Your Amazing Digestive System
Your amazing digestive system constantly baffles scientists by performing a series of incredibly complicated chemical feats with speed and ease. Consider these fascinating facts:
Your stomach can produce up to two quarts of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in minutes -- while this takes hours in the laboratory. Your pancreas performs a series of chemical feats which today's scientists simply cannot reproduce -- even with the most advanced equipment.
The miracle of digestion begins the moment you put food into your mouth. You produce between one and two quarts of saliva a day, and enzymes carried in the saliva immediately begin breaking the food down. They're especially effective against starch -- so much so that a piece of bread will sometimes seem to melt in your mouth. Chemists can create fluids to break down starch, but the process takes longer and is less efficient than that which occurs instantly in the mouth.
Mucus secretions in the esophagus speed your chewed and partially digested meal on its way so that it remains there only about ten seconds. The production of this mucus is a trick which even our finest biological engineers and chemists are not capable of doing.
In the stomach the machine-like efficiency of digestion begins to swing into high gear. Some 35 million tiny glands pour out the digestive juices, hydrochloric acid (HCL) and pepsin. Incredibly, the stomach which weighs only about 4 ounces can produce a quart or two of this extremely potent acid every day. Miraculously, the thin mucous lining of the stomach prevents the HCL from digesting its own self. Once the foods are broken down, they are moved on in a guel-like form into the small intestine.
Here the amazing pancreas acts on it. The pancreas makes a quart or two of an enzyme soup which is dumped into the upper small intestine, neutralizing the acid, breaking down proteins into amino acids, converting starches into simple sugars, and fats into fatty acids.
Further on, the liver produces bile which is stored in the gall bladder and is squirted into this mixture at the rate of about one or two quarts per day. It contains components whch finish dissolving fats for absorption further down the tract.
The proteins, fats, and sugars along with vitamins and minerals are then absorbed through the villi receptors of the small intestine, and enter the bloodstream.
Lining the mucous walls of the small intestine like a moss covered cave are friendly bacteria which manufacture certain B vitamins, and assist in digesting our food.
The large intestine is the last stop for the digestive process. It recyes the last of the salt and water, and stores the remaining bulk material until it's ready to be eliminated from the body as waste.
And so our digestive tract is a marvelous system that serves us well for many years, finishing pleasure as well as substenence for a busy life. But when things go wrong it can mean troujble spelled with a capital T.
Fire in the Basement
A witch's caldron of acids and enzymes is secreted by the stomach wall which prepares the foods we eat to become part of our body. When it works right it is a marvel of genius, but when it dow not, "woe is me".
Failure of this miraculous mechanism is seen in heartburn, bloating, and bad breath. A fortune is spent each day by people running to the drugstore for something to put out the fire.
Dr Hugh Tuckey, MD (30 yrs a gastrointestinal specialist) says that most people who suffer from these symptoms do not have too much HCL in the stomach, but too little. That is startling news to the person suffering from heartburn. The stomach feels like the inside of an automobile battery. How could the doctor sya that there is a lack of acid? The truth is, there is a lot of acid, but not HCL. The foods we eat are made up of many acids. Proteins, for example are composed of 22 amino acids. These form the building blocks from which our bodies are maintained. But without HCL they cannot be utilized, and only bring us pain.
Also, the foods that we eat contain certain harmful bacteria which must be destroyed by HCL. Without enough HCL these bacteria ferment the amino acids and sugars in the stomach to produce gas, heartburn, and misery. That's where they get the commercial about "turning off the bubble machine".
Dr Tuckey found that giving HCL and pepsin accompanying each meal the natural cycle of digestion was restored. The fire went out, the gas subsided, and life became a pleasure once again. (Dr Tuckey's address "The Human Need for Hydrochloric Acid", delivered before the National Health Federation)
NeoLife company produces a product containing betaine HCL and pepsin, called "Beta-Gest". Taken wich each meal in whatever quantities are needed, it will help solve the problems that beset us when digestion is not what it should be due to lack of HCL. (note NeoLife link at end of blog).
Trouble in the Tunnel
Digestion, begun in the stomach, must be continued in the small intestine. If things go wrong there, we are in for more trouble. The pancreas must produce enzymes to finish digesting protein, or it cannot be used. The liver must furnish bile to dissolve fats, or they cannot be absorbed. If these things are not in order, there is further gas and bloating, and our foods and minerals go right through. Many food allergies begin here. Poorly digested proteins get through into the blood stream where they are looked upon as enemies by the body's defense system. Everything from eczema to asthma can be the result.
