Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Essential Oil Quality Part 2

#1 The sourcing standard: soil, botany, organic certification, climate, harvest,  distillation practices, and handling procedures.

Botany precision is extremely important because in some cases even different chemotypes within a

species of plants can yield dramatically different clinical results.  Chemotypes are like sub-species where a particular constituent or group of constituents dominates.  Even when 2 oils are called the same name, the chemistry of an oil can be different because of inaccurate botanical precision.  You need a company who understands and respects these critical factors.

Climate can change dramatically from place to place and season to season, yielding remarkably different oils from the exact same species and chemotype.  The same is true of soil.  A bergamot orange tree grown in Italian soil will yield a different oil -- even from start from the exact same tree -- than one grown in West Africa under similar climate conditions but different soil.  

Organic certification is a popular but surprisingly complicated standard that many people like to use to simplify their purchases.  It is not as simple as it seems.  Over the last decade organic certification has become a platform for a lot of unnecessary greed and corruption.  We can all see when we shop that there is sometimes spoiled or damaged "organic" fruit being sold for twice the price of higher quality, ripe and nutritious fruit.

There are many sources from around the world where organic certification is used merely as a way to fleece the buyer.  In many cases the certification is unreliable.  Even the most precise chemical analysis cannot identify the slightest difference between organic and non-organic.  Many crops, especially wildcrafted ones, cannot post organic certification.

This area is extremely important to have skilled chemists and buyers who understand where organic certification is vital and where it is merely a way to make everyone pay more.  A reliable company will have purchasing staff that understands these challenges and works diligently to understand the market and not gouge the consumer with unnecessary costs due to corrupt certification and pricing practices.

The precision required for growing, harvesting, handling and distilling the crops.  Dr Penoel has personally visited farms and distillers all over the world, because it has been extremely important to his medical practice to know the care that farmers and distillers take to create a clinical quality oil.  For many years he felt he could only trust small boutique farmers and distillers that he personally knew in Southern France.  They exacted a high price from him for the highest quality oils, but he has said again and again, "I would rather have a single drop of high quality oil than a whole drum of junk product."   The industry has become so large now that we must purchase oils from larger farms all over the planet, and we must be able to certify that they practice the same farming, harvesting, and distilling procedures as those small farmers Dr Penoel came to know personally in the early days of the industry.  Once again, buyers must be trained and know what they are looking for.

#2 The Chemistry Standard -- (GCMS) Gas Chromatogrph/ Mass Spectrometer

One universal standard that suppliers and retailers agree to use is a chemical analysis of oils using the mass spectrometer and the gas chromatograph (GCMS).  Every batch of oil comes with data from these two analyses.  But every batch isn't always analyzed.  Because these tests are often done by independent labs, they are expensive, and suppliers and wholesale brokers may chose not to pay for a new test with each batch of oils.  A well-established essential oils company will commission an independent lab to conduct these analyses with each batch to establish a consistent level of quality.

There are ways to verify a quality oil from these 2 tests, but they are not foolproof.  There are many ways to adulterate an expensive oil with cheaper oils or oils that have not been extracted properly, and still pass this test.  So we need other checks on quality.

In addition to GCMS testing, there are tests that identify other impurities in an essential oil, ensuring, that there are no heavy metals, no pesticide residues, no foreign substances that don't belong in the oil.

It goes without saying that a reliable company supplying essential oils for clinical use will not only have these tests done independently on each batch of oils, but they may also do these tests themselves, just to make sure that all tests (1) the supplier (2) the independent lab and (3) the company match with each other.

Also, a company providing a true clinical grade essential oil, will match the highest standards set by clinical studies and research institutions around the world.  They would not set this standard themselves (in-house), and would have access to these higher standards.

#3 Full Disclosure Standard 

Health care professionals need to be able to rely on a consistent high quality of essential oils for their clinical use.  The essential oils industry has been troubled by loose quality standards as essential oils are being picked up to sell by so many companies today. 

Companies have been known to claim internal certification of purity, yet deliver adulterated oils.  A company focused on quality will create reliable systems of full disclosure where professionals who can read the GCMS charts can recognize the key constituents on each batch of essential oils and certify their purity to their patients.  

Not only will the company disclose the GCMS charts and purity certification for each batch of oils, they will also identify the region of the world, the oil came from and any sensitive growing or distilling practices that produce the oil.  This can be important because, just as professional wine testers can identify better years in the wines they sample, so professionals in the essential oil industry all recognize the essential oils are natural plant

substances.  Climate, harvesting, and distilling conditions can change from year to year, and a high quality oil from a supplier one year may not be as high the next.  Buyers in a company with expert quality control will be trained and skilled at identifying the very best oils from around the world in every season.  They will reject a batch of oil, if it doesn't pass all their quality standard testing.  Rejected batches are simply sold to another company without these quality standards, through a broker.  

#4 The Government test: Is the oil Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for ingestion?

Because the flavoring industry has certain standards for a "food grade" essential oil, the government has established what it calls GRAS list for oils that are Generally Recognized as Safe.  This is not a clinical standard.  These oils are used for all kinds of foods and beverages where there is no call for a therapeutic or clinical use to help with any ailment.  The government just wants them to be safe for toothpaste, mouthwash, peppermint candy, Coca Cola and alcoholic beverages.  They can be adulterated.  They don't even have to be natural. 

This GRAS standard prevents us from recommending for ingestion those oils that would be harmful if ingested.  For example: Birch and Camphor are NOT on the GRAS list.  WE recommend them for topical application and diffusion only.  Not all essential oils are safe for ingestion.

#5 Organoleptic and Physical Tests

The standards of visual, texture, smell and taste 

An experienced analysis will include evaluation by each of these senses:  the distinctive color of the oil, how it feels, it's thickness, it's smell, and even its taste.  These evaluations require long experience with adulterated and low quality oils, but they are one of the most vital tests for quality assurance.  A company must use someone qualified to recognize authentic oils by each of their senses.  This is called organoleptic evaluation.
The standard of density 
The specific chemical weight or density of an oil can be measured to spot adulteration.  There is also a test for authenticity that measures the time it takes for an oil to pass through a specific calibrated channel.  This will help indicate the quality of oil as well.

The standard of refraction
When light passes through a liquid at a specific temperature, the angle of refraction of the light can be measured to give a consistent figure for each individual oil.  This is another useful measurement that can help identify adulterated oils.
The standard of optic rotation
A beam of polarized light is used to identify oils that could be adulterated with synthetic substances.  An authentic oil will cause the light to rotate in a specific direction, the synthetic version of the same or similar chemical will not.  The rotating angle of polarized light will show a specific movement to the right or the left.  If the light rotates to the left it is called levogyre.  If it rotates to the right it is called dextrogyre.  The more active this rotation, the more pharmacologically active the oil will be. 

The standard of solubility in 70% alcohol
We can also calculate the amount of 70% alcohol it will take to create a solution.  This measurement is specific for each essential oil.  The test is performed at 20 degrees
centigrade.  Many of these measurements and standards are not expensive to do, but they are too often neglected by companies that do not adequately test their oils.

