Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Integrity in the Essential Oils Industry

This blog post isn’t short.  It needed to have the information shared here to explain about the differences in essential oils, in companies & brands, in the integrity behind this market.
I want to share this, but I NEED to quote it word for word from a book I bought on Amazon.

“Natural Home Health Care using Essential Oils” by Dr Daniel Penoel, MD and Rose-Marie Penoel (wife).


“A lay person, or one new to the science and art of aromatherapy might not be directly concerned about-or even aware of- the fierce competition that exists between individuals, firms, teaching institutes and training schools involved in the industry.  The fact that it does exist has always been appalling to me.  It seems like such crude behavior for people involved with some of nature’s most refined and complex substances.  It is a disease, and no  essential oil has the power to “cure” it.  The cure must come from deep inside the heart.

I would like to share some personal observations and feelings on this subject, but what I am about to say applies in all areas of life, be they personal or professional.  After all, we cannot really expect our professional conduct to be materially different than our personal conduct.  

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The best way I can describe my feelings about struggles for power and control (financially, politically or intellectually) is by comparing them with the surface of the sea, agitated by wind and waves.  When we dive deeply below the surface, we find a world of ultimate quietness, tranquility and peace.  The interconnectedness beneath the surface of human relations is an incontrovertible reality, whether we accept it or not. 

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There are three basic ways we abuse someone else’s work.
1.       A person simply uses information provided by someone else and is naïve and insensitive to the importance of giving proper credit to the original source.  It is an error of omission, but there is no malevolent intent.  

2.       A person obtains insight or information from another and, seeking to claim it as his own, refuses to acknowledge the real source of information.  It is a deliberate act.  It is a serious offense, demonstrating a complete lack of respect and civility.  It is a form of stealing and those who engage in it suffer all their lives from subconscious guilt that, like a thorn in a shoe, hurts at every step of life.
3.       Person A obtains insight or information from Person B, but in this case, although A would like to claim it as his own, it is well-known that this knowledge originated with B.  The only curse left to A is a destructive one-trying to discredit or slander the work/information/skills that B developed, so B may no longer derive benefit therefrom.  This is an even more serious offense.  And guess what?  The Book of Books – both the Old and New Testaments – fully describes and analyzes these same behaviors.

This attitude of “killing the father” (the word “father” here being interpreted in a broad sense, i.e. author, teacher, healer, etc) is described in French expression as “le pain de la honte” (the bread of shame).  A person or group receives “bread”, meaning anything good, and they feel within, consciously or subconsciously, that they are not worthy of this very special good gift, they find it easier to turn against the author or provider of the gift and try to destroy him in one way or another.  I have seen many situations like this in the world of medicine in general, and –even more unfortunately, in the world of natural medicine.

Dear reader, let me make one very important observation: all those I  have known who have engaged in this type of criminal conduct, have ended their careers – sometimes even their lives – in a miserable condition.  This is the well-known “boomerang effect.”  Part of my purpose is to establish more respect, greater harmony and fair, real, recognized civility.

Envy, jealousy, anger and pride are behind contention.  They form a disease that can be cured.  (Those who become addicted to it and cultivate it, will reap the harvest they deserve.)”  end quote.   (I invite you at this point, to purchase this book and read it.)

We are all well aware of the “Big” essential oil companies & brands.  We have an appreciation for the effort that Gary Young made in marketing essential oils.  Bringing an awareness to the world about their benefits.  I believe at one point, pride, greed, anger has corrupted even the original good intent.  And we’re aware of doTerra brand, which the members who started this company, worked in Young Living at the time they were planning their own essential oils brand & business.  Again, jealousy, envy, greed, and my personal opinion, lack of integrity to “copy” and take from one man’s work to create something for yourself.

We’re aware of many brands on the market today.  Often those who “slam” MLM businesses.  It’s not at all about MLM, which is a legal and very fast growing business model in many fields.  It’s about the same jealousy, envy, greed that they would attack something in claiming their lower prices are because they are not an MLM system.  Consider the local store owner, who can only purchase a few of each item in stock… and the large national or international chain that can purchase warehouse’s full of stock.  Volume purchase keeps the prices lower.  The same product, two different prices, simply because of volume in purchase… not because of how it’s marketed.  Are you aware, there are many farms around the world, who raise crops specific for essential oils, and have for many decades.  They don’t individually sell to each company.  Just as Dole will buy crops of banana’s or other fruits, and package it with their name on it.  They buy through Brokers.  These Brokers will have several companies as their clients.  They buy the harvest, and usually have distilleries they also go through, and then they sell their essential oils to several companies. This means that all those companies actually have the exact same essential oil.  No difference, nothing better.  Now, one thing each individual brand – company “might” do, is to increase their own profits, they may combine a lesser grade, or even another species of essential oils to get more.  They may even add synthetic or chemicals or blenders to their base oils, to create more to sell, rather than purchasing more of an expensive essential oil.

