Friday, July 22, 2016

Links to help you learn more about Nutrition, Skincare, Essential Oils, Toxic Free Recipes

Basic's of Essential Oils 101 

Clinical Grade Essential Oils 

Healthy Personal Care Products Toxic Free

Healthy Home with Essential Oils

Cooking With Essential Oils Recipes

Healthy Weight with Essential Oils and Nutrition

Oils for the Outdoor Man and Woman

Oils for the Oil Field Worker

Support All Cancer Awareness

TreSkinRX medical pharmaceutical grade Aloe vera base in all products, made in USA, Animal free testing.

Individual Supplements as your body indicates it's needs.  Impressive 57 yr old company, USA.
Sponsor #32-260985

Moringa Oleifera the worlds most nutritious complete botanical

Ameo the first and only true through testing more, clinical grade essential oils, supported by scientific research

Einkorn wheat, God's original wheat, no GMO, available in flour, pastas (including rice pasta), tolerated well by those who can not eat normal wheat.  

Monday, July 11, 2016

Cancer in the Family

This is a personal blog, I feel compelled to share about. 

Most every family has been touched by Cancer today, either within your family, yourself, or someone you care about.  We're also in that same boat.

My grandfather died of Lung cancer.
My father in law had Lymphoma.
I am a survivor of Cervical cancer, and had 2 children AFTER the cancer when I was told I couldn't have children any more.  Miracles do happen.
My mom had early stage breast cancer.  My father had throat cancer & early skin cancer on his face.  My mom is 78 and my father 84 today, married 60 yrs.
Our daughter had stage 0 of Melanoma, which has advanced, and we're waiting for the next tests to see what stage it's at now, she's 27 with 2 little girls.
We lost our son, age 23, to Anthrax Vaccine Leukemia.  He was the first to live past one MONTH, and never left the hospital 9 months before he passed.
My sister in law has colon rectal liver cancer now, treating with chemo for 18 months now.

My husband a year ago, had thyroid cancer.  One year later, was diagnosed with 4th stage Kidney cancer.  In our home state (ND), the Doctor told us "if you want a chance, get the hell out of this state" as they don't treat this advanced cancer, and what they'd do is try with chemo which never touches kidney cancer and make him comfortable for maybe 6 months.  That was 6 months ago.  Where we're at, is one of the top American Cancer Institutes, the Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake City Utah.  Here he had his kidney removed surgically, which was 4x the normal size.  He had a tumor on his sacrum bone wrapped around his sciatic nerve (very painful), was radiated 1 strong time and is gone.  He had a tumor behind his heart, radiated 5x and another tumor near there radiated 1 light dose.  This left him with severe burn in his esophagus which is healing nicely now.  He had several tiny tumors in his lungs, 5 larger ones in one lung.  He's been on IL2, Inner Luken, which is NOT chemo, but is Immune Therapy, which has all those tiny tumors gone, 3 of the larger tumors gone, 2 larger tumors shrunk.  Then the next scan, one of those is gone, and the other shrunk to "non-concerned" tiny size.

He goes into the ICU, because they have to closely monitor him during treatments.  It's not easy on the body, but as it's explained to us.  You'll feel stronger and healthier after Inner Luken, whereas those getting Chemo for cancer, feel weaker and sicker.  You don't lose your hair, don't throw up.  However, he did lose 40 lbs (down to 154) between surgery and treatments.

During the treatment, he's in ICU for 5 days.  They call the treatment times cycles 1A & B, 2 A & B, 3 A & B, 4 A & B.  During his first cycle, he got 8 treatments both weeks.  He's out of the hospital for a little recovery time of 9 days, then returns to ICU for another 5 days the B part of each cycle.  During the second cycle he got 6 treatments each week.  Which is usual to get less most often from the cycle A & B is then less, and from each cycle 1-2-3-4 to get less, so he did very well.  During cycle 3 A he got another 6 treatments.