#6 The Research- Quality Standard

The most well respected scientific and medical journals also recognize that studies must be done using the most scientifically pure, high quality, standardized, natural products.  This is critical to their unbiased scientific reputation and repeatable results.  They maintain a carefully guarded list of suppliers of products that can be used in their research.  These suppliers use chemists, botanists, and biologists who collectively vet (evaluate and approve) the oils using the most advanced technologies in their respective industries ensuring their overall repuroducible quality.  When research is done on products not on this exclusive list of scientifically vetted quality oils, the findings are usually not published in journals that are considered unbiased and clinically sound.

That is one of the major reasons why research is done on products form some essential oil marketing companies are rarely found in the most respected journals.

A clinical-grade oil will conform to this high quality standard, a standard the scientific community trusts for consistent quality they can recommend to health care professionals and serve  as a basis for medical advancements.

#7 The Human cell test 

How does an essential oil interact with actual human cells?  Health care professionals have used various inexpensive ways of testing the quality of the oils they purchase.  Many practitioners use muscle testing.  They claim that the muscle cells of the body respond with greater strength to  higher quality oils.  They will hold a bottle of oil in one hand, raise the other hand and have someone push down on it.  If the natural orce is weaker for one oil than another these professionals claim that the oil is less therapeutic or fit for therapeutic use.  While this test is widely sued, it can be subjective and influenced by individual bias, therefore, not accurate.

 There is a unique test developed by Dr Joshua Plant for identifying a grade of essential oils that will more effectively penetrate the human cell.  He uses a unique, patented process developed while he was studying at Harvard Medical School to test the cell activity and permeability of an essential oil, thereby giving the essential oil powerful clinical benefit that functions at the cellular level.  Not all essential oils are cell active or permeable.  Dr Penoel says too many essential oils on the market today, are "Dead oils".  Dr Plant developed a mechanism to track the molecular movement of the specific constituents

in a complex essential oil.  The patented labeling system allows Dr Plant in combination with the most advanced fluorescent confocal microscopy technologies the ability to track in real time the molecular movement of oils interacting with living cells  This process has been applied to epithelial cells, fibroblast cells, cancer cells, kidney cells and dozens of other types of living human cells.  Ultimately, this process allows one to qualify essential oils for their efficacy of working at the origin of all human health, namely the human cells. 

NOTE: These are actual batch codes of a variety of essential oils.  Go to http://www.ameo.com/ameo-difference and type in any of these batch codes, and you'll see the live video of the cell active, cell permeability of that particular oil on live human cells.

 Science and Professional  Expertise

This is a team of research scientists, chemists, and medical and health care professionals who are skilled in many disciplines.  They will work synergistically with the company to verify and constantly seek to improve the clinical quality of the products.  They will offer their collective expertise to bring forwardd the latest research and clinical practices available throughout the world.  They will apply their expertise gathered through decades of clinical practice oil to eliminate any possibility of adulterated oils.  This professional expertise is called in the industry a "nose" or someone who has developed a professional aptitude in identifying any degree of adulteration.  They will also suggest the introduction of new products, new blends, training procedures and tools for use with essential oils.

The Delivery Standard

As a final step after passing all other tests, a company must bottle the oils in a lab that meets every
standard for clinical-grade products and ship them to your door in a way that preserves every constituent you are counting on.  You will want to know that the company can pass the highest standards for processing and shipping medical-quality products.  There may be companion products like lotions, capsules, and other related products thay are offering, so you will want to receive clear certification for the highest quality and manufacturing standards for all the products they carry.  For a company to meet the highest expectations of the most discerning consumers and health care professionals, they cannot compromise quality.  They must control for each elements as temperature, humidity and air quality.  Similarly, they must develop a lean manufacturing system where the oils are assembled in a rapid, reproducible and error-free way ensuring that no adulteration's or degradation's are introduced during the manufacturing process.

With this information, consider the intent of your purchase in essential oils.  Consider the fact that what you apply topically to your skin, gets into your blood stream.  What you inhale gets to your brain, and obviously what you ingest also is of consideration for a truly pure, clinical-grade essential oil.  When you're making laundry soap and cleaners, personal care products, or cooking, using the essential oils in a health related purpose, don't you want the very best you can get, recognized by researchers world wide, by world renown authorities, and by more testing than most oils are put through.  Don't you want an oil that you know to be of a true clinical-grade? 

Essential Oil Quality Part 1

How to Recognize and Work with 

Clinical Quality Essential Oils

There are 4 general types of essential oils:
  • Recreational fragrance oils for things like candles, perfume, household products, personal-care products and potpourri. Now, if you're considering using a lower quality or lower price essential oils for these projects.  Consider also that your body still absorbs into the blood, what you put on your skin.  That what you smell, your inhaling, and it goes to the brain.  Do you really want to risk taking in synthetic's or adulterated or contaminated essential oils?
  • Food flavoring oils for things like chewing gum, sodas (Coca Cola for one), and toothpaste among many products.  Once again, taking essential oils in internally, there is a quality control called GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) for ingestion by FDA.  LorAnn is a candy making essential oils flavoring.  And again, knowing your essential oils are of the purest quality when you're cooking with them, or making drinks, taking internally in a capsule, you don't want synthetic's or taking a chance on poor quality oils, or the "word" of the company on their purity.
  • So-Called "Certified oils" from various marketing companies that claim therapeutic value but may not provide consistent quality.  Unfortunately Integrity is not the top standard for most companies, the $ is.  Certified Therapeutic is a trade mark, and therapeutic grade is a marketing term without science.  Clinical grade actually has to meet the highest standards set by clinical studies through International Research Institutions using essential oils.  PubMed will have near 24,000 EO studies.  Before 2014, Clinical grade oils were generally purchased through France only, and for clinical research or medical uses in France mainly.
  • Essential Oils consistently suited for professional, medicinal, and clinical use. This will be covered next.  Yes there is a huge difference.  Yes there is a true clinical grade now available to the general public as of 2014.  There are 2 areas that clinical-grade essential oil users need to consider: Quality and development.  (We'll approach both of these in the next 2 Blogs)
Importance of Essential Oil Purity and Authenticity (proof)
Essential oil purity can not be overstated.  Most oils on the market are manipulated for consistency of scent or to pad the company's pockets $, rather than produced to use in aromatherapy applications.  Even though they are marketed as safe to use, or recommended in therapeutic applications, it's simply marketing hype.  About 98% of essential oils today are used in the perfume or food industries or to add scents to candles, soaps, other household care items.  Unfortunately, even those intended for therapeutic application are frequently diluted or adulterated by unscrupulous traders to increase profitability, control consistency and create oils that smell better.  A significant number of essential oil traders (or brokers) taint their oils with cheaper -- but similar -- oils, isolated synthetic compounds, essential oils of similar species, or less expensive parts of the same plant.  This is done to produce a more consistent taste and smell, but ultimately, to generate more profits for the trader. 

Some common adulteration's include synthetic menthol added to peppermint oil, synthetic phenyl ethyl alcohol added to rose otto, adding lavandin to lavender, diluting citronella with lemongrass, or using cinnamon leaf instead of bark.