So, Broker A, bought crops from Farms 1-2-3-4-5, and sold that distilled essential oils to companies 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5e.  Now, 1a is selling exactly what they got from the broker.  2b has combined a similar variety to create more of the essential oil without purchasing more of the higher priced original oil.  3c has an additive in their essential oil to help it “go further” for less expense and higher profit.  Etc.  Now, company 1a is an MLM company.  Company 2b is an MLM company.  Company 3c, 4d, 5e are small independent direct sales companies.  But 3-4-5 can’t afford to buy the large bulk that companies 1 & 2 have purchased.   NOW, they all claim to be “therapeutic” essential oils.  However, there is NO science, no evidence-based standard of therapeutic grade which is simply a marketing term that sounds impressive to the unknowing consumer.  They all claim to be GCMS tested.  However, that test is only as good as the information it’s compared against.  They are all comparing to previous crops, to their own “in-house—in-company” set standards.  Most people, including labs, are not educated in the actual GCMS testing.  However, there is a very high standard actually set by Research Institutions who are doing the clinical studies with essential oils.  Yes, there are thousands of studies out there, available on pubmed, so yes there is proof to the effects of “true clinical grade” essential oils.   Pure is a figurative claim as well.  Poison Ivy can be pure, even “organic” but sure doesn’t mean it’s safe by any means.  Certified Organic is an expensive process.  However again, this is only a USDA process in the United States.  In other countries as most essential oils are not grown in the USA, some have very poor standards they would “claim” to equal certified organic.  While other countries have much stricter standards that are far above what is required of USDA certified organic.  Remembering that this is a USA certification, and we do not grow Frankincense (for just one example) in the USA… a company claiming certified organic frankincense, is obviously misleading the consumer.

Now, if we’ve followed this crude explanation of Brokers, standards, and pricing.  MLM is not an evil marketing model.  It’s highly successful, legal, and recommended by many who have created their wealth with or without MLM, would still endorse MLM. 

You’ve heard “you get what you pay for” in life.  If you pay for a VW, you’re not going to drive off with a BMW.  Essential oils are the same.  Due to the extreme expense of the purest highest quality of essential oils, companies able to offer them at a much lower price… without the purchasing power of bulk that the larger “MLM” companies are able to do… they have to compensate in creative, legal, undetectable by most consumers, way of lowering price, increasing volume of that oil, and increasing their profit.  They are not buying it for high prices, and taking a loss selling it rock bottom pricing, just to prove their better than an MLM.  And with essential oils crops varying so much.  If it’s grown locally, if it’s gone through the expensive process to obtain Certified Organic status, if it’s grown abroad & needs transported.  All these factors into the pricing.  So any company selling ALL their essential oils for the same “low” price, is obviously not pure.  If I put 49% (or even 25%) of an ingredient into a bottle, and then add 10% of this, and 20% of that, etc.  Yet, marketing it as pure, because the “majority” ingredient in the product is still the pure item listed on the package.  Because the essential oil industry is not regulated, no one is there to hold accountable what claims are being made in marketing.

I recently purchased a “Coach” handbag.  It was marketed as an “original coach” on clearance of old year styles making room for new styles coming out.  So I purchased it at a price about 1/3 the cost of an ‘in style’ coach bag.  When I received it, I was excited.  I liked my handbag.  UNTIL, I started looking at it closer.  I started noticing things.   I went online, and found out the difference between a true Coach bag and a knock off, faux bag.  I was taken, I had the knock off bag.  I got what I paid for.  I believed the marketing, and wanted to save money.  It was my fault for not looking deeper.  The same with supplements or essential oils.  Don’t simply believe the marketing claims at face value.  Learn more about the actual quality, any testing done on EVERY batch.  The origin of the product (vitamin, supplement, essential oil).  Know of the integrity of the company.  Know of the science support within that company.  Know if it’s scientific advisory board has the credentials to make the judgement of purity.  Even the blending of ingredients such as essential oils blends.  The perfume industry has been blending for centuries.  Yes, you can know that this essential oil will usually produce an effect for this purpose.  And that essential oil should produce an effect for this purpose as well.  And blending these essential oils, should bring about a general effect you wish to claim.  However, do you know the exact amount in balance of that blend?  Do you need 10 drops of oil A and 50 of oil B and 3 of oil C to get that effect in a blend?  OR do you simply mix equal amounts and “assume” it will produce those benefits.  That is where Research institutions come in, where their clinical studies have produced the results in evidence-based information.  And this information is NOT known to the general public, or even to all essential oil companies.  Until recently, it wasn’t known outside the Research community.  I happened to speak with a man who worked for one of the big companies, as a formulator for their Blends.  He told me, it was mixing this oil and that oil, and smelling and if it didn’t smell right, add… or start over… when it smelled ok, then they put a label on it (emotional for example).  No science, no rhyme or reason, just mixing until the blend was agreeable.  He admitted it made no sense, and that when blending, they may have changed the properties that would result.  That perhaps some of the oils would have suggested a particular end result, but by adding others to create a more pleasing result, they could have changed the whole end to not being effective of the original purpose now.