Before each cycle, they do full body scans and tests to determine if the cancer is spreading or growing.  By cycle 3 they expect no cancer left.  Steven they found all clear, except 2 lymphs in front of his heart had grown.  They suspected this due to inflammation from fighting infection or the esophagus burn from radiation, etc.  As it's highly unusual for tumors to shrink or be gone everywhere in the body, but grow in one place.  However, they had to suspect these to be cancerous, and treat them as such.  They were going to insert needle into these 2 lymphs that freezes them and kills them, thus treating it as if it were cancer, but not doing radiation as it's about the same place that was burned before.  I'll explain next what's happened....

He's had heart issues, common to the treatment and clears up after treatments have stopped.  He's on 2 heart medications now.  During treatment they have a severe shaking called "Riggers" which they put a bear hugger warmer on him and medications.  After the riggers stop, usually the temperature goes up and the blood pressure drops.  Again medications bring the body back to normal.  Once after he had left the hospital, the next day I took him to an ER with a heart rate of 185.  During a cycle treatment, his heart went to 225.  During the next cycle treatment, 3x his heart went to 240.  He was without any symptoms, but they take precautions and are prepared for everything, which is why he's in ICU during treatments.  After this last cycle 3A, he had trouble breathing, severe side pain.  I got him into the Acute care, and they drained 1.5 liters of fluid from the sack around his lung, and this had collapsed that lung half way.  This was painful for about a week.  Four days later, we took him to ER again, they found he has a 6" blood clot in the saddle vessel between his lungs.  They took him by ambulance to Huntsman cancer center (about 45 minutes from the hospital I got him to for ER).  He's now in the hospital still, getting lovenox shots, and he started a fever, indicating infection, so is on very strong wide spectrum 2 antibiotics.  One of those, we found he's allergic to as he turned red, itching everywhere, his lips swelled up.  How, we're waiting again on tests if he's developed an infection or pneumonia.  He's on 3 liters of oxygen while resting.  When he walks, his oxygen drops severely, so they put him on 6 liters until he can sit or lay down again.

Through all of this, everyone who "see's" him, says he "looks" so good, doesn't even look sick or having cancer, except anyone who knows him sees the weight loss.

Attitude is EVERYTHING!!!  Our son, was a fighter.  When he was admitted to the hospital, after Army medic's kept saying 2 tylenol back to work... our normal white blood count is 3,000 to 5,000 and his when he collapsed was 364,000!  ALL Leukemia!  He was told he'd only live 2-4 WEEKS!  He fought, had a good attitude, and lived 9 months.  That may not sound like much to you, but it showed his determination not to let this beat him.  At the hospital, the last 5 months he was cancer free, but had chemo neropathy, seizures, infections, finally pneumonia that put him in ICU intibated.   Unfortunately, 2 days before he died, he was cancer free, the day before he was 52% cancer, then next day 100% and died.

My cancer, I was told I couldn't have children again, it was scarred shut from removal of the cervix.  However, I had a daughter, and then another daughter, they said was a miracle and couldn't figure out how it happened.

My husband, takes 2 wks off when he's done with treatment to regain his strength and feel better.  Then he drives 2 HOURS one way to work each day.  He also works around our little 40 acre home, and before this last treatment, he had put in 150 fence posts and fenced around 8 acres for a new pasture.  He's happy, and optimistic, and it's helping him beat his cancer.  Attitude does make a Huge difference!  The last word we've been told by the oncology team here, is they are impressed with how many treatments he's handling (most only get 3 a week), and how healthy he is, even with these set back complications.  He's been in the hospital now 3 days, and today he's much improved without pain, can breath better, eating more, resting better than when we brought him in.

