natural to our body).  Their standards are still kept, and they are still FDA inspected because of their pharmaceutical license, and have still passed 100% which no pharmaceutical company can make that claim.  As FDA doesn't regulate nutritionals, herbals or even essential oils.  We're often at the mercy of their marketing claims.  As most of us don't take the time, or know where to look, we accept the companies "expert" without knowing their credentials.  And we have no idea if they have legitimate accepted and published research through scientific and
medical journals, or if it's a small study to support a claim within legal limits.  Are you aware, that it only takes one Doctor or Chiropractor or Dentist to make a claim "Recommended by".  Do you want to trust your health to world renown and accepted experts... or someone self proclaimed?
Sponsor #32-260985


Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Immune System

The Immune System

The war within
We are besieged daily by a vast army of viruses and bacteria that swarm over our skin and membranes, seeking to gain entry and get control.  The invaders are too tiny to be seen, yet their tactics can vanquish the must larger body cells they attack.   Usually we are unaware of the incessant wars within us because our defenders silently rout the enemy and restore peace.  But sometimes these sectaries are caught unprepared, and we develop a cold, the flu, -- or even worse.  During the last 50 years antibiotics have largely controlled bacterial invaders, but they are largely ineffective against viruses.  Now, with the escalation of AIDS and other strange new viruses, the war is getting more serious.  Strains of bacteria that were vanquished twenty years ago by antibiotics are resurfacing in new forms that defy ur present technology.

What are viruses?
Strictly speaking, a virus is not even alive.  It is a protein-coated bundle of genes containing instructions for making copies of itself.  When a virus slips inside one of our cells, it issues instructions for the cell to clone thousands of new identical viruses.  Within the next few hours they rupture the just cell and fan out to invade nearby cells.  At first, the odds are all on the side of the invader, but with a good immune system the battle turns, and final victory goes to the home team.

Our defense against viruses
Phygocytes --  The first soldiers to arrive at the scene are the phagocytes, the scavengers of the system.  Phagocytes constantly scour the territories of constantly scout the territories of our bodies, alert to anything that seems out of place.  Whatever the phagocytes find that is suspect, they consume.  If patrolling phagocytes happen upon a remnants of a cell burst open by the flu virus, the gobble up the wreckage, consuming some of the viruses in the process.  But the phagocytes cannot destroy the foes fast enough to keep them from infecting nearby cells.  Next, a big brother phagocyte called a Macrophage arrives on the scene.  As it engulfs a virus it sends out the alert to highly specialized T cells circulating through the body.

T cells – our second line of defense, are pumped out by the milli9ns from the thymus gland behind the breast bone.  There are two kinds of T-cells, the “helper” T’s search for trouble, but carry no weapons.  When they find it, they send urgent signals to their cousins the “killer” T’s who are trained to recognize and destroy the enemy.  Soon killer T-cells multiply into an army which invades the infected cells and destroys the virus invaders.

B cells – One third line of defense, are manufactured in the bone marrow and are sent to the lymph nodes, where they produce chemical weapons called antibodies.  By sticking to the surface of unwelcome invaders, antibody molecules slow them down, making them easier targets for phagocytes.  They also attract protein substances in the blood stream which blast through the invader’s cell membrane and destroy them. 

The virus defeated – As the immune defenses gather, the tide turns.  Within a week the invaders retreat.  The battle is won, but it is not forgotten.  We are left with an aru of memory T and B cells trained to spot this virus.  If it returns, it will be recognized immediately and defeated without a battle, we are immune.

Virus-Related Diseases

AIDS – A  life-threatening infectious disease spread by sexual contact and other exchanges of body fluids such as blood transfusions and intravenous needle use.  It is caused by the GTLV-111 virus.  AIDS causes immune suppression by destruction of T4 cells.

Chlamydial Diseases – Sexually transmitted infection which can cause sterility in women and problems with the urinary tract and prostatic inflammation in men.

Common Cold – A virus that attracts the upper respiratory system 

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) – Viral infection which may be without consequence or can be serious.  Can lead to hepatitis, cause abortion, stillbirth, liver damage

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBT)—Causes Infectious Mononucleosis and systemic immunnodeficient Epstein-Barr Virus Syndrome (SIDES).  Symptoms are fatigue and depression.  Mono hits hard and then leaves in two to four weeks.  SIDES attacks with many of the same symptoms, but is chronic, lingering for months or even years.