Synthetic compounds are less expensive and offer greater consistency in compound profile that cannot be achieved in natural plants.  Natural compounds are based on harvest time, growing type, geographic region, soil quality, altitude, weather, cultivation practices, and water quality.  It's amazing how a profile can change based on these factors.  If an oil smells different than the natural scent of a plant, this shows the constituents of the oil have been altered.

Some methods found in adulterating essential oils, such as Lavender to smell better.  After distilling the plant material, they add a synthetic version of a compound that is naturally found in lavender, such as linalool or linalyl acetate.  It improves the fragrance of the oil, offers no improvement in the therapeutic value of the oil -- in fact, quite the opposite.  It augments the smell and places the natural constituents found in the oil out of balance.

Another common adulteration is wintergreen oil.  Wintergreen plants are naturally high in methyl salicylate at about 95%.  However, many GCMS tests found to contain 100% methyl salicylate, which is not possible in nature.  It tells us that the oil has been manipulated and adulterated with synthetic methyl salicylate.  Knowing how to read GCMS tests is important. 

Some quotes (excerpts) taken with permission from this book by Dr Scott Johnson, available on Amazon.com

Dangers of Synthetic or Adulterated Essential Oils
While the synthetic or adulterated essential oils (claiming to be pure), may produce results in a short term, long term use may produce allergies, headaches, and chemical sensitivities, and result in body toxicity.  Toxins like synthetically created in a lab, are harmful to the body.  Unfortunately, people trying to remove toxins from their everyday and home products, soaps, personal care products, and more.  Yet by using an impure essential oil, such as those mentioned above, they are inviting these chemicals and toxins into their bodies.  Counter-intuitive, that a "health product" would contain harmful ingredients that can be devastating to your health.
  • A company that has expertise in the distillation process and innovative distillation equipment
  • A company that has published essential oils research in scientific journals and takes a clinical approach to essential oil development
  • A company that is personally involved in the farming and cultivation process through the inspection of supplier farms by a qualified expert.  This does not mean they own their own farms, who are they accountable to then?  It means they have a relationship with the supplier farms around the world, inspections by an expert.  
  • A company that verifies purity with their own laboratories, third-party testing facilities that specialize in testing essential oils (not all labs are capable of testing with all the right equipment).  And educated scientists to read and interpret test results.
  • A company with oils that smell like the natural plants and whose single oils vary in aroma from batch to batch due to inherent variations in plants. (Slight variations in the smell of each batch of oil is a good indication that Mother Nature has created the essential oil and not a lab.  This trait is desirable and normal; whereas if your lavender oil smells always exactly the same, it could be an indication that the oil is adulterated.)
  • A company that is willing to share results from the tests their essential oils have undergone to ensure purity and authenticity, for the specific batch of oil you have purchased.  if a company is not willing to share this information, you are placing blind faith in them, and may very well be using a product that doesn't meet the high quality standards required for therapeutic and safe use.
  • Essential oils distilled from organically grown plants are greatly preferred, essential oils labeled as organic may have been contaminated during processing, improperly distilled, or extracted using chemicals or solvents.  
  • Pure or even wild-crafted doesn't mean the highest quality.  Pure doesn't mean 100% in the bottle, it's an accepted amount and additional synthetics or lesser quality can be added as well.  
  • Everything in Nature, natural, wild-crafted doesn't always mean it's safe.  Consider simply poison ivy, natural yes, safe no.
Watch for the next BLOG Part 2 continuing to explain the QUALITY in essential oils.

Monday, May 30, 2016

What is Evidence Based Essential Oil Therapy Today

I have listened to so many who are following the advice of someone
who took a 2 hr. $200, minimum 
course, but has now claim to be an Aromatherapist.  I've taken 13 course through several schools, and I still do not consider myself among the true experts in the field of Aromatherapy & Essential Oils.  My first Blog (Blog #50, linked below) Mentions the names of these world recognized, world renown experts.  I'll be quoting (with permission) from a book by Dr Scott Johnson, "Evidence-Based Essential Oil Theory.  (This book is available on Amazon.com) And some quotes from Dr Daniel Penoel MD, "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils and Aromatherapy".

Brief History of Aromatic Medicine and Essential Oils & Education Resources 

 So, what is the difference between Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy, or for that matter, between the quality of essential oils themselves?  We have companies claiming to be wild-grafted, companies claiming a seed to seal, companies claiming certified therapeutic.  What does all this mean?

I've watched video's of companies who distill in a 3rd world, where the location of their oils is being harvested, over an open fire, without control of pressure or temperature, in extremely unsanitary conditions, and yes, they are selling their essential oils.

I've attended a convention where the company on stage, admitted their oils are not all from their own farms, about 80% are from other sources, distilled by other sources.

I've learned of a certified therapeutic value that simply means a Trademark, absolutely no integrity or science supporting any claims.  Therapeutic value claimed by most essential oil companies today, is simply a marketing term, nothing more.  And there are groups funding 3rd party lab testing of various brands of essential oils, coming back as contaminated, or synthetic, adulterated, but not pure.

I've spoken with "certified aromatherapists" who took a "buy my certification" with a 2 hour $200 online course.  I've taken $2,000 6 part certification, that I found later to be greatly flawed in the information taught.  I've taken certification that cost far less, and was far more complete, as well as being Evidence Based, Research supported, information that covered everything from chemistry to carrier oils, FDA compliance to legal issues.  There are schools out there, started by true experts.  And schools started by self taught, self proclaimed, people "winging" it, although well known widely accepted by "consultants and distributors" of essential oil companies.  Schools mentioned in my first blog, by these world renown experts would be highly recommended.  Some costing far more than others.  All those mentioned in that first Blog on Education Resources, would be considered truly qualified Aromatherapists.  

Some companies have on their Scientific Advisory Board, or as the CEO or head of their company, are a Veterinarian, a Chiropractor, a Physiologist, Farmer, Ministers or people with no formal knowledge, but jumping on the band wagon of consumer interest in essential oils.  Companies that sold nutritional's and cleaners before, or make-up and personal care products before, now adding essential oils to get their piece of the income pie.  As mentioned in that first Blog about History and Education on EOs, are the credentials of people who bring true research and real science to the field.  Who have medical degree's and have worked decades with essential oils.  It's up to the consumer, who they will put their trusts in.

So, what is Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy?  Modern medicine emphasizes the treatment of symptoms rather than eradicating the root cause of disease, focuses too heavily on invasive treatments and often causes severe side effects.  Fails when it comes to preventive care, with most doctors lacking the knowledge or time to offer nutritional and lifestyle guidance that could significantly reduce the disease burden facing the world today.  Nutrition and lifestyle behaviors are the foundation of health and should be "Medical Doctor 101".  However, as mentioned in Blogs I've had before on Nutritional education, in medical school, Doctors are only given on average 1 HOUR of nutritional education in their 8 years of school.  No amount of drugs (or supplements or essential oils) can replace eating better or being physically active.  However, improper diet, poor eating habits, and many living an unhealthy lifestyle today, could still benefit from a high quality nutritional supplement.  Poor quality supplements will simply pass through you, flushing the vitamin and your money, is it worth that savings at the counter? (taking quotes by Dr Scott Johnson)

Alternative, Complimentary and Integrative Medicine
Complementary medicine relies on gifts provided by Mother Nature as remedies and employs these remedies to support the body's remarkable innate ability to heal.

