Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Nutrition, Cholesterol And Your Heart

My husband (age 57), was taken to the ER, with a heart rate of 184, they told us he could have had a stroke or a heart attack, thank the Lord, it was neither, he was very dehydrated.  However, another time, while he was in ICU, they didn’t notice until he called the nurse, as his heart was 225.  Even under the care of a hospital in ICU, you never know what could happen to your heart.  My husband has no diabetes, no high cholesterol, low blood pressure, and is a slim build, however he was being hospitalized for treatment of cancer when he was in ICU.

Problems at the Pump
This happened to a man….Slamming into his chest with the savage force of a wrecking ball, the pain threw him to the ground.  Feeling fine one moment, the next he was gasping for breath, trying to wrench that invisible crushing weight that was keeping him from breathing, off his chest.  Wave after wave of pain assaulted him, beginning at his breastbone, running across his chest, up to his neck and down his left aft.  “Get help!” he thought, and tried to put that thought into words, but his pain was too intense.  Lapsing into unconsciousness, he lay on the office floor.
His heart attack could be you or me, or any one of a million and a half people like us in the year ahead.  Every day about 4,000 people in this country face  a similar ordeal.  Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in men over the age of 40 and women over the age of 55.  At one time it was rare to see someone in their 20s or 30s in the hospital with a heart attack.  Today it is commonplace.

Ingenious Engine
The heart is a marvelous piece of equipment.  It is efficient, well designed, and self-repairing.  What is this marvelous machine, the heart?  Like an untiring pump, it counts out a hundred thousand beats a day – perhaps 300 million beats in a lifetime.  Its energy output over a normal life-span is enough to raise a ten ton truck to a height of ten miles.  

When you get into your car and turn the key there’s a sudden surge of power.  With that power, your car can take you wherever you want to go.  It is the engine, of course that provides the power.  We have an engine inside our chest, a fist-sized heart that powers our life.  Unlike a car’s engine, the heart never stops.  A car’s engine comes with a one to five year guarantee.  Our heart comes with a lifetime guarantee. 

Like all engines, it requires a source of power.  In this case, a small amount of energy-giving blood being pumped out of the heart is diverted back into the heart muscle itself through the coronary arteries.  Coronary arteries get their name from their shape on top of the heart resembling a crown (corona).  These arteries and capillaries tunnel into the heart muscle like a tree’s roots into the ground providing a plentiful supply of fresh roots into the ground providing a plentiful supply of fresh oxygenated blood to reach the heart muscle.

This engine of life sits in the front of the chest, right behind the breastbone.  It is divided into left and right sides by a wall of muscle.  The upper two chambers are holding spaces where the blood comes in, and the lower two chambers act as pumps.  Blood comes to the heart through large veins like fuel lines bringing gasoline to the car engine.  The first brief stop for the blood is in the right upper side.  Then the blood drops down through a valve into the right ventricle.  A carefully timed contraction sends it from the right ventricle through an exit valve into the lungs.  There blood mixes with oxygen, much as gasoline mixes with oxygen in your automobile carburetor or fuel injectors. 

The now-fresh blood returns to the heart, entering the left upper chamber.  Then it passes through another valve into the mighty left ventricle.  The left ventricle has the most difficult job of all – sending fresh blood to every cell in the body, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.  With a giant squeeze it propels the fresh blood through the aortic valve out into the aorta artery where it begins its journey throughout the body.  

Clots in the Corona
A heart attack occurs when a tiny blood clot forms somewhere in the system and reaches the heart.  To illustrate, if you were to introduce a little rubber ball into your house’s plumbing, it would lodge in a small pipe somewhere, stopping the flow of water.  Any fixture downstream of that ball, say a shower or sink, would dry up from lack of water.  Imagine a tiny “ball” finding its way into your arteries, drifting through the larger arteries with no problem.  But the pipes supplying blood to the heart muscle are small.  If the clot attempts to pass through some of these tiny arteries it may get stuck.  As with the shower or sink, any heart muscle “downstream” of the blockage will soon die.  This is a heart attack.

This is where Vitamin E plays a very important role.  Vitamin E stops clots from forming in the veins and arteries of the body. Vitamin E stops clots from forming in the veins and arteries of the body.  It keeps the red blood platelets slippery just as they ought to be, and prevents them from clumping together to form clots.  Without Vitamin E in the bloodstream the platelets tend to lodge and cause trouble.  Vitamin E is so easy to take, it is incredible that most people avoid using it.  Why wait until a clot is formed and the damage is done?  The human body was designed to utilize nutrition from nature.  God designed everything perfectly.  Then man comes along, and invents synthetic medications.  After a surgery, or with certain high risk cases where blood clotting is a concern, you’d be prescribed a medication.  Why doesn’t the medical community prescribe what God provided to protect us from blood clots, simply Vitamin E?  Because there is more profit in a synthetic pharmaceutical which they can patent and not in something from nature.  Then you have the concern of synthetic or poor grade Vitamin E.

Practically all Vitamin E has been removed from our food supply.  It is normally found in grains.  Wheat germ is especially rich in this life preserving vitamin.  But it is removed in the “refining” process.  Taking Vitamin E in supplement form simply puts back into your diet what man has processed out.