Herpes Simplex – Type 1 is usually found on the lips and skin (cold sores).  Type 2 is easily transmitted by sexual contact and usually occurs on the genital organs.

Influenza (flu) – Viral invasion, usually of the lining of the respiratory tract.  May spread to other parts of the body such as the blood or gastrointestinal tract.

Mononucleosis—Caused by the E[stein-Barr virus.  Causes fatigue and depression.

Viral Pneumonia – Viral infection that involves the lungs and respiratory passages.  CMV or Herpes are two of the many viruses that can cause viral pneumonia.

The Immune System and Cancer

A major lifesaving function of our immune system is its war against cancer.  Although science does not know exactly why a normal cell becomes a cancerous, many researchers believe that potential cancer cells arise constantly within us.  As they turn cancerous, the antigens on their surface usually change enough to alerts vigilant T cells.  Ceaselessly the immune system seeks and destroys these mutinous cells before they can begin multiplying.  Sometimes, however, the mutineers survive and the body loses.  Our first defense against cancer is a strong immune system.''

Now, our personal experience.  In  my family, since I was a child, I've never tried coca cola or coffee.  I like fruity herbal tea, but lemonade or water is my first choice.  I grew up in an average family.  Both my parents smoked, and were special occasion drinkers, nothing daily or much.  Eventually both parents stopped smoking.  I never started, found out I was actually allergic to the tobacco plant and smoke.  I never really drank, I tried it a couple times age 16 & 21, didn't like it (being drunk) decided I can't handle it, just don't drink.  My husband coming from a family with alcoholism, decided never to drink or smoke either.

Now, we've had cancers among many other diseases. We've had lung cancer, lymphoma, throat, melanoma, mild breast, cervical and thyroid cancers.  Most of us beat our cancers.  Then our son, who was a strong LDS boy, Eagle Scout, ROTC, Missionary, joined the Army who also never smoked or drank.  He came down with Anthrax Vaccine Leukemia from the Army.  He was the first to live past ONE month, it's that deadly and fast.  He suffered never leaving the hospital for 9 months.
About 8 yrs later, my husband had thyroid cancer, had 1/2 the thyroid removed and thought he was good.  Later we found that the past 4 (at least) yrs of lab tests, shown renal failure.  Nothing had been tested beyond, nor mentioned to us.  We learned 30% of those with thyroid cancer will develop another form of cancer within 1 yr.  And we learned the probability of Steven having had kidney cancer for at least those 4 yrs of labs, up to 8-10 yrs before.  But that his weakened "immune" system, from the thyroid cancer, may have triggered the kidney cancer to metastasize, spreading to lymphs behind his heart, in his lung, in his sacrum bone.  

Don't ignore the symptoms that are easily passed off as simply working too hard, getting older, out of shape.  When you have pain, it's your body's way of trying to warn you something isn't right.  Steven, my husband, had pain down his leg.  Had repeatedly gone to a chiropractor, without any relief.  Decided maybe it was a disc problem, went to his doctor to get an x-ray, they found his kidney to be 4x normal size, and the tumor on the sacrum.  We did some investigating.  Locally in our state, we were told they could try chemo (which we later learned never touches stage 4 kidney cancer) yes, he was stage 4, when it's masticated beyond the original organ, it's now become stage 4.  From that point, we decided to research for a better hospital that specialized in stage 4 kidney cancer, in maybe a treatment plan that was better than making him comfortable.  We found Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, UT.  We made arrangements to come to Utah, had additional tests and scans to find the tumors had spread to at least 4 locations in his body.

They began with removal of his kidney, which at 4x the size, had an internal tumor of 6cm, and external of 10cm, so this was removed and he lost approximately 10 lbs.  Then they radiated his sacrum bone strong once, and removed that 2cm tumor.  The 3 cm lymph tumor behind his heart, they took 5x lower dose radiations.  Now it's also gone.  Then upon his return for cycle 2, they found another small lymph tumor they did a low dose single radiation near the heart again.  