The truth is there are tens of thousands of studies, supporting numerous natural remedies as valuable solutions for just as many health conditions. PubMed.com, the US National Library of Medicine's database, you can find about 24,000 studies on essential oils alone.

The best form of medicine is Integrative -- meaning it combines the best of Both modern (Western) and complementary medicine, safest, least invasive, and most effective remedy first.   The future of Natural Remedies, Medicine: 
  • They work simultaneously on the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual levels of health.... mind, emotions, body, spirit
  • A virtually indefinite shelf life for most oils, unopened and stored in a cool, dark place away from heat and sunlight.  Long term storage (more than 5 yrs) may result in loss of value, potency, and increases the risk of oxidation.  Citrus oils are more susceptible to degradation because of the high limonene content (very prone to oxidation) and shoul dbe discarded if they smell rancid or appear cloudy.  Copaiba, cedarwood, patchoiuli, myrrh, sandalwood and vetiver tend to get better with age.
  • Once opened follow: Essential Oil Shelf Life
  1. 1-Year, Citrus oils, lemon verbena, lemongrass, melaleuca (Tea Tree), melissa, neroli, pine, spruce oils.
  2.  2-Years, virtually all other essential oils
  3. 5-Years, Black pepper, cedarwood, copaiba, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood, spikenard, vetiver.
  • Unmatched versatility
  • Potency
  • Safety
  • Easy to use 
Before there were 3 schools of thought or therapy regarding essential oils.  This is what Dr Daniel Penoel MD says about them. Dr Penoel described the differences between the 3 schools very humorously, when he said: "The German system of aromatherapy (smell) is comparable to platonic love. You cannot make babies with platonic love. The English system is like flirting. You still cannot make babies. The French system of aromatherapy is like "The Full Monty", and it will make babies!"
Following superstition or Science Based theories, becoming educated yourself to make informed choices and not blindly following a companies propaganda, or a misrepresentation of distorted facts some employ in scare tactics.  There is no governing body for essential oils.  But there are International Research standards that can be  met.   

Now we have a new school of theory, Evidence Based model, enriches them with scientific evidence.  Evidence-based essential oil therapy is a balanced approach to the therapeutic use of essential oils and suggests a range of dilution -- from neat to highly diluted -- for topical application.  Also supports oral administration, dosages based on body weight and age.  Generally, only extreme doses are problematic.  Internal ingestion of essential oils has been around for decades through food flavoring, and flavoring of drinks such as Coca Cola, mints and candies, gum, etc.  FDA regulates GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) for ingestion on some, not all, essential oils.

Science and natural remedies are not archenemies and can exist harmoniously with an open-minded practitioner.  Dr Penoel, MD has been a practicing physician in France for near 40 yrs, and combines the use of pharmaceutical medicine and natural aromatic medicine as needed to work harmoniously for the complete benefit of his patients health.

Whenever you're considering the use of essential oils in a clinical use, you should always seek physician (or other "Health-Care Practitioner) approval before using any of the recommended protocols.  I wouldn't accept a basic certified aromatherapists advice without knowing where they are basing their information, the resource they are following, and knowing myself, that it was from a reliable world accepted authority and not a self proclaimed source.  There are hundreds of books on essential oils and aromatherapy, majority are not written by people with extensive knowledge.

Clinical Quality Essential Oils VS Synthetic's 
Just as there are thousands of "aromatherapists" of varying degree's of integrity and knowledge. 
There is as well, a true difference in the purity and quality of essential oils.  
  1. Essential oils have a longer, more complex and proven history  Synthetic substances have only 2 functions -- to block and to kill.  Essential oils help regenerate, balance, calm, bring energy, and many more functions too numerous to mention"  (Daniel Penoel, "Guide to Home Use of Essential Oils
  2. Essential Oils will Not Encourage "Superbugs" Dr Penoel MD"In all my experience with bacteria and essential oils, I have never seen strains mutate and develop resistance.  There are no superbugs created by essential oils". 
  3. Essential Oils will Not Produce Side Effects Pharmaceutical advertisements give a long list of side effects and drug reactions.  Drug recalls occur each year.  
  4. Essential Oils Bring Vitality to Your Body Dr Penoel MD "My patients who complete the sometimes slower but more complete treatments through nature, do not end their treatment ready to return home and begin the slow recuperation back to health.  They are full of life.  They are energized.  Synthetic drugs lower your energy, while essential oils raise your energy. " Have you ever felt mentally and physically exhausted after taking a round of synthetic antibiotics or other drugs?  YOu won't feel that way after completing a protocol of essential oils.
  5. Essential Oils Work in Many Ways All at Once The complex synergies of essential oils improve your mood, strengthen multiple symptoms of your body, and do not disrupt the delicate balance of your beneficial bacteria.  They can stop pain, reduce inflammation, stop muscle spasms, decongest, destroy microbes, and calm anxiety -- all at the same time.  They spread throughout the body bringing vitality and life.  Synthetics only block body functions and kill pathogens, leaving their toxic waste behind.  Synthetics are like a hammer hitting a single nail and often missing and hitting your thumb.  Essential oils are like engineers, constructing and restoring health and vitality.  
  6. Essential Oils Can Enter the Body by Many Avenues.  This Natures medicine cabinet can be diffused (inhaled), added to your food or drink (ingested), added to bath water or applied in a massage (topical).  They work synergistically with each other multiplying their effectiveness.
  7. Aromatic Plants Tell Us by Their  Aroma What They're Good for Synthetics are more often synthesized from fungus and disgusting smelling petrochemicals.  Essential oils have an alluring aroma created by nature in spices, mints, citrus and evergreen forests.  
  8. The Pleasure of Essential Oils Makes Us Want to Use Them Continually Dr Penoel MD "My patients, once they have completed the therapies I recommend, are always eager to continue using the essential oils on a daily basis throughout their lives."
  9. "Nature is Complex  So We Don't Have to Be" Dr Penoel MD.  "A drop oof prevention is worth a gallon of cure" or " a few drops a day keeps the doctor away".  "I can safely make you a promise that if you will use essential oils on a daily basis... you will have no need to return to the medicine cabinet remedies.  Your life will be simpler, and you will find greater sensory and emotional pleasure in staying healthy." 
I hope as you've read this Blog, you'll continue to follow future posts.  To learn the proper and safe use of essential oils.  The benefits and cautions of essential oils.  And the quality and purity difference between essential oils.   Again, I highly recommend the books mentioned in the first Blog (link at beginning of this blog).  If you're simply looking for recipes to make household cleaners, or perfume, most books of these on the market have reasonable recipes.  If you're looking to learn about essential oils from renown authors and competent resources, please look to the books in the first blog.  If you're looking to become educated more professionally in essential oils, I strongly recommend the schools listed in the first blog, and especially iEO certification school (most complete at a reasonable price).

