Thursday, May 26, 2016

Common Skin Concerns Part 3

Continuing on the first 2 Blogs for Common Skin Concerns 



As mentioned in earlier Blog, oily skin is most often caused by overactive subaceous glands that produce excess sebum, the skin's natural oil.  Sebum is beneficial in that it helps to lubricate and moisturize the hair and skin.  Because dry skin is one of the factors that causes skin to look particularly "aged", those who produce excess sebum often benefit from a more youthful appearance as they get older.  My husband was lucky in this way, age 57 with skin of a 35 yr old, but he's always had a tendency toward oily skin.  The downside, of course, is that oily skin is often accompanied by acne and the shine that imparts on the skin is often hard to control.  My husband doesn't have acne or problems however, which is lucky.

Causes of oily skin include genetics and hormone levels.  Therefore, women may find their skin to be oilier during menstruation or pregnancy.  Another group affected is teenagers, as puberty causes a surge in hormone production.

Among the treatments often touted for excess oiliness is the use of a powerful cleansing agent or astringent.  Actualy, this method strips the skin of its oils and can cause inflammation, which leads to the production of even more oil (this is one of the methods the body uses to respond to inflammation).
It has been recommended that sun exposure can help to "dry" the skin.  While time spent in the sun can temporarily dry the skin, this method not only puts the individual at risk of skin damage, it also may lead to an increase in oil production.

To get oily skin under control, a proper skincare regimen is key.  However, be sure to utilize skincare products specially formulated for oily skin.  As for makeup, choose non-comedogenic and oil-free products.
Additionally, daily exfoliation with an effective formulation is beneficial in that it keeps sebum production under control and reduces the potential for inflammation.

Finally, your physician may make the determination that a prescribed solution is an effective treatment.  In that case, retinoids, such as tretinoin, may be utilized.


"Redness" is a term that may describe two separate types of concerns.  The one referred to here is characterized by a persistent red hue and is often accompanied by dryness or itching.  A second type of redness is more commonly referred to as "flushing", which is temporary and may be related to physiological condition.

Persistent skin redness is most often a telltale sign of inflammation, which can have numerous causes.  among them is irritation from an external environmental stimulus, an allergic reaction due to the application of a particular product or ingredient to the skin, or a medical condition, including rosacea or exzema.

Often skin that suffers from redness is described as "sensitive skin".  But, those symptoms considered hallmarks of sensitive skin are most often simply indicators of unhealthy skin.  And in those instances, a proper skincare regimen coupled with a healthy diet can bring the biology of the skin back into balance.

The key to eliminating redness is to first eliminate the inflammation.  Because redness can be an indicator of a serious issue, such as a skin disorder, it is recommended first seeking medical treatment if the condition has persisted for an extended period of time.
Once a medical condition has been ruled out, the following recommendations may be pursued:

Avoid Ingredients that are Known Irritants
This may include skincare products that include alcohol, powerful cleansing agents, or abrasive elements, as in the case of facial scrubs.  These ingredients encourage inflammation.
Implement an Effective Skincare Regimen
Basic cleansing, daily exfoliation, and moisturizing.
Within the Skincare Regimen, select products with ingredients proven to Diminish Inflammation
These ingredients may include aloe vera, niacinamide and biabolol.
Exfoliate regularly with an effective formulation
While daily exfoliation may first encourage greater redness, it will eventually eliminate dead skin cell buildup and encourage the production of collagen.  This helps to eliminate symptoms of sensitive skin and get the skin back in balance.
Protect Skin from harsh environmental conditions
Because redness is exacerbated by excess sun exposure the effects of cold weather, it is highly advised thatsun screen be used daily and protective gear be worn when venturing outdoors.

Large Pores

Large pores can be found anywhere on the face, but they most often appear on the nose and cheeks.  Causes of large pores include:
Oily Skin
People with oily skin, caused most often by overactive sebacious glands that produce excess sebum (the skin's natural oil), are likely to have enlarged pores.  This is because excess oil often results in clogged hair follicles.  When the follicle is clogged, it dilates and results in a wider pore opening.
As we age, skin becomes drier and less elastic.  This causes the pores to appear larger.
Excess Sun Exposure
Sun damage causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin in our skin.  Thus, people with excess sun damage will often notice that pores appear larger.
Thickened Keratin Layer
When dead skin cells build up on the skin, the appearance of pores is magnified. 
Often we see "how to" articles about ways to reduce the size of your pores.  Most often, these methods include the use of facial masks and creams.  Unfortunately, there is no way to shrink the size of pores.  Rather, we can minimize their appearance by ensuring hair follicles remain free of buildup.
A number one recommendation for minimizing the appearance of large pores is to -- exfoliate daily with an effective product.  This ensures the pores are kept free of dirt, bacteria, and dead skin cells that build up in the hair follicle.
Cosmetic procedures
Cosmetic procedures may also be utilized to minimize large pores.  The most useful will be those that provide the skin with exfoliation, including microdermabrasion and chemical peels.  however, look at these treatments as a secondary approach after several months of regular at-home exfoliation.

Under-eye Circles 

Causes of the darkened circles under the eyes include an excess of skin pigment and the presence of dilated blood vessels.  Under-eye circles are considered a hereditary condition in that some individuals are just more predisposed to the issue.  However, it may appear more pronounced in those with fair skin, through which blood vessels are more apparent.  Additional factors include:
As we age, our skin thins due to a breakdown of collagen and slowing of its production.  This thin skin allows the blood vessels below the surface to become increasingly apparent while giving the area a hollow appearance.
Allergies or nasal congestion
Congestion causes blood vessels below the skin to pool
Smoking contributes to thin skin
Sun Exposure
Especially in those with darker skin complexion, sun exposure may cause the pigment under the eyes to darken.
Fatigue and lack of sleep are commonly blamed for under-eye circles.  While fatigue can cause a pale complexion that makes shadows more obvious in the under-eye area, it is not a direct cause of the issue.  
the appearance of dark under-eye circles may be improved through the daily use of an effective exfoliant, as these products will help to thicken the dermis layer of the skin.  Other solutions require in-office procedures:
Laser Resurfacing
This treatment is helpful when under-eye circles are caused by excess pigment cells, as is the case for those with darker skin complexions.
The use of fillers help to thicken the area under the eyes, thus masking the presence of blood vessels.
Additionally, a recent Japanese study has shown some initial success in treating under-eye circles with a formulation of Vitamins C, E, and K along with retinol. 

 While outlined various treatment protocols for common skin concerns, it's important to note that this information cannot suffice for proper medical assistance.  If your skin concern is persistent or severe, it's essential that you seek medical assistance from a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or general physician. 

For exfoliant that is safe to use and yet very effective, consider products developed specifically by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr Ahmed Abdullah MD, FACS, FICS and the product line of TreSkinRX at

To learn more about skin & skincare, the marketing myths and the truth via science, this book on amazon "Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin".

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