So, he's not being treated with chemo, but with an Immune Therapy drug called Inner Luken (IL2).  He gets a dose to begin with about every 8 hrs by IV along with a lot of medications to counteract the effects as this is very hard on the body.  Your capillaries leak fluids, you swell and gain 20-30 lbs.  You later will pee that weight off.   All in all, his muscle tone is down severely, and he's down to 164 lbs now from 197 lbs before starting.  During his first cycle, which is 5 days in ICU to be closely monitored, he received 8 cycles which could be up to 15, and some don't even tolerate 8 doses.   They go until the kidney that is left, the platelets, and the liver are to their pushed limits.  A dose takes about 15 minutes to administer, but shortly after they get the "riggers" which is severe cold shaking throughout the full body.  They cover with a warming "bear hugger" air blanket, and more medications.  Once the riggers stop, a fever spikes.  He's had to be packed in ice for a 104 F. fever, but on avg they go up about 101-102 F., and more medications to control this as well.  His heart will rise, and has gone as high as 225, which was dangerous.  His blood pressure drops.  His oxygen drops especially when he's sleeping.  They have wild dreams, and speak in their sleep, and have other complications from hiccups to severe #10 level pain.  After several hours, these symptoms clear, and he's just exhausted and sleeps most of the time.  His second cycle they found before we left the first time, only 5 small tumors left in 1 lung.  So upon return scans, they found 3 of those 5 tumors are gone, and 2 are reduced in size.  It appears the IL2 Immune Therapy is working.  IL2 super revs up the body's own immune system to fight the cancer cells.  The radiation kills cancer tumors, leaving the dead cells floating about for the body's immune system to imprint and target as something to destroy... including the matching living cancer cells.

During the 5 days in ICU, is followed with 1 week out to recover (about 9 days) which he's very warn out and tired.  He then returns for cycle B (cycle 1 A & B, cycle 2 A & B etc).  Another 5 days in ICU.  During his first cycle, he received 8 treatments each week in.  During his second cycle he's received 6 treatments in.  This will decrease.  And he'll have a total of 4 cycles, usually by the last cycle the body can only handle 1 (maybe 2) treatments in a 24 hour period.  Even if upon returning, all the tumors are gone and there appears to be no more cancer, they continue the treatments to make sure all floating unattached, non-tumor growing, but still active cancer cells are killed off.  Also during his time "home"he is very pro-active on his health.  He exercises on a recumbent bike, a tread mill, a mini trampoline (helps clear lymph nodes), some regular floor exercises, and when he's recovered after about 2 weeks out of his latest treatment, he's back to work full time.  This includes a 2 hr commute TO work and FROM work each day.  He also enjoys staying active with our 40 acres and his 3 mules.  The key to success with any treatment, illness, even cancer is all in attitude.  He's always kept a positive attitude, not even labeled "faith" but just being happy, appreciative of his life, he enjoys his job-work.  We get along with family and have many concerned and caring friends and co-workers even clients.

He also drinks Moringa oleifera (Smartmix) from Zija every day.  He drinks Daily Tea from Zija every day.  He uses Ameo oils as needed usually if in any pain or discomfort, externally only as they don't know how it might react with the Inner Luken treatments.  The head person who administers the Inner Luken was very against all essential oils in the beginning.  Until we explained about Ameo and it's proven tested and research standards met clinical grade, then she approved Ameo only and externally only for now.  She was also against supplements of any kind, saying majority are synthetic and poor quality and food would be better.  Until we educated her about Moringa oleifera and Zija company and their purity standards and quality control, then she approved this only.  We then approached her about NeoLife GNLD supplements also, and the purity and standards met as whole food nutrition, and once again, she approved these only.  That since he needed to take vitamin D and Calcium, she'd rather he take NeoLife than anything else on the market.  I found this very interesting.

Our son, when he was hospitalized for 9 months at OU Medical in Oklahoma City OK, with Anthrax Vaccine Leukemia.  We had well wishing caring family & friends sending us products & supplements from so many companies.  The oncology team took us aside, to explain this product is garbage.  This product doesn't do what they claim.  This product will harm him not help.  This product could kill "us" if taken.  My mom was on that one, and was always sick.  She took herself off and regained her health & strength.  BUT, they explained to us about NeoLife GNLD, and how that was the ONLY product they would suggest or recommend to any cancer patient and would be good for anyone.  I found that very interesting as well.