I wanted to touch on a topic of Alternative cancer treatments.  This is what was explained to me... often they are UNdocumented cases, self diagnosed, the person "thinks" they have cancer, take a "cure-all" treatment and are cured.  Their studies are not published because they were not controlled or research institution studies but self proclaimed.  Several Doctors have lost their license to practice, have even legal charges against them, so they've turned to alternative practice.  Would you want a Doctor who's graduated top of his class, or bottom?  I bought the DVDs and book for "Truth About Cancer" and much of it is good information about prevention, detection signs, and "some" treatments.  Do the research on the Doctors, the products, and any published resting in medical journals.  They do mention Inner Luken, and I do believe in supplements.  However, any time a claim is made that a simple product or treatment "cures" ALL or several types of cancer, or even stage 4 cancer, RUN!!!  Cancer's are so individually complex, or they'd all have the same treatments.  Stage 4 is too often a death sentence, and so involved it's not as simple as taking a product and being cured.  Don't be fooled... if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.  I have a friend, a 3rd cancer, after chemo the first two... which unfortunately, often chemo brings out another cancer (often Leukemia), or explodes the original cancer... well she decide that 3rd time to trust essential oils (3rd party testing now shows that several of the oils are adulterated, not pure), and light and sound therapy, she died 6 months.

Chemo is NOT the only treatment.  Often smaller less populated stated, this is the only treatment offered.  Unfortunately, there are Doctors and hospitals out there, that with their kick back on chemo treatments, choose their money over your life, rather than suggest you go to a better place for a true cure.   Look to the Cancer Centers of America, places like John Hopkins, MD Anderson, and Huntsman cancer centers are top in the country (USA).  Even Mayo doesn't treat Inner Luken that my husband is on now.  Research the options available now for your particular cancer and the stage of cancer.  Research for a hospital offering those treatment options.  Research the Doctors, are they Board Certified Oncologist specializing in that particular cancer or cancer in general?  A contractor who puts up a barn, is not qualified to build a sky scrapper.  You check for a certified mechanic on your vehicle, a licensed contractor replacing your home roof... why do we blindly accept anything a Doctor says without question, without research (because we're lazy), and without knowledge to understand and make Informed choices?  I've been told, that most stage 1 cancers, could probably be treated by most oncologists even in smaller hospitals.  However, this is your life, you only get one chance, so a stage 2-3-4 cancer, wouldn't you rather look for the best options you can?  Now your thinking, yah, but most can't afford those big fancy hospitals.  Insurance, payment plans, where we're at, we see all ages, all nationalities, people coming from many states here... and all are treated equally.  We've met so many, just talking while waiting for a scan or treatment, to people who are stage 3 & 4 and are now cancer free... been cancer free for 5-10 yrs even.  Yes there IS options and many new treatments for cancer that are legitimate and are actually saving lives.  Big Pharma is making big money and my "personal thought" is they've taken chemo as far as they can, and are now needing to show success in curing cancer and bringing out new treatment options such as these many kinds of Immune Therapies.

UPDATE:  We just returned from his 3rd cycle of immune therapy treatments.  The first week 3A he received 6 treatments (avg is 3, so this was very good).  However, his second cycle 3B was postponed as was the surgery to freeze the 2 remaining (possible) lymph tumors in front of his heart.  He had his heart rate climb to 240 three times (dangerous).  Then he couldn't breath so I took him into Acute care where they drained 1.5 Liters out of the sack around the right lung (not in the lung).  Think of a 2 liter pop bottle, that was a lot of fluid.  Then a few days later, back to ER, they found he has a 6" blood clot between his lungs in what they call the saddle.  They took him by ambulance to Huntsman cancer center, where he's been treated for 5 days.  He's breathing easier, the blood clot will dissolve itself in about a month (been 2 wks now).  He's swallowing better so his esophagus which was burned from radiation is healing too.   We'll be returning for cycle 4 A & B in September, then catch that missing cycle before the end of the year.  Cancer is NOT easy, it's complicated, there are side effects to "real" treatments.  Don't be fooled by so called "cure-all's" that claim to cure all cancers and stage 4 cancers, when it's too good to be true, it always is. 