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Brief History of Aromatic Medicine and Essential Oils & Education Resources

This all began about 6,000 yrs ago, with religious, healing, and skin therapy, involved aromatic plants.  And embalming or mummification which used Frankincense, Myrrh, galbanum, cinnamon, cedarwood, juniper berry and spikenard to preserve the dead.  However, the ancient aromatic essences were not the same as essential oils we have today.  They were primitive extractions like cold pressing, boiling plants in water, and extracting their essences into animal fats, vegetable oils (like olive oil), and alcohol resulting in pomades, tinctures and oils.  Egyptians were the masters, and also became masters in the perfume trade.  Cleopatra used perfumed cosmetics.  When she met Marc Anthony, it's said the sails of her ship were soaked in jasmine. 

Marcel Lavabre recounted the story of a Queen in the land called Sheba (modern day Ethiopia and Valorie Ann Worwood in her book The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy "The Greeks believed that after death they went to Elysium where the air was permanently filled with a sweet-smelling aroma which rose from perfumed rivers".  The ancient Greeks had a very high opinion of aromatics, attributing sweet smells to divine origin.  In ancient myths, gods descended to earth on scented clouds, wearing robes drenched in aromatic essences"  The Egyptian priests used aromatic substances not only for embalming their pharoh but also in the role of 'psychiatrists' for treating manias, depression, and nervousness" 
Somalia) whose famous wealth was built on the trade of Frankincense and Myrrh.  Legend has it that
"The Egyptians took personal hygiene seriously, as shown by the earliest recorded recipe for body deodorant in the Papyrus Ebers of 1500 BC"  V

Hippocrates dismissed the supernatural causes and substituted natural explanations we give him credit for introducing a more holistic view of health and medicine.  He is reported to have studied over 200 herbs for healing.  "The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day".  He taught that burning aromatic substances offered protection from some infectious diseases.

Theophrastus of Athens, a student of  Aristotle, studied how aromas affected the emotions.  His book became one of the 3 most important references for centuries of physicians to study.

India has the distinction of carrying the most longstanding tradition for aromatic herbal remedies:  Ayurvedic medicine were never discontinued and were codified in their book The Vedas .  Over 700 products including many aromatic's for religious and therapeutic use, such as cinnamon, spikenard, coriander, ginger, myrrh, and sandalwood.

Avicenna, an Islamic physician,  is credited for perfecting the art of distillation of essential oils.   He authored 20 books, his epic encyclopedia Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (The Canon of Medicine) which included the traditions of Hippocrates, Galen and the physicians of India. 

Valorie Ann Worwood "Glove-makers used aromatic oils, and it is reported that these and others who used aromatics of various sorts were the only people to survive the ravages of the plagues that struck Europe during these centuries".

A French chemist, Rene-Maurice Gottefosse, is considered the "father of aromatherapy".  Jean Valnet MD "The Practice of Aromatherapy" .  There is a common misleading story shared by un-educated essential oil users, that Gottefosse, upon burning his hand, plunged it into a container of Lavender essential oil.  This is not the true story.
He suffered serious burns to the hands in a laboratory explosion, and the wounds soon became gangrenous; he was able to affect a perfect cure using essence of lavender"

Alexander Fleming began his work on penicillin -- the origins of modern antibiotics -- Gottefosse, in France was doing his serious investigative research into the therapeutic properties of essential oils.  Pharmacists in France were quick to recommend Eucalyptus and Tea Tree (Melaleuca) essential oils for things that were being treated elsewhere in the world with penicillin.  Oil of Oregano and penicillin have relatively equivalent strength against harmful bacteria.  As penicillin and antibiotics are over prescribed today according to the CDC by 30%, and Super Bugs are adapting so antibiotics have no affect on them.  The big difference is that penicillin and all the subsequent strong, pharmaceutical antibiotics could make a fortune for their manufacturers because they could be standardized, synthesized, and patented, while essential oils were natural substances.  So essential oils were largely ignored by the medical establishment except in France and elsewhere in Europe where there was already significant published research.

Gattefossee incorporated a blend of essential oils used in treating the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918.  His successor in the practice of aromatherapy, a French medical doctor and surgeon Jean Valnet MD "Made use of the healing properties of essences in wartime surgery on some of his patients in Tonkin, and through having only a very limited quantity of his own aromatic essences he was able to treat as many patients as he liked, the results, were consistent" 

Dr Maurice Girault coined the term aromatogram, for antimicrobial therapy involving essential oils.  Doctors would take microbial cultures and use various essential oils in vitro to recognize which oil or blend would be best to treat the disease.  Dr Valnet MD helped to spread this concept. 

Jean Valnet MD also published a book "The Practice of Aromatherapy" in 1978 which became the  first training for Dr Daniel Penoel and Pierre Franchomme chemist, and Penoel is a medical doctor both conducted research in the laboratory and medical clinic to validate the numerous health and wellness beliefs of clinical-grade essential oils.  Their book on essential oil therapy.  Franchomme is a "L'Aromatherapie Exactement" (Precise Aromatherapy) became the "bible" of aromatherapy at the time.   This book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" with Dr Penoel and quotes of information from Shirley Price, Jane Buckle PhD RN, Kurt Schaubelt, Julia Lawless, Valorie Ann Worwood, Marcel Lavabre... and this book does not have blends from an essential oils company, it's not a book from or for a company.

These pioneers could see they needed a world wide training to avoid serious problems for their new industry.  Essential oils would be severely restricted in some countries; others would use them in ways that were unsafe.  Pubmed.com has about 24,000+ studies on the uses of essential oils.  I have personally taken 13 certification courses myself, and found one school to be far above the others I had taken from in the complete education with everything Evidence Based Research supported information.  Too often "speculation", rumor, self taught & self proclaimed teachings are circulating which is where the unsafe uses stem from.  Too often misleading information, or facts that have been twisted to suit a particular companies agenda away from the truth.  And too often people don't even realize there are Cautions in many cases with several oils.  Are you aware there are over 3,0000 essential oils, and about 300 are available for use.  Not everything "natural" is safe.  Consider poison ivy, certainly natural, even considered wild crafted or organic, but absolutely not safe in any use.

I would like to recommend iEO school (Integrated Essential Oils)ieocertified.com  where your education doesn't have to cost you so much, but covers everything from cautions, chemistry, blending, carrier oils, even FDA compliance and legal points.  This is a not connected to any essential oil company or sell any essential oils.  This is simply education.   This is a course of 18 modules with tests, and a paper & final, you'll re-certify each year, and this does apply credits for continued education for Massage Therapists as well.  There are video clips, 2 books, and online study.

English speaking countries do what the French call "timid" aromatherapy with too many restrictions and rules.  In most countries these oils are only applied topically and greatly diluted.

While the Medical Doctors in France are prescribing essential oils for internal and external use.  Dr Penoel MD is a practicing physician of over 40 yrs.  In France, they can prescribe pharmaceutical and holistic remedies, such as essential oils, and you go to the local drug store, to have either or both filled.  The pharmaceutical establishment has always tried to instill fear about essential oil safety even though they are used extensively in the food industry and animal husbandry.  We have been ingesting essential oils for decades, in flavoring and food grade called GRAS (by the FDA & USDA) Generally Regarded as Safe for ingestion, in products such as Coca Cola and gum, mints, and many foods.  In products like mouthwash, toothpaste, and of course in the perfume industry as well (not ingested).  Dr Penoel MD is not about essential oils as quick cures or cure-all's, which is a mirage.  It's about restore health in a deep way.   Natural takes time.  Companies who claim fast cures and cure-all uses, are simply marketing hype pushing their sales.  A company supporting education and research is what you want to look for.