Here we have two major hospitals, with two oncology teams (different cancers), both accepting or recommending NeoLife GNLD as supplements.  And as the OK team didn't know about Zija, and Ameo oils were not available 9 yrs ago at that time.  However, the person over my husband accepted Zija, Ameo & NeoLife but strongly suggested we avoid all other supplements especially over the counter, and no other type essential oils as they are more marketing claims than research supported.
Again, very interesting to us. 

We will continue with these products.  Just as I have found information (given in earlier posts) about skincare products, especially the false claims on the market and using water as a filler that benefits nothing but is cheap.  I really like the TreSkinRX brand using a clinical-pharmaceutical grade aloe vera in their products base, not water.  And I like that all these companies, have research supported studies, testing proof, and experts in their fields not self proclaimed... they are what they claim.  I'd rather trust my health to the suggestions of a Harvard Medical School genius, or a cancer research Dr, than to a chiropractor, a veterinarian, or a minister or someone without that caliber of expertise, just trying to sell a product line or make a name for themselves.  Loyalty is a good thing, if you place your loyalty where it's well deserved.  If the company isn't as "loyal" to product claims, research support, test proof, highest caliber of people endorsing or on the science advisory board of product development... if they have let us down, why do we hold loyalty to that company or product line?  Because we've begun to build a  business under them?  I did this with several companies in the past that I found to be "less than truthful" about their claims.  MY personal integrity, if I learn something is not what it's claimed, I'm out.  I've matured and learned over the years, to do my research first, and not follow their marketing pitch.  What I use, or what I sell, what I've signed up for a discount in, or what I buy from a store-business-online, I do my research and know that the ingredients are in their, and that they are pure.  That the science in research is there supporting their claims, not just their word on it.  That the caliber of the people behind the product, is of the highest, not someone making a name for themselves.  I went to a local Dr, and he suggested a diet program of packaged foods.  Not only did I literally gag at the awful taste, but I researched the products, to find they are very high in sodium, very low in nutrition, were mostly filler (like eating saw dust), and not healthy.  I explained this to him, and he said he signed up to sell it, and he didn't know this about the products.  He's a Doctor, and he didn't take the time to research the products he's promoting?  We do have to be our own advocate of our health.  Do a little leg work, do a little research, read up on what the name is on the ingredients labels.  Often, due to a government regulation especially with cosmetic or skincare, they have to use a scientific name so it's standard across the board.  So what you're reading that sounds "chemical" could be natural.  Don't assume, do a quick google search on what it actually is.

I hope my posts are helpful.  I hope they make you question, look at products you use, research.  I hope they help you be educated to make informed choices for a better life style and health. 
NeoLife GNLD
Sponsor #32-260985


Ameo clinical grade essential oils

Zija (moringa oleifera)


Saturday, April 16, 2016

What About Cholesterol? Bypass Surgery?

Bypass the Bypass 

One of the most common of all surgical procedures is "bypass surgery". Pain in the chest tells of a buildup of fatty substances in the arteries.  This becomes a crisis situation, getting worse with each passing day.  The victim is told that the clogged arteries must be replaced or face certain death.  So arrangements are made for this traumatic, dangerous, and expensive surgery to take place.  Then, a few years later it is discovered that the substitute arteries are clogged just like the original ones, and it all needs to be done over again.

Is these a way to avoid this senseless spiral that sends so many to a premature death?  Fortunately, in recent years scientists have discovered some measures that can be taken nutritionally to help overcome this problem.  Many people have used this natural approach to control the buildup of fats in the system and reverse the clogged artery syndrome.

Lipotropic Adjunct helps control Cholesterol
One natural defense against the buildup of fats in the arteries is the substance produced by the liver called lecithin.  In the bloodstream lecithin works like a detergent to dissolve fats and keep them fluid so they can do their job, and not clog the passageways.

The problem is that most of us eat more than enough of the nutrients that the liver needs to make cholesterol.  But unfortunately, we do not eat enough of the nutrients that the liver needs to make lecithin, which keeps these fats dissolved in the bloodstream.  Consequently a buildup of cholesterol plaque in the arteries and veins is the number one cause of death in our country today.  Clogged arteries plus a tendency toward blood clots brings on heart attacks and strokes

Lipotropic Adjunct helps control the "homocysteine" cycle
Scientific studies have shown that the nutrients in Lipotropic Adjunct are essential to the control of metabolic process that takes place in the veins and arteries known as the "homocysteine cycle"  Excess homocysteine is believed to injure artery walls, and cause fat-carrying lipoproteins (LDL) to plate down and clog the arteries.