If you're on Facebook, there is a group with information from Truth About Cancer, as well as other information shared at

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Most Effective Skincare Product

Dr. Abdullah is a board-certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon and a recognized expert on the restorative and medicinal effects of aloe vera which he has used in his medical practice for over 25 years. He is a member of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC) based in Dallas, Texas, and has served on its board of directors.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon and noted aloe researcher, Dr. Abdullah is a pioneer of the practice of using pharmaceutical-grade aloe in plastic surgery for the treatment of skin damage. Given the amazing results in his practice from using aloe vera, Dr. Abdullah specifically searched for an aloe-based skincare line he could offer to his patients. In 1996, after his search came up fruitless, he applied his background in chemistry and biology to formulate the TreSkinRX pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera based products. He offered these products to his patients until 2009 when TreSkinRX was launched to introduce these products to the world!

How it all started

Published Articles
The Power of Pure Aloe
Successfully addressing Acne by Treating its Root Causes
Setting the Record Straight About Sun Protection
Educating Clients About Exfoliation
Maximum Benefits from Anti-Aging Skin Care 
Best Practices in the Treatment of Hyperpigmentation 

Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin  

With so many products on the market today, it can be confusing and difficult to determine the
skincare line that is best for your skin. As a physician-based brand, TreSkinRX combines advanced science (biology and physiology) with nature (properties of aloe vera) to provide the results you've been looking for in four simple steps. 
These factors combine to make TreSkinRX the most effective skin care line you will ever use:

Physician Formulated 
Our products were developed by board certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon based on his extensive aloe vera research. Applying his background in chemistry, coupled with an in-depth understanding of skin physiology, these products were originally formulated exclusively for his patients' use with a focus on two important principles.

The first was the use of 100% organic pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera as a base (main ingredient) for all the products in the line instead of water. Since many skin concerns are inflammation based, the base of aloe vera would go a long way in healing the skin before all the other great ingredients were added. The second important principle was daily exfoliation which is a step that is missing from many daily skincare routines, but is the most important step to minimize the signs of aging and maintain healthy skin.

 Aloe Vera Based

Nearly all skin care brands formulate their products with a base of water. After all, not only is water abundant, it's also inexpensive, making it an excellent base - from a manufacturer's point of view. But what about the product end user's perspective?

For years, consumers have been led to believe that water-based
products benefit the skin and help to hydrate it. But the simple, undisputed fact is this: skin cannot absorb water. If it did, we wouldn't be able to swim. A skin care product's base ingredient is tasked with delivering all the other included ingredients into the skin so the product may provide its intended benefit. But given that the skin cannot absorb water, these ingredients are not allowed to penetrate either. Therefore, given the limitations of water as a base ingredient, the promises the product makes cannot be delivered.

On the other hand, aloe is readily absorbed into the skin and has the proven ability to heal damaged skin. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory and inflammation is at the heart of a wide array of skin conditions. For this reason, aloe is an excellent base for skin care products. 

 Patented Daily Exfoliation

Despite its importance in maintaining skin health, exfoliation is either missing from most skin care regimes or is done improperly. Without exfoliation, your keratin levels (dead skin cells) will build
and thicken, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines and a generally dull complexion. Proper exfoliation helps you avoid these issues and maintain healthy, vibrant skin.

The flagship product in the TreSkinRX product collection is a patented daily exfoliant, EX3. EX3 works to remove dead skin cells, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration and new cell growth. The active ingredients within our formulations are delivered deep into the skin through a 100% organic base of pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera making it one of the strongest over-the-counter exfoliants available. EX3 is similar in strength to a doctor's office peel yet safe enough for daily at-home use.