NeoLife has come to the rescue with a product called "Enzyme Digestive Aid", which breaks down proteins and sugars and dissolves fats. It is enterically coated to carry it through the acid environment of the stomach and deliver it safely to the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it is easily dissolved, releasing its potent enzymes to go to work finishing what has started in the stomach.
A man-made problem in the small intestine arises when we kill off the friendly bacteria that line its walls. They help with digestion, manufacture some very important B vitamins, and keep candida yeast from getting out of control. We have heard much about candida lately in nutritional publications. All kinds of bad things happen when candida escapes from the intestinal area, and invades the whole body. The friendly bacteria normally keep it under control, but when we take an antibiotic or drug, it kills off both the good and bad bacteria in the body. (Birth control pills are also said to harm these bacteria). If the friendly bacteria of the intestines are destroyed they must be restored, or candida yeast can take over the system, producing many unpleasant disorders.
Acidophilus is a well known restorer of friendly intestinal bacteria. However, it is so fragile, it is very difficult to get it through the acid environment of the stomach without it being digested. In laboratory tests, 99% of all acidophilus which is eaten or taken in pills is broken down by the stomach acid before it can get to the small intestine where it is needed.
NeoLife solved this problem with a product called Acidophils Plus. Acidophilus is wrapped in an enteric coating (like the Enzymes), which delivers it safely through the acid of the stomach, and causes it to arrive in the small intestine unharmed and ready to go to work. Now, instead of fighting the scattered fires of candida symptoms throughout the body, we can build back the colonies of friendly bacteria which corral candida yeast in the intestines where it belongs.
Garlic Allium Complex is another wonderful NeoLife product that performs an important function in the bowel. While it is important to increase the friendly bacteria which Acidophilus Plus, Garlic Allium gives us a powerful tool that goes to work against harmful yeast and mold. Garlic Allium is also enteric coated for maximum delivery in the bowel. It survives the trip through the stomach acid and is delivered safely where it is needed to do its work. We are also spared garlic breath on the way, since it does not dissolve in the stomach.
Disaster at the Dump
If you have the nicest house on the block, but the sewer plugs up, there is troujble. If everything goes fine in life, but you can't have a bowel movement, you have big problems. Cancer of the bowel has raced ahead to become number two killer in our country today. There is a reason for this. When waste moves too slowly through the bowel it irritates the lining, and the irritation starts the cancer. Food fiber is what keeps the waste moving through the bowel at a reasonable rate, and prevents the irritation from taking place. White flour has all the fiber taken out of it, and is the greatest aggravator of this disease.
Earlier in this blog we mentioned the rush to the pharmacy to buy antacids to put out the fire in the stomach. Neck to neck in this race to the pharmacy are the millions who are after laxatives. Untold millions of dollars are spent trying to unclog the plumbing, when all the time what is really needed is fiber on a regular basis to make it operate normally. NeoLife has once again come to the rescue with two fiber products offering all the families of fiber our bodies need in easy-to-take supplements. They are "Multi-Fiber Blend" and All Natural Fiber Drink Mix.
Multi-Fiber Blend contains fiber from many food sources -- oat, soy, citrus, pea, beet, lemon, fig, apple, banana, almond, prune, orange, acerola, peanut, carrot and Jerusalem artichoke. It provides all five types of dietary fiber necessary to maintain good health -- cellulose, hemicellulose, hum, lignin, and pectin. It mixes easily with foods and favorite drinks, with a pleasant taste and smooth texture. Each serving provides 7 or 8 grams of dietary fiber -- one quarter of our daily needs.
All Natural Fiber Food and Drink Mix is also taken from many natural sources. It contains all 5 types of fiber from fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. In addition, it contains Neo-Polyfibe, a unique formula of specially selected "cholesterol lowering" fibers from oats, soy and acerola cherries. It has a smooth texture and a pleasant taste, and may be used by itself or mixed with other foods or drinks. Each serving provides 7 or 8 grams of fiber.
Last but not least is Neo-Lax the tried and true combination of herbs for fast and gentle bowel relief. When you want action right away, you can't beat this natural herbal remedy.
Well, how do you score in the territory of the lower regions? Are things going well in the basement and the tunnel and the waste disposal site? Consider what you've learned here and look at the link below.