Normally, excess homocysteine is quickly converted into harmless substances.  But if there are deficiencies of any of the essential nutrients that are needed to control it, homocysteine can accumulate to levels that pose a risk.  A high blood homocysteins level is better predictor of heart disease than high blood cholesterol.

The nutrients needed to control the homocysteine cycle are Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Choline and Betaine.  Lipotropic Adjunct contains balanced amounts of each of these nutrients, and assures you that your body can remove homocysteine from your blood and tissues before it can accumulate to harmful levels.

Vitamin C and E help lower cholesterol
In hospital studies it has been found that there are two Vitamins which help restore a proper balance between the LDLD and HDL lipoproteins.  They are Vitamin C and Vitamin E.  Vitamin C taken in the amount of 2,000 mg or more per day, and Vitamin E in the amount of at least 500 IU per day, shift the balance in favor of HDL cholesterol.  The higher the ratio of high density lipoprotein (HDL) the greater are our chances for avoiding heart attack.

Increased Fiber lowers cholesterol levels
There is a direct relationship between the amount of fiber in the diet and the level of cholesterol.  A high fiber diet brings down cholesterol levels by combining with fats while they are still in the digestive tract, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream.  Fruits, grains and vegetables are a good source of natural fiber.  But, in our hurry-up world of fast foods and skipped meals, fiber is often scarce in our diet.  Too much fat and too little fiber tends to load the system with cholesterol levels.

Salmon Oil lowers cholesterol levels
In recent years, doctors have become interested in the  Eskimos of Iceland who eat a diet very high in fat, yet who are nearly free of heart disease and cholesterol problems.  Since their diet consists of at least 70% fat, according to accepted medical views they should all be ready for bypass surgery.

To solve this mystery, a study was done by doctors on the marine fats which make up much of their diet.  They discovered that there are certain fatty acids in the flesh of fish which contain "omega-3" factors.  These fatty acids lower cholesterol instead of increasing it.  They also assist in improving the balance between LDL's and HDL's, helping to move the unwanted fats out of the veins and arteries.

NeoLife GNLD offers a high concentration of these health giving Omega-3 factors in Salmon Oil.  Three to six capsules per day is a powerful weapon against runaway cholesterol levels.  NeoLife GNLD's Salmon Oil comes from the unpolluted waters of the north Atlantic.  It is wise to avoid marine oils that come from bottom fish which feed at the mouth of polluted rivers or raised on fish farms.  They may be less expensive, but they also are likely to contain toxic substances absorbed from their polluted environment.

Over the past decade, science has exploded with a whole new world of knowledge about the role of antioxidants in body chemistry.  The carotenoid family and the flavonoid family, from brightly colored fruits and vegetables, have demonstrated their ability to protect the veins and arteries from destructive free radical oxygen attack.  Research has shown that low density lipoproteins (LDL) are turned into plaque under free radical oxygen bombardment.  Accumulation of these plaque plugs the system and causes the kind of heart disease that leads to bypass surgery.

Low density lipoproteins are not dangerous in themselves.  They are just very vulnerable to oxygen attack.  Carotenoid Complex and Flavonoid Complex solve this problem by preventing free radical oxygen from attacking LDL cholesterol and turning it into harmful plaque.

What to do?
Studies by doctors and hospitals around the world show at least five different approaches to the control of cholesterol and other blood fats.  We may bypass the bypass if we are wise, and regularly include in our diet the nutrients which the body needs to win the battle.
Lipotropic Adjunct -- Increases the nutrients needed by the liver to produce lecithin, which keeps the fats dissolved in the bloodstream.  It also stands guard on the homocysteine cycle.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E -- Help balance the LDLD-HDL cholesterol levels in the blood.  Higher HDLs and lower LDLs are associated with less heart attack risk and greater longevity.
Fiber -- Combines with fats in the intestine, preventing them from reaching the bloodstream.
Salmon Oil -- Reduces high cholesterol llevels and promotes balanced HDL-LDL levels.
PhytoDefense -- Carotenoids and Flavonoids protect the veins and arteries by preventing free radical oxygen from attacking LDL cholesterol and turning it into plaque.