Now, I want to introduce a new concept in essential oils.  A man was approached to add essential oils to his company.  He refused, said there are far too many on the market, and he wouldn’t be a “copy cat” or “follow” company.  If they could prove to him, that what they had to offer – suggested something completely new, unique, individual of all others on the market.  Dr Joshua Plant, a scientist who has very impressive credentials among having graduated from Harvard Medical School, a 7 yr program in 3-1/2 yrs and first in his class.  He approached the Research communities around the world.  With his published studies, credentials, and integrity he won the trust and cooperation of these research institutions.  He put together a super computer of billions of bytes of information from this research.  He now knew the GCMS standards that Research Institutions required of essential oils to meet for clinical studies.  With this information, he set out to find supplies of essential oils that would meet or surpass these GCMS standards, that with this would qualify as a true clinical grade essential oil.  When he found this, and could prove it, he approached the company again.  Yes, a true clinical grade was new to the essential oils market.  Dr Plant continued to do more testing than what the industry standards tested at that time.  Providing even more proof of the clinical grade of the oils.  If a batch of oils did not pass even 1 of their extra tests.  That batch was rejected, and through brokers was sold now to other oils companies.  With a patented equipment, he could also test each batch with human cells, to prove and show they were “live” cell active, cell permeable essential oils.  As Dr Penoel has stated, most essential oils on the market today are “dead” oils.  No other essential oils company can do all these tests at this time.  No other company does most of these tests.  No other company has the standards for GCMS set by Research clinical studies.  This is why Ameo brand, under the parent company of Zija International, is able to make a true claim of clinical grade essential oils.

So as a consumer, what does this mean for you and I?  Yes, you can purchases from a non-MLM company, thinking your saving money.  Remember you get what you pay for.  Smaller companies can’t afford to purchase in volume large enough to keeping prices down for them.  So, what is actually in their essential oils (or lacking in them)?  Remember you get the integrity along with the product.  Ameo re-invests back into science and research.  They set out to prove quality & purity above and beyond anything on the market at that time.  They didn’t copy, didn’t repeat, didn’t follow anyone.  They set a New Industry Standard, as the first and only, true clinical grade essential oils.  You will be getting what you pay for.  So why MLM?  Why do you have to purchase in this way, doesn’t that mean you pay more so everyone can obtain their profit?  No… that’s not at all what it means.  It means you have the buying power, the research power, the credentials behind the product development.  It means you have a business model you can choose to benefit from or simply gain the discount through.  If some MLM and other companies were so “good”.  Then why did other companies develop branched off them?  Why have so many from several of these big companies, left, and come to Ameo – Zija International?  Because of Integrity.  Because the people behind the scenes are genuine and “family” atmosphere, more interested in educating proper & safe use, than simply marketing for profits.  Because the science supported the new claims of clinical grade.  Because they wanted to be a part of this Integrity & Science.  Because what they used for their families health and wellness, they wanted to know beyond a shadow of doubt, that the quality and purity were exactly what was being claimed. 

So, it’s quite simple.  You can purchase essential oils from a smaller company.  You know they don’t have the facility and labs or even equipment that Ameo has to test quality & purity.  You know they don’t have the buying power.  And yet, you also know now, that they are probably purchasing their oils through these brokers that are also selling that exact quality of oil to several companies… thus they have no true claim, as they are all selling the same oils.  What you don’t know is what has been added, or omitted, in their oils.  The knowledge behind getting the exact quality.. well, I’ll be making another post explaining the genomes of a plant and how it affects the end result in essential oils, even when they species is the same.   So, the politics of this is if you are absolutely against any MLM, that is your choice.  The science of this is if you’re comfortable using oils based on marketing claims, in-house standard GCMS, and lack of scientific training in making their blends.  If you’ve tried a blend, or individual essential oil, and did not obtain the results you expected (or the company suggested would happen).  Why?  Quality, purity, science in blends & testing, integrity.  Placebo effect, suggestive effect that you “think” you should receive this benefit, you just may.  How would you feel if your Dr suggested a medication, and the pharmacist gave you a placebo… would you be ok with simply “thinking” it must be working, it says it should.  OR would you be curious why you were not receiving those suggested results?  Why do you look for a certified mechanic to work on your vehicle?  Why do you look for a licensed contractor to replace your roof on the house?  Why do you look for labels on foods “Organic, GMO free, etc”?  Because you want the best.  If you’re spending your money, you want to know that roof will last.  That your vehicle will run and be safe.  That the food your feeding your family is good.  So, why do you not care enough to look into the supplements your buying, or the essential oils your buying for your families wellness?  Why do you accept a “strangers” word, or a companies marketing, without any proof even offered.  I hope I’ve got you as the reader of this post, thinking about a few things.  Perhaps reconsidering your choices in the past, and looking with an open mind, and a little more information, to make more informed choices in the future.