Sponsor #32-260985
Your amazing digestive system constantly baffles scientists by performing a series of incredibly complicated chemical feats with speed and ease. Consider these fascinating facts:
Your stomach can produce up to two quarts of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in minutes -- while this takes hours in the laboratory. Your pancreas performs a series of chemical feats which today's scientists simply cannot reproduce -- even with the most advanced equipment.
The miracle of digestion begins the moment you put food into your mouth. You produce between one and two quarts of saliva a day, and enzymes carried in the saliva immediately begin breaking the food down. They're especially effective against starch -- so much so that a piece of bread will sometimes seem to melt in your mouth. Chemists can create fluids to break down starch, but the process takes longer and is less efficient than that which occurs instantly in the mouth.
Mucus secretions in the esophagus speed your chewed and partially digested meal on its way so that it remains there only about ten seconds. The production of this mucus is a trick which even our finest biological engineers and chemists are not capable of doing.
In the stomach the machine-like efficiency of digestion begins to swing into high gear. Some 35 million tiny glands pour out the digestive juices, hydrochloric acid (HCL) and pepsin. Incredibly, the stomach which weighs only about 4 ounces can produce a quart or two of this extremely potent acid every day. Miraculously, the thin mucous lining of the stomach prevents the HCL from digesting its own self. Once the foods are broken down, they are moved on in a guel-like form into the small intestine.
Here the amazing pancreas acts on it. The pancreas makes a quart or two of an enzyme soup which is dumped into the upper small intestine, neutralizing the acid, breaking down proteins into amino acids, converting starches into simple sugars, and fats into fatty acids.
Further on, the liver produces bile which is stored in the gall bladder and is squirted into this mixture at the rate of about one or two quarts per day. It contains components whch finish dissolving fats for absorption further down the tract.
The proteins, fats, and sugars along with vitamins and minerals are then absorbed through the villi receptors of the small intestine, and enter the bloodstream.
Lining the mucous walls of the small intestine like a moss covered cave are friendly bacteria which manufacture certain B vitamins, and assist in digesting our food.
The large intestine is the last stop for the digestive process. It recyes the last of the salt and water, and stores the remaining bulk material until it's ready to be eliminated from the body as waste.
And so our digestive tract is a marvelous system that serves us well for many years, finishing pleasure as well as substenence for a busy life. But when things go wrong it can mean troujble spelled with a capital T.
Fire in the Basement
A witch's caldron of acids and enzymes is secreted by the stomach wall which prepares the foods we eat to become part of our body. When it works right it is a marvel of genius, but when it dow not, "woe is me".
Failure of this miraculous mechanism is seen in heartburn, bloating, and bad breath. A fortune is spent each day by people running to the drugstore for something to put out the fire.
Dr Hugh Tuckey, MD (30 yrs a gastrointestinal specialist) says that most people who suffer from these symptoms do not have too much HCL in the stomach, but too little. That is startling news to the person suffering from heartburn. The stomach feels like the inside of an automobile battery. How could the doctor sya that there is a lack of acid? The truth is, there is a lot of acid, but not HCL. The foods we eat are made up of many acids. Proteins, for example are composed of 22 amino acids. These form the building blocks from which our bodies are maintained. But without HCL they cannot be utilized, and only bring us pain.
Also, the foods that we eat contain certain harmful bacteria which must be destroyed by HCL. Without enough HCL these bacteria ferment the amino acids and sugars in the stomach to produce gas, heartburn, and misery. That's where they get the commercial about "turning off the bubble machine".
Dr Tuckey found that giving HCL and pepsin accompanying each meal the natural cycle of digestion was restored. The fire went out, the gas subsided, and life became a pleasure once again. (Dr Tuckey's address "The Human Need for Hydrochloric Acid", delivered before the National Health Federation)
NeoLife company produces a product containing betaine HCL and pepsin, called "Beta-Gest". Taken wich each meal in whatever quantities are needed, it will help solve the problems that beset us when digestion is not what it should be due to lack of HCL. (note NeoLife link at end of blog).
Trouble in the Tunnel
Digestion, begun in the stomach, must be continued in the small intestine. If things go wrong there, we are in for more trouble. The pancreas must produce enzymes to finish digesting protein, or it cannot be used. The liver must furnish bile to dissolve fats, or they cannot be absorbed. If these things are not in order, there is further gas and bloating, and our foods and minerals go right through. Many food allergies begin here. Poorly digested proteins get through into the blood stream where they are looked upon as enemies by the body's defense system. Everything from eczema to asthma can be the result.