Choosing the purest, highest quality of nutritional supplements to use of these heart-sparing products regularly.  They provide a healthier cardiovascular system, and hopefully, help us bypass the bypass.
Take note of your daily diet, at least 1 week to 1 month.  Do you get enough of the highest quality foods, unrefined, unprocessed, whole (when possible organic) in your diet?  If not, perhaps consider nutritional supplements from NeoLife GNLD, for the highest quality nutritionals available on the market for the past 57 years.
Sponsor #32-260985

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Nutrition, Cholesterol And Your Heart

My husband (age 57), was taken to the ER, with a heart rate of 184, they told us he could have had a stroke or a heart attack, thank the Lord, it was neither, he was very dehydrated.  However, another time, while he was in ICU, they didn’t notice until he called the nurse, as his heart was 225.  Even under the care of a hospital in ICU, you never know what could happen to your heart.  My husband has no diabetes, no high cholesterol, low blood pressure, and is a slim build, however he was being hospitalized for treatment of cancer when he was in ICU.

Problems at the Pump
This happened to a man….Slamming into his chest with the savage force of a wrecking ball, the pain threw him to the ground.  Feeling fine one moment, the next he was gasping for breath, trying to wrench that invisible crushing weight that was keeping him from breathing, off his chest.  Wave after wave of pain assaulted him, beginning at his breastbone, running across his chest, up to his neck and down his left aft.  “Get help!” he thought, and tried to put that thought into words, but his pain was too intense.  Lapsing into unconsciousness, he lay on the office floor.
His heart attack could be you or me, or any one of a million and a half people like us in the year ahead.  Every day about 4,000 people in this country face  a similar ordeal.  Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in men over the age of 40 and women over the age of 55.  At one time it was rare to see someone in their 20s or 30s in the hospital with a heart attack.  Today it is commonplace.

Ingenious Engine
The heart is a marvelous piece of equipment.  It is efficient, well designed, and self-repairing.  What is this marvelous machine, the heart?  Like an untiring pump, it counts out a hundred thousand beats a day – perhaps 300 million beats in a lifetime.  Its energy output over a normal life-span is enough to raise a ten ton truck to a height of ten miles.  

When you get into your car and turn the key there’s a sudden surge of power.  With that power, your car can take you wherever you want to go.  It is the engine, of course that provides the power.  We have an engine inside our chest, a fist-sized heart that powers our life.  Unlike a car’s engine, the heart never stops.  A car’s engine comes with a one to five year guarantee.  Our heart comes with a lifetime guarantee. 

Like all engines, it requires a source of power.  In this case, a small amount of energy-giving blood being pumped out of the heart is diverted back into the heart muscle itself through the coronary arteries.  Coronary arteries get their name from their shape on top of the heart resembling a crown (corona).  These arteries and capillaries tunnel into the heart muscle like a tree’s roots into the ground providing a plentiful supply of fresh roots into the ground providing a plentiful supply of fresh oxygenated blood to reach the heart muscle.

This engine of life sits in the front of the chest, right behind the breastbone.  It is divided into left and right sides by a wall of muscle.  The upper two chambers are holding spaces where the blood comes in, and the lower two chambers act as pumps.  Blood comes to the heart through large veins like fuel lines bringing gasoline to the car engine.  The first brief stop for the blood is in the right upper side.  Then the blood drops down through a valve into the right ventricle.  A carefully timed contraction sends it from the right ventricle through an exit valve into the lungs.  There blood mixes with oxygen, much as gasoline mixes with oxygen in your automobile carburetor or fuel injectors. 

The now-fresh blood returns to the heart, entering the left upper chamber.  Then it passes through another valve into the mighty left ventricle.  The left ventricle has the most difficult job of all – sending fresh blood to every cell in the body, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.  With a giant squeeze it propels the fresh blood through the aortic valve out into the aorta artery where it begins its journey throughout the body.  