Consider these other books all are available on Amazon.com 
Shirley Price is one of the worlds leading aromatherapists and the founder of the Shirley Price 
School of Aromatherapy, which offers accreditation through distance learning.  There are branches world wide.  She is the author of many well-respected books including Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, Aromatherapy for Common Ailments, Aromatherapy for Women, Aromatherapy for Babies, and Children, Aromatherapy Workbook, Practical Aromatherapy and Your Emotions: a Step-by-Step Guide and more. 

Valerie Ann Worwood is an aromatherapist, a reflexologist, and a member of the Internnational Federation of Aromatherapists.  She founded her own clinic in Romford, England where she conducts research on aromatherapy and its effects on various diseases and medical conditions.  She consults and lectures all over the world on the benefits of aromatherapy.  She is the author of several books including the Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy.

 Julia Lawless became interested in aromatic oils as a child when her mother, who was a biochemist, began research on essential oils.  In 1983 she became responsible for creating products for the family business. Aqua Oleum, using essential oils as ingredients.  She studied Western and Tibetan herbal medicine and became a qualified aromatherapist and member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists.  She is well known for her numerous books on aromatherapy including The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils. 

 Marcel Lavabre was born in the Lavender-growing region of southern France and since 1974 has been studying every aspect of essential oil production and aromatherapy.  He is co-founder of the American Aromatherapy Association and is the founder and president of a company that sells essential oils.  He is the author of Aromatherapy Workbook, a best selling classic in American aromatherapy.

Kurt Schnaubelt holds a PhD in chemistry and is the founder and scientific director of the Pacific
Institute of Aromatherapy in San Francisco.  He is a Munich born chemist who left his native land in his 30s to spread the science of aromatherapy in California.  He became interested in aromatherapy in 1978 when he contracted hepatitis and began looking for alternatives to the prescribed medicines he was given.  As a chemist he knew his molecules and recognized that the drugs he had been prescibed were potentially harmful.  He discovered the "Art of Aromatherapy" by Robert Tisserand and "The Practice of Aromatherapy" by Dr Jean Valnet, two of the leading books in the field at that time.  He sourced the finest oils he could find and began sharing.  He is the author of 7 books on aromatherapy and many articles on the subject.  This book "Essential Oil Safety" by Robert Tisserand is valuable.

Dr Daniel Penoel, MD.  is one of the foremost authorities in the world on essential oils.  He has worked with essential oils in his medical clinic since 1977.  He is a world-renowned medical doctor, researcher, educator, and author.  With his wife Rose-Marie, Dr Penoel has authored 4 books in English: Life Helping Life: Unleash Your Mind/Body Potential with Essential Oils, Natural Home Health Care Using Essential Oils, and Guide to Home Use of Essential Oils, and the book Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy.  He has authored several books in French, his most notable being L'Aromatherapie  Exactement, considered by many professionals to be "The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" when it was published in 1990.  It was written with Pierre Franchomme, a chemist, who is credited with laying the foundation for the practical study of essential oil chemistry.  Dr Penoel's role in the book was to provide the practical, clinical foundation.

Dr Penoel has lectured to, encouraged and trained most of the foremost professional aromatherapists in the world.  He has either personally or through his students and book trained virtually all well-respected aromatherapists worldwide.  Most English authors reference L'Aromatherapie Exactement  frequently even though the book has never been translated into English.  If you're following the advice, books, or teachings of anyone who has not heard of Dr Peneol, I'd suggest you consider looking elsewhere.  Self taught, self proclaimed and poorly educated claiming to be aromatherapists including schools are far too many.  The misleading self justifying information can be with disregard to cautions and safety, or taunting cure-all or unnecessary over cautions.

The Penoel's have lived in France and Australia and have traveled the world lecturing and training.  Dr Penoel is considered by many to be the world's leading medical authority on newly discovered essential oils.  He analyzes and certifies them as therapeutically valid for clinical use.  Not all essential oils are created equal, as Dr Penoel says, majority of oils on the market today are "Dead" oils.  True Clinical Grade oils used in scientific clinical studies at renown research institutions around the world, usually come from (through) France.  However, Dr Peneol is endorsing a new company, that recently released, and through further testing, more advanced testing, and release of their tests, can prove cell active and cell permeable (Live) essential oils.  And they have set the bar of purity and quality with the same GCMS standards set by these research institutions, not an in-house standard.  With their highest quality, meeting or surpassing the clinical standards set by institutions.  Dr Penoel has endorsed them to be the first true clinical grade essential oils available to the general public.  Well worth looking into.  http://ClinicalGradeEssentialOils.myameo.com   

Jane Buckle, PhD, RN has over 25 years of background in critical care nursing.  She is trained in massage therapy, clinical aromatherapy, and herbal and aromatic medicine.  She has an MA in Clinical Aromatherapy (Middlesex Univ, London England) and a PhD in Health Service Management (Columbus Univ. USA).  She has an NIH-funded post-doctoral Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Fellow at the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB) within the School of Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.  Before joining the CCEB, Dr Buckle was faculty at University of Minnesota, and adjunct faculty at New York Univ., Bastyr Univ,  WA and the College of New Rochelle NY. 

Her first book, Clinical Aromatherapy in Nursing was published in 1997 and was accepted as the text for aromatherapy in nursing.  Her second book Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Practice, was published in 2003, has been reprinted 9 times and has been called "the evidence-based text for clinical aromatherapy". 

Dr Buckle is the director of RJ Buckle Associates, and educational consultancy dedicated to integrated clinical aromatherapy and the "M" technique into mainstream medicine.  She created a certification course for health professionals in clinical aromatherapy that was the 1st to be endorsed by National Nursing Organization.

Dr Buckle is published widely in medical and nursing journals.  She lectures and presents internationally and was a guest speaker at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in 1999.  In the USA, she was a Board member of ARC (Aromatherapy Registration Council) and has been an advisor to NAHA's education committee.  She is a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals and has been a reviewer for NIH and NHS grants. 

Dr Buckle pioneered a method of touch for the critically ill or fragile called the "M" technique.  It is a registered method of structured touch suitable for those too fragile to receive massage, or when the giver is not trained in massage.  Simple to do and easy to learn, the "M" technique has measurable effects within 5 minutes and has been taught in Universities, Hospitals, Hospices and Long-term Care facilities in the USA since 1999.  There are other techniques that are not accepted as safe practice, Raindrop and AromaTouch.  There is another called Waterfall that does not manipulate the bones or neck, is safe and effective like the M technique, and certified continued education for Massage Therapists.  Any technique using essential oils on the back, should be done with a carrier oil base, and with no manipulation of the spine, bones, or neck according to the Chiropractic Association.

Dr Jean Valnet, MD (1920-1995) was a French physician and military surgeon who was one of the foremost pioneers in modern medical aromatherapy.  He recieved his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1945 as sugeon.  During the war he served in hospitals in Germany and France.