EX3 is Exfoliation to the Power of "3"

  • Aloe Vera - 100% organic pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera calms inflammation
  • Glycolic Acid - exfoliates the skin and stimulates new collagen growth with
    effective pH 2.1-2.3
  • Vitamin C - highly valued anti-oxidant which protects the skin and neutralizes free radicals. Our formulations use Vitamin C in the form of L-Ascorbic Acid which is the most expensive and effective form.
Broad Spectrum Acne Program
TreSkinRX's acne treatment program is called our Clear Skin Program and is unique in its ability to control and eliminate acne across a broad spectrum of causes. Acne has four main causes: excess oil production, plugged hair follicles, prevalence of bacteria, and inflammation. Despite this, most acne products are formulated to treat just a single cause of the condition and are, thus, incapable of eliminating all acne. Products in the Clear Skin Program are formulated to work in concert to target all four causes, making this the most potent and focused acne program available. In addition, while most skin care products utilize a base of water, TreSkinRX uses a base of 100% organic pharmaceutical-grade bioactive aloe vera which controls inflammation, and penetrates deep into the tissue to heal skin and reduce long-term damage.

Combining Science with Nature for Powerful Results

Discover the ingredients that target the four causes of acne, making this the
most effective acne program available.

Simple Process
Advanced skincare does not need to be complicated. Developed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who understands the science of skin, TreSkinRX offers four simple steps to healthy, vibrant and beautiful skin. The four steps include cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize and protect.
  • Cleanse: Gently unclog pores and remove impurities
  • Exfoliate: Promotes shedding of dead skin cells &growth of new healthy collagen
  • Moisturize: Prevent moisture from evaporating from the skin
  • Protect: Protect skin from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays
Our Mission
TreSkinRX is a skincare company dedicated to promoting skin wellness.
We do this through educating our consumers on the truth behind what makes skincare effective and therapeutic, as well as promoting and supporting good nutritional habits. Our focus is on improving the health of your skin - inside and out - with the goal of beautiful, healthy skin that gives you the confidence to face the world looking your best!

Our line of skincare products are supported by scientific research and formulated with a base of certified organic, pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera. Developed by a board-certified plastic surgeon and noted aloe researcher, the TreSkinRX line works to achieve healthier, younger-looking skin, regardless of type, tone or age.

 Dr Abdullah's Credentials, Education, Awards


  • Board Certified in Plastic Surgery & General Surgery.
  • Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon.
  • Owner, Plastic Surgery Institute PC, Fargo ND.
  • Co-Owner and Medical Director, PSI Ambulatory Surgery Center , Fargo , ND.
  • Co-Owner, Heartland Diagnostic Services, Fargo ND.
  • Clinical Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Grand Forks ND. 1994-Present
  • Member, Board of Directors, International Aloe Science Council, Dallas TX. 2003-Present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Heartland Independent Provider Network. 1998-Present
  • Consultant, Plastic Surgery, Veterans Administration Hospital, Fargo ND. 1995-Present
  • Staff Plastic Surgeon, Dakota Clinic Limited, Fargo ND. 1993-1995


  • Chief Resident, Plastic Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1992-1993
  • Residency, Plastic Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1990-1992
  • Chief Resident, General Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1989-1990
  • Residency, General Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1986-1989
  • Internship, General Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1985-1986
  • Laboratory Instructor in Anatomy, Northwestern University Medical School. 1982-1984
  • Northwestern University, Chicago , IL, M.D., 1981-1985

    Professional Memberships

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery
  • Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation
  • American Medical Association
  • International Aloe Science Council
  • American Burn Association
  • Blocker, Lewis Plastic Surgery Society
  • Singleton Surgical Society
  • Lipoplasty Society


  • Yun-Ho Lee Award of Scientific Merit 2002, International Aloe Science Council
  • Corporate Achievers Award, 1999, National Multiple Sclerosis Society
  • Honors in Anatomy, Psychiatry & Anesthesia, 1985
  • Khalilullah Trophy in Biology, 1976
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award, Silver Medal-1976
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award, Bronze Medal-1975
  • Kensett Medal-English Literature, 1975
  • Cree Medal-Science, 1975

    "My objective was to develop skincare with integrity using ingredients that makes sense, are high-grade natural substances, and have rejuvenating effects on the skin."