Clots in the Corona
A heart attack occurs when a tiny blood clot forms somewhere in the system and reaches the heart.  To illustrate, if you were to introduce a little rubber ball into your house’s plumbing, it would lodge in a small pipe somewhere, stopping the flow of water.  Any fixture downstream of that ball, say a shower or sink, would dry up from lack of water.  Imagine a tiny “ball” finding its way into your arteries, drifting through the larger arteries with no problem.  But the pipes supplying blood to the heart muscle are small.  If the clot attempts to pass through some of these tiny arteries it may get stuck.  As with the shower or sink, any heart muscle “downstream” of the blockage will soon die.  This is a heart attack.

This is where Vitamin E plays a very important role.  Vitamin E stops clots from forming in the veins and arteries of the body. Vitamin E stops clots from forming in the veins and arteries of the body.  It keeps the red blood platelets slippery just as they ought to be, and prevents them from clumping together to form clots.  Without Vitamin E in the bloodstream the platelets tend to lodge and cause trouble.  Vitamin E is so easy to take, it is incredible that most people avoid using it.  Why wait until a clot is formed and the damage is done?  The human body was designed to utilize nutrition from nature.  God designed everything perfectly.  Then man comes along, and invents synthetic medications.  After a surgery, or with certain high risk cases where blood clotting is a concern, you’d be prescribed a medication.  Why doesn’t the medical community prescribe what God provided to protect us from blood clots, simply Vitamin E?  Because there is more profit in a synthetic pharmaceutical which they can patent and not in something from nature.  Then you have the concern of synthetic or poor grade Vitamin E.

Practically all Vitamin E has been removed from our food supply.  It is normally found in grains.  Wheat germ is especially rich in this life preserving vitamin.  But it is removed in the “refining” process.  Taking Vitamin E in supplement form simply puts back into your diet what man has processed out.

If automobile engines commonly blew up because of debris in the gas tank, and a simple preparation were commonly available that you could put into the tank to keep it from happening, wouldn’t every one use it?  Automobile engines can be replaced, but when the heart dies, it is all over.  Every wise person who knows about Vitamin E should use it every day to protect this tough, yet vulnerable engine of life.  This we can avoid early disability or death through sheer neglect.  We should also try to pass this word along to our friends and loved ones.  After all, isn’t their preservation and happiness as important as our own?

Junk in the Juggler
Where does a heart attack begin?  Though it may come suddenly, it had its beginning years before in changes that have taken place gradually in the veins and arteries.  Arteries carry blood away from the heart, far out to the ends of the body.  Capillaries are the hair-like network between the veins and arteries where the cells receive their nourishment from the blood.  Veins are the pipes returning the blood to the heart with a fresh supply of nutrients and oxygen.  As long as the veins and arteries stay clean everything is fine.  But even in childhood we begin collecting debris in the pipeline.
We have been hearing a lot about cholesterol lately.  While cholesterol is essential to life, we have a problem when it starts collecting in the veins and arteries where it should not be.  Cholesterol is a “good guy” and we could not live without it.  Much of the brain is composed of cholesterol.  

Pressure in the Pipes
A buildup of cholesterol in the arteries narrows the channel through which the blood must flow, and sometimes chokes it off completely.  Restricting the flow of blood like this may cause blood pressure to soar.  This in turn endangers any weak place in the veins and arteries.  If a vessel in the brain ruptures, the result is called a “stroke”.  Cholesterol buildup also provides the perfect spot for a little clot to lodge in a narrowed place, plugging the artery and destroying everything that lies beyond.  If the coronary arteries which feed the heart muscle become clogged, you feel it as severe chest pain called “pectoral angina”.  This triggers a quick appointment with the doctor. 

Pain in the pocketbook
Usually what is suggested by the doctor in the event of plugged coronary arteries is bypass surgery.  They cut away the diseased coronary artery and replace it with a substitute vein or artery from some other part of the body.  This has become a relatively safe procedure, but it costs over $50,0000.00 .  Many people have found themselves confronting the news that they must have this surgical operation done immediately, but are not prepared for it financially.  If there is not adequate insurance, they “mortgage their grandchildren,” and enter the hospital, not knowing what the future will hold.  After a painful ordeal they are back on their feet again with patches on their heart and a monstrous bill on their hands that will drain them financially.  