From 1950 to 1953 he was appointed surgeon to the advanced surgical unit in Tonkin, the northern area of Vietnam that borders China.  Being low on medical supplies, he bandaged the wounded with aromatic solutions that delivered results well above average.

From 1953 to 1959 he became Chief of the Secretariat of State of War, and 1959 he left the army to continue his research in herbal medicine and aromatherapy in Paris.

As early as 1948 he bagan to publish articles on herbal medicine and aromatherapy in many medical journals

In 1981 he founded the College of Phyto-Aromatherapy and Medicine to persue research on herbal medicine and aromatherapy, establish criteria for quality and educate practitioners and users of essential oils.  He gave lectures on phytotherapy on television and the radio.  He popularized the "aromatogram" a method of identifying the best essential oils to combat micobes in individual patients.

his best known book, "The Practice of Aromatherapy" was translated into English and published in 1982. 

Dr Joshua J Plant graduated from Harvard Medical School with a PhD in biomedical sciences.  Typically an 8 year program he was able to accomplish it in under 4 years, and graduating first in his class.  He completed extensive research across numerous scientific and health institutions including the National Institutes of Health and Massachusetts General Hospital.  Dr Plant is one of only a handful of scientists to receive the National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship.  He was also a National McNair Fellow, and achieved national recognition for his research from the American Association for the Advancement of Scientists.  His study of aromatic phytocompounds has pioneered and revolutionized the essential oil industry and his work has  been instrumental in advancing the therapeutic application of essential oils.  Dr Plant is an accomplished speaker that has been invited to numerous National Scientific Conferences for his in-depth knowledge of the molecular mechanics of the human body.  He also fellowships at Huntsman Cancer Institute in UT, and John Hopkins Cancer Institute.  He works with Epidemiology and essential oils.  With his expertise was able to work together with international research institutions to obtain their GCMS standard for essential oils of a clinical grade.  He now works with Ameo, under the parent company of Zija International, and has developed what are found to be super carrier essential oils, and a method of proving "live" essential oils that are cell active, cell permeable and shown in live video for every batch from this company.  No other essential oil can prove this.  And he uses human cells not animals.  http://clinicalgradeessentialoils.myameo.com/

Dr Scott Johnson is the bestselling author of 8 books and more than 250 articles featured online and Doctorate in Naturopathy, is a Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner (AMP) and a Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapist (CCMA) and Certified Professional Coach (COC). His evidence-based approach to natural healing and experience conducting medical research make him one of the world's leading experts on the therapeutic application of essential oils.  Dr Johnson pioneered evidence-based essential oil therapy, which combines the art of ancient healing with modern science to maximize the benefits of essential oils.  One of his research focuses is the safety of essential oils, and he has published internationally on the subject.  He is an acclaimed International speaker and has delivered keynote presentations across North America,  Europe, and Asia.  Dr Johnson draws on his wealth of experience and diverse educational background as he travels the globe to share   He works with Dr Penoel and Dr Plant collaborating in many ways to educate the proper and safe use of essential  oils. 
the secrets of natural healing with those who seek greater wellness.  He's also the Founder and author of the iEO (Integrated Essential Oils) Certification School.

These are the true, world renown, authorities in essential oils and aromatherapy.  These are the people you'll want to follow, purchase books from, and be educated by.  Even if only for your own self education.  These are the resources that are used for the iEO Certification school mentioned above.

I hope this helps you understand and find the most valuable sources of books to learn about essential oils.  I'll be drawing from these books and renown authorities in my future Blogs about essential oils.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions about Skin and Skincare

A regimen for Healthy Young-Looking Skin 

Consumers are regularly confronted with advertisements and recommendations for a dislying array
of skincare products, not to mention conflicting messages about which skincare practices are the most beneficial.  "Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin" a collection of Dr Ahmed Abdullah's most effective advice, empowers you with scientifically proven skincare facts presented in an easy-to-understand manner.  Armed with information about the best skincare techniques, you'll be capable of making smart choices about the products you use and the practices you employ to keep your skin looking its best.

Dr Ahmed Abdullah, MD, FACS, FICS is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon actively practicing in the
United States and Dubai, and an internationally recognized aloe researcher, Dr Ahmed Abdullah has been promoting a back-to-basics approach to skincare for nearly twenty years through his practice, his skincare brand and his skincare clinics.

"Dr Abdullah has written the most accurate and practical book on skincare today.  His clear and easy-to-understand principles and applications brilliantly bridge the gap between the science of skin and clinical skincare." --  Steven S Carp, MD, FACS, American Board of Plastic Surgery-Certified Surgeon at  Carp Cosmetic Surgery Center.

"This easy-to-read book debunks many of the myths surrounding the biology of human skin and the pharmacology of skincare products.  It combines scientific facts with good sense.  As such, it stands alone as a primer that should be read by patients and professionals alike." Martin C Robson, MD, FACS, Professor Emeritus of Surgery at University of South Florida.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Often received emails from consumers who are confused about specific aspects of skincare.  Some questions are so common that Dr Abdullah is confident they're topics of concern for many readers as well.  Outlined below are some of those questions, as well as others that bring up key points about skin health.  Much of the content included in the answers can be found in more detail in the book "Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin" found on Amazon.com  If you don't see the answer your looking for, contact Dr Abdullah directly at DrA@Lexli.com  

General Skincare

Q: Is acne caused by dirt (or chocolate)?
A: Among the many factors blamed for acne, dirt and chocolate are among the two most common.  Acne simply isn't caused by the presence of dirt on the skin or the consumption of chocolate.  Rather, acne is caused by the clogging of pores by sloughed skin cells.

Belief in the myth that dirt causes acne has led many to over wash their skin.  This practice only makes matters worse by causing irritation and inflammation, which exacerbates acne.

And as for chocolate -- nothing you eat can directly affect the severity of acne.  Indirectly, however, certain ingredients may cause allergies, which have acne as a symptom.  Additionally, unhealthy eating can lead to bad health, which can make symptoms worse.  

Q: Will my skin age in the same fashion as my mother's?
A: Genetics do play an important role in the manner in which the skin ages.  However, assuming that your skin will ultimately resemble your mother's is a narrow assumption.  Genetics is only one factor in skin aging.  Lifestyle decisions and environmental factors, such as sun exposure and smoking, are also important determinants of skin aging.

Q: Do moisturizers increase the moisture content of my skin?
A: Moisturizers work by Preventing water evaporation from the skin. 

Among the myths heard regarding moisturizers is that applying lotions or moisturizers over moist skin upon stepping out of the shower helps to trap the water and hydrate the skin.  The first problem with this claim is that skin cannot absorb water.  The second is that water actually encourages the skin to dry out as it evaporates.  Consider this, if your skin absorbed water, you'd swell up like a sponge in the shower, rain, tub, or swimming.  Skin is meant to protect your inside organs from contamination, as well as from dehydration.

Q: I have combination skin.  Do I require two different cleansers, two different moisturizers, etc?
A: No, Combination skin does not require special products, but it does require treating each area differently.  Dry areas should be moisturized twice a day, oilier areas less often, and with an oil-free, moisturizer made especially for oily skin.