NeoLife has come to the rescue with a product called "Enzyme Digestive Aid", which breaks down proteins and sugars and dissolves fats. It is enterically coated to carry it through the acid environment of the stomach and deliver it safely to the alkaline environment of the small intestine, where it is easily dissolved, releasing its potent enzymes to go to work finishing what has started in the stomach.
A man-made problem in the small intestine arises when we kill off the friendly bacteria that line its walls. They help with digestion, manufacture some very important B vitamins, and keep candida yeast from getting out of control. We have heard much about candida lately in nutritional publications. All kinds of bad things happen when candida escapes from the intestinal area, and invades the whole body. The friendly bacteria normally keep it under control, but when we take an antibiotic or drug, it kills off both the good and bad bacteria in the body. (Birth control pills are also said to harm these bacteria). If the friendly bacteria of the intestines are destroyed they must be restored, or candida yeast can take over the system, producing many unpleasant disorders.
Acidophilus is a well known restorer of friendly intestinal bacteria. However, it is so fragile, it is very difficult to get it through the acid environment of the stomach without it being digested. In laboratory tests, 99% of all acidophilus which is eaten or taken in pills is broken down by the stomach acid before it can get to the small intestine where it is needed.
NeoLife solved this problem with a product called Acidophils Plus. Acidophilus is wrapped in an enteric coating (like the Enzymes), which delivers it safely through the acid of the stomach, and causes it to arrive in the small intestine unharmed and ready to go to work. Now, instead of fighting the scattered fires of candida symptoms throughout the body, we can build back the colonies of friendly bacteria which corral candida yeast in the intestines where it belongs.
Garlic Allium Complex is another wonderful NeoLife product that performs an important function in the bowel. While it is important to increase the friendly bacteria which Acidophilus Plus, Garlic Allium gives us a powerful tool that goes to work against harmful yeast and mold. Garlic Allium is also enteric coated for maximum delivery in the bowel. It survives the trip through the stomach acid and is delivered safely where it is needed to do its work. We are also spared garlic breath on the way, since it does not dissolve in the stomach.
Disaster at the Dump
If you have the nicest house on the block, but the sewer plugs up, there is troujble. If everything goes fine in life, but you can't have a bowel movement, you have big problems. Cancer of the bowel has raced ahead to become number two killer in our country today. There is a reason for this. When waste moves too slowly through the bowel it irritates the lining, and the irritation starts the cancer. Food fiber is what keeps the waste moving through the bowel at a reasonable rate, and prevents the irritation from taking place. White flour has all the fiber taken out of it, and is the greatest aggravator of this disease.
Earlier in this blog we mentioned the rush to the pharmacy to buy antacids to put out the fire in the stomach. Neck to neck in this race to the pharmacy are the millions who are after laxatives. Untold millions of dollars are spent trying to unclog the plumbing, when all the time what is really needed is fiber on a regular basis to make it operate normally. NeoLife has once again come to the rescue with two fiber products offering all the families of fiber our bodies need in easy-to-take supplements. They are "Multi-Fiber Blend" and All Natural Fiber Drink Mix.
Multi-Fiber Blend contains fiber from many food sources -- oat, soy, citrus, pea, beet, lemon, fig, apple, banana, almond, prune, orange, acerola, peanut, carrot and Jerusalem artichoke. It provides all five types of dietary fiber necessary to maintain good health -- cellulose, hemicellulose, hum, lignin, and pectin. It mixes easily with foods and favorite drinks, with a pleasant taste and smooth texture. Each serving provides 7 or 8 grams of dietary fiber -- one quarter of our daily needs.
All Natural Fiber Food and Drink Mix is also taken from many natural sources. It contains all 5 types of fiber from fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. In addition, it contains Neo-Polyfibe, a unique formula of specially selected "cholesterol lowering" fibers from oats, soy and acerola cherries. It has a smooth texture and a pleasant taste, and may be used by itself or mixed with other foods or drinks. Each serving provides 7 or 8 grams of fiber.
Last but not least is Neo-Lax the tried and true combination of herbs for fast and gentle bowel relief. When you want action right away, you can't beat this natural herbal remedy.
Well, how do you score in the territory of the lower regions? Are things going well in the basement and the tunnel and the waste disposal site? Consider what you've learned here and look at the link below.
Sponsor #32-260985