Saved by Salmon Oil and Carotenoids
A better way to deal with this whole problem was discovered by doctors a few years ago while observing the Eskimo population in Iceland.  They consume about 70% of their diet in fats, and should all be ready for bypass surgery according to our standards.  However, they have the healthiest arteries in the world.  It was found that a substance in fish oil called the “omega 3” factor actually cleans out the arteries.  It dissolves accumulated cholesterol, and sweeps it out of the system.  Then blood pressure, elevated by narrow passages, begins to come down to an acceptable range.  Life expectancy improves, and everybody breathes a little easier.  One good thing about it, the expense is nowhere near the expense of bypass surgery (if nothing else your deductible and co-pay and expenses not covered by your insurance, not to mention loss of wages while you’re on sick leave)—not to mention the stress and pain and disability saved by this simple, yet effective method.  Every wise person who knows about Salmon Oil should use it regularly to maintain a clean cardiovascular system.

Carontenoid Complex also important in preserving the integrity of the cardio vascular system.  It is reported that free radical oxygen turns LDL cholesterol into the plaque which accumulates and blocks the arterial passageway.  The carontenoid is not LDL that is dangerous.  It is its attack by free-radical oxygen, turning it into plaque, that is life-threatening.  Carotenoid Complex prevents or minimizes this degenerative disaster, contributing many trouble free years to life. 

“Rhythm and Blues”
Years ago there was a popular song called “Rhythm and Blues.”   This title could easily describe the feelings of those who experience heart rhythm problems.  If your heart is skipping beats – r racing, then slowing way, way down, you too will be “singing the blues.”  The doctor calls this problem arrhythmia or tachycardia” and usually treats it with drugs.  But often the heart does not respond as desired, the drugs are expensive, and there may be undesirable side effects. 

Nutritionally speaking, there are several minerals that are vitally connected with muscle response.  All muscle contraction and relaxation involves the presence of at least four common minerals.  They are calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.  Heart rhythm problems – along with common muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, etc – are often the results of an inadequate supply or imbalance of these minerals in the system.  

NeoLife GNLDs Neo-Cal or Cal-Mag and Multi-Min offer a simple and effective way of overcoming this deficiency and getting the system back in balance again.  So don’t sit around with rhythm “blues”.  Get out the minerals and yu may be able to restore a regular heartbeat nature’s way.
In other instances “heartbeat hiccups” (tachycardia) may be triggered by low blood sugar.  When blood sugar levels dip too low, whatever weakness we have physically begins to flare up.  If our weakness tends toward arrhythmia, then is when it shows up.  If low blood sugar is the problem, the answer is simple.  Lay off from sugary foods that upset the bllod sugar level, and increase protein foods that help maintain the proper levels.  NeoLife GNLD Super Ease and NouriShake protein are marvelous aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels.  Formula IV and Formula IV Plus also help by increasing adrenal action which helps stabilize blood sugar levels.  

Unfortunately, as with my own husband, doctors don’t explain what or why things are happening, such as his tachycardia, nor how to reverse it or prevent it.  Everything is simply about medical treatment with pharmaceutical medications including their undesirable side effects.  Never is a simple solution of nutritionally balancing the body, is a considered solution.  It is our responsibility to educate ourselves, to make informed choices and find the purest forms or nutritional supplements to help our body to be as healthy as we can be.

What NeoLife GNLD products help maintain a better Heart health?
·         Vitamin E Plus to prevent in-vein clotting, protect against free radical oxidation, and promote the integrity of vein and artery walls.
·         PhytoDefense for protection against free radical oxygen attack on LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream.
·         Lipotropic Adjunct for increased lecithin production by the liver, helping to keep blood lipids in suspension – and other factors that protect against excess life-threatening “homocysteine” in the blood.
·         Salmon Oil or Salmon Oil Plus to help prevent cholesterol deposits, and lower blood pressure through Omega-3 factors found in fish oil.
·         Vitamin C or Super C for stronger more flexible veins and artery walls
·         NouriShake or Super Ease Protein to help maintain proper blood surgar levels, and supply building blocks for cell rebuilding.
Begin today to apply a nutritional approach to controlling America’s number one killer, heart disease.  The sooner you begin, the greater your chances for a longer healthier life.

NeoLife GNLD at
Sponsor #32-260985