Q: Is it okay to use bar soap on my face?
A: This is never a good practice.  Rather, recommended the use of a pH-balanced liquid cleanser.  The ingredients used to keep soaps in bar form can clog pores, contributing to breakouts.  Proper cleansing sets the stage for each of the following steps in a skincare regimen.  Cleansing, Exfoliation, Moisturizing.

Q: What causes the dry patches on my face?
A: There are a number of reasons why your skin may develop dry patches, ranging from leaving makeup on the skin overnight to using the incorrect skincare products for your skin to allergic reactions.  If the patches are chronic or itchy, you may have a type of topical dermatitis that requires treatment by a physician.  Some dry patches may indicate the onset of seborrheic keratosis or dermatitis.  If they persist, consult your dermatologist or plastic surgeon immediately for further evaluation of the problem.  Other-wise, simply ensure you are implementing a proper skin care regimen and if the problem continues, document specifically when you are seeing the patches appear and any special circumstances that may be related to them.  This will help your physician or skincare professional narrow the cause.

Q: I want my skin to look its best, but I get confused when I listen to sales people at cosmetic counters or read the ads in my favorite magazines.  How do I know what to believe and who to trust without spending a small fortune?
A: Your best choice is always a trained professional who understands skin physiology.  A trained skincare professional will review your medical history, customize your treatment plan, and follow up by monitoring your treatment and progress regularly.  

Dr Abdullah has developed a skincare line, designed after the needs of his patients, using Organic Medical grade Aloe Vera as a base in all his product line, the same used in skin graphs and on burn victims that "Heals Skin Healthy". 

Q: I have oily skin and use oil-free products.   However, my skin still feels oily, Why?
A: Never rely on the term "oil-free" to ensure your product features a sound formulation.  Outside of oils, many "oil-free" products still contain ingredients that can clog pores, causing break outs.

Rarely will oil-free products eliminate oily skin.  Rather, you need to ensure you're implementing a proper skincare regimen, one that includes exfoliation as a daily step.  (TreSkinRX has XM3)

Q: I'm confused, I thought water was good for skin.
A: The ingredients included in skincare products must be listed on the packaging in order of concentration.  If the first ingredient is water, stated in any manner (purified water), the product is water-based.  The problem with this is the fact that the skin cannot absorb water.  Furthermore, the presence of water only dilutes the other product ingredients, many of which may be beneficial.

Water is indeed beneficial to your skin when "ingested".  Therefore, it is important to ensure proper hydration.  It is recommended that we consume half our body weight, in ounces of water, daily.

Consider the idea that if your body could absorb water, you'd be like a sponge, swelling up with a shower or swimming.

Sun Exposure and Protection

Q: Isn't daily sun exposure necessary for the production of Vitamin D?
A: No, Vitamin D is widely available in various food products, fruits, and vegetables.  Additionally, a high quality vitamin supplement can help the body reach its daily requirement of Vitamin D.  There is no reason why the sun must be relied upon as the sole source of Vitamin D.  A very pure source is included with NeoLife Cal-Mag with Vit D.
Sponsor #32-260985

If you insist upon getting Vitamin D from the sun, keep in mind that it can be produced with minimal amounts of sun exposure -- such as that obtained from a short walk out-doors.  However, sun exposure can negatively impact the skin.  Therefore, it is recommended that sunscreen be used regularly.  Yes you'll still get the sun's Vitamin D with use of sunscreen. 

Q: Won't getting a "base-tan" offer protection from burning during my beach visits?
A: When exposed to the sun, skin produces melanin, which gives it the tanned appearance.  Melanin produced during tanning is not as protective as the natural, generically adaptive melanin typically produced by the skin, nor is it permanent.  The act of getting a base tan (tanning beds) causes cell damage and inflammation.  Further tanning on top of that only multiplies the skin damage.

Q: Is it true that sun damage is cumulative
A: Yes, Damage by UV light to the DNA of your cells accumulates over time.  The wrinkles, fine lines, or hyperpigmentation that appears at the age of forty may very well be the result of sun exposure as a child.


Q: How often should I exfoliate

A: At minimum, recommended exfoliating once per day.  Depending upon the extend of skin damage, twice per day may be recommended.  (Most individuals need to slowly build to this frequency).  It is essential that the exfoliation product be effective, however.  To determine this, pay attention to the product's pH level.  And to ensure you won't experience burn, look for anti-inflammatory ingredients like an Organic Medical grade Aloe Vera, near the top of the ingredient list (meaning more in the formulation).  (EX3 by TreSkinRX, formulation is the closest you'll find to a professional application, and yet safe and effective to be used at home).  

Q: Is it true that frequent exfoliation can lead to thin skin?
A: No, if done appropriately, exfoliation can actually lead to a thickened, healthy dermis.   When you exfoliate, you're encouraging the skin to produce collagen and elastin, the proteins that give the skin structure and strength.

Q: Should exfoliation products be used around the eye area?
A: Exfoliation around the eye area can certainly be done without issue and is recommended.  However, it is essential that care be used to ensure acid does not get in the eyes.

Q: Can regular exfoliation cause the skin to dry?
A: Yes, it can initially.   For this reason, it's recommended  the regular use of an effective mouisturizer.  Once the dermis thickens and is healthier, you may not need as much moisturizing.

Q: How do you know when the dermis has thickened?
A: As the dermis thickens, the skin will be tighter and appear healthier, with fewer signs of damage.

Q: Is it necessary to use an exfoliant when you're young?  I'm 25 yrs old and my skin is still in good condition.
A: "Prevention" is the answer.  Even at the age of 25, using an exfoliant is a good idea.  Helping dead skin slough off offers the opportunity for plumper, healthier skin cells to come to the surface.  This helps to preserve that youthful and fresh look.

About Dr Ahmed Abdullah

Dr Ahmed Abdullah is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and a recognized expert on the restorative and medicinal effects of a high grade aloe vera.  Additionally, he is an associate clinical professor in plastic surgery at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine, and founder/ formulator of the Lexli line of Aloe-based professional skincare.  (Usually available through a professional)

Despite his expertise in plastic surgery, Dr Abdullah has proven that many common skin concerns can be avoided by optimizing skin health.  His research has shown that the use of organic, pharmaceutical-grade (medical grade) aloe vera is a beneficial tool in that effort.  Thus, Dr Abdullah travels the world educating licensed skincare professionals and consumers alike about the proper ways to utilize aloe in skincare applications, the essential steps to ensuring the skin's basic needs are met, and setting the record straight on prevalent skincare myths.  Furthermore, he still sees patients regularly at his practices in Fargo, North Dakota and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

 A member of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC), Dr Abdullah has served on its board of directors.  Furthermore, he is a diplomat of the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery and serves on the Ethics Committee of the North DAkota Medical Association.  

Dr Abdullah earned his medical degree from North-western University in Chicago and completed his residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas.  He is married to Dr. Kay Abdullah, a board-certified surgeon, with whom he has twin sons -- Alex and Ali.

His formulation for Lexli products, is the exact formulation now available to the general public through TreSkinRX, without medical or professional prescription or application.  
TreSkinRX, you can try before you buy.  Order a 2-week (not single), sample online, free customer registration will earn you a discount when you order full size products.