    - Dr. Ahmed Abdullah, M.D., F.A.C.S.

    NOW>>>  Who's behind the development of your current skincare line?  Are you really satisfied, has it delivered all it claimed?  How many skincare lines -- products have you tried in the past?  Are you willing to try TreSkinRX?  It's ONLY $15 for a 2 WEEK trial pkg (4 products), not a single application sample, and as you order, you've become a registered customer and will receive discounts on all full size products each time you order, without any code or coupon or specials, PLUS we run monthly specials also.  Now, what do you have to lose? The hyper link below this...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Why do people sign up for a company, or become a product customer?

Are you confused?  Don’t be, I’d like to take a moment to explain please.

Why do people sign up for a company, or become a product customer?  Because they are introduced by someone they feel they should trust is usually the case.  

Over the years, at least 35-40 yrs, of my life, I’ve signed onto companies that went out of business.  I’ve purchased products that were tossed because they didn’t deliver what they claimed.  I have changed brands or stores because I found something better than before.  Loyalty isn’t from me to a brand or company, it’s the company to the customer that should show loyalty.  If you want my business, then provide the best available and don’t lie about what you actually have.

So, why do I support more than one company product lines?  Because I have found, through proof in their tests that they are the purest.  I’ve read through research that supports their claims.  I’ve given the product an honest try, and decided with an education on the product, to make my choice.

So, TreSkinRX is a skincare line I’ve found that you’ll see many posts about on this Blog.  The Doctor who developed the line is Board Certified with many impressive awards.  I liked how it was explained why products before didn’t work, couldn’t work… and what it takes that does work.  I like the product which has proven for me to be very effective.  I have signed with the company to get a nice discount.  They don’t sell anything except their skincare line.  Their products “base”  is a medical pharmaceutical grade pure organic aloe vera.  Made in USA, safe, effective, I absolutely LOVE this product line.
NeoLife (also known by GNLD), are nutritional supplements that I’ve taken for 30 yrs .  I really am impressed by the “other” resources supported research to their nutritional supplements.  The purity and quality of their raw sources.  That it’s not a blanket product, but individualized to what my body needs which changes frequently with age, illness, seasons.  This company also has a skincare line, which I personally don’t care for, it just didn’t deliver what my TreSkinRX brand does.  I do like their cleaners too.  Around for 57 yrs, they use the best whole human food source in their raw materials, GMO free, organic when applicable.
Sponsor #32-260985

Zija- Ameo which is rather new.  I was with another very popular essential oil company, and looked at other brands as well.  But they didn’t have the science, they had misleading bad information (FDA compliance issues because of this).  Ameo has shown, proven through more testing than average companies, that it’s a true clinical grade.   Very educating on the science behind it all, while continuing to move forward with science research advances.  Zija also has moringa oleifera which isn’t the same as other brands in their processing.  With over 500 Pubmed studies supporting their claims as well.  I liked the integrity of the company, being endorsed by world leaders.  This is not the same type of nutritional supplement as NeoLife, so yes we still take both companies, daily.  They also have a skincare line, which uses moringa oil, but I simply wasn’t as impressed as my TreSkinRX in results.

Am I looking to change, no!  Am I 100% satisfied, yes!  Do I push, or do I educate… education is key for me, prove to me, educate me, have reliable resources, and you have me as a customer.  This is how I feel as well.

So, what am I looking for next?  Not as a business, but I’d “consider” hair care that is all natural, including hair coloring or treatment products.  I don’t wear make up but do like mascara and a lip gloss, and would like something natural that also stays

I also endorse products that you don’t have to sign up or join a company, just buy as a customer.  Jovial for pasta and flour that is Einkorn (God’s original, non-modified wheat) and rice foods.  I love this line.

So, if this has confused you, seeing various companies being promoted or information shared… I hope this Blog explained why behind my Blogs.  I hope you join me, to be educated, so you can make informed choices for your wellness.