If automobile engines commonly blew up because of debris in the gas tank, and a simple preparation were commonly available that you could put into the tank to keep it from happening, wouldn’t every one use it?  Automobile engines can be replaced, but when the heart dies, it is all over.  Every wise person who knows about Vitamin E should use it every day to protect this tough, yet vulnerable engine of life.  This we can avoid early disability or death through sheer neglect.  We should also try to pass this word along to our friends and loved ones.  After all, isn’t their preservation and happiness as important as our own?

Junk in the Juggler
Where does a heart attack begin?  Though it may come suddenly, it had its beginning years before in changes that have taken place gradually in the veins and arteries.  Arteries carry blood away from the heart, far out to the ends of the body.  Capillaries are the hair-like network between the veins and arteries where the cells receive their nourishment from the blood.  Veins are the pipes returning the blood to the heart with a fresh supply of nutrients and oxygen.  As long as the veins and arteries stay clean everything is fine.  But even in childhood we begin collecting debris in the pipeline.
We have been hearing a lot about cholesterol lately.  While cholesterol is essential to life, we have a problem when it starts collecting in the veins and arteries where it should not be.  Cholesterol is a “good guy” and we could not live without it.  Much of the brain is composed of cholesterol.  

Pressure in the Pipes
A buildup of cholesterol in the arteries narrows the channel through which the blood must flow, and sometimes chokes it off completely.  Restricting the flow of blood like this may cause blood pressure to soar.  This in turn endangers any weak place in the veins and arteries.  If a vessel in the brain ruptures, the result is called a “stroke”.  Cholesterol buildup also provides the perfect spot for a little clot to lodge in a narrowed place, plugging the artery and destroying everything that lies beyond.  If the coronary arteries which feed the heart muscle become clogged, you feel it as severe chest pain called “pectoral angina”.  This triggers a quick appointment with the doctor. 

Pain in the pocketbook
Usually what is suggested by the doctor in the event of plugged coronary arteries is bypass surgery.  They cut away the diseased coronary artery and replace it with a substitute vein or artery from some other part of the body.  This has become a relatively safe procedure, but it costs over $50,0000.00 .  Many people have found themselves confronting the news that they must have this surgical operation done immediately, but are not prepared for it financially.  If there is not adequate insurance, they “mortgage their grandchildren,” and enter the hospital, not knowing what the future will hold.  After a painful ordeal they are back on their feet again with patches on their heart and a monstrous bill on their hands that will drain them financially.  

Saved by Salmon Oil and Carotenoids
A better way to deal with this whole problem was discovered by doctors a few years ago while observing the Eskimo population in Iceland.  They consume about 70% of their diet in fats, and should all be ready for bypass surgery according to our standards.  However, they have the healthiest arteries in the world.  It was found that a substance in fish oil called the “omega 3” factor actually cleans out the arteries.  It dissolves accumulated cholesterol, and sweeps it out of the system.  Then blood pressure, elevated by narrow passages, begins to come down to an acceptable range.  Life expectancy improves, and everybody breathes a little easier.  One good thing about it, the expense is nowhere near the expense of bypass surgery (if nothing else your deductible and co-pay and expenses not covered by your insurance, not to mention loss of wages while you’re on sick leave)—not to mention the stress and pain and disability saved by this simple, yet effective method.  Every wise person who knows about Salmon Oil should use it regularly to maintain a clean cardiovascular system.

Carontenoid Complex also important in preserving the integrity of the cardio vascular system.  It is reported that free radical oxygen turns LDL cholesterol into the plaque which accumulates and blocks the arterial passageway.  The carontenoid is not LDL that is dangerous.  It is its attack by free-radical oxygen, turning it into plaque, that is life-threatening.  Carotenoid Complex prevents or minimizes this degenerative disaster, contributing many trouble free years to life. 

“Rhythm and Blues”
Years ago there was a popular song called “Rhythm and Blues.”   This title could easily describe the feelings of those who experience heart rhythm problems.  If your heart is skipping beats – r racing, then slowing way, way down, you too will be “singing the blues.”  The doctor calls this problem arrhythmia or tachycardia” and usually treats it with drugs.  But often the heart does not respond as desired, the drugs are expensive, and there may be undesirable side effects. 

Nutritionally speaking, there are several minerals that are vitally connected with muscle response.  All muscle contraction and relaxation involves the presence of at least four common minerals.  They are calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.  Heart rhythm problems – along with common muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, etc – are often the results of an inadequate supply or imbalance of these minerals in the system.  

NeoLife GNLDs Neo-Cal or Cal-Mag and Multi-Min offer a simple and effective way of overcoming this deficiency and getting the system back in balance again.  So don’t sit around with rhythm “blues”.  Get out the minerals and yu may be able to restore a regular heartbeat nature’s way.
In other instances “heartbeat hiccups” (tachycardia) may be triggered by low blood sugar.  When blood sugar levels dip too low, whatever weakness we have physically begins to flare up.  If our weakness tends toward arrhythmia, then is when it shows up.  If low blood sugar is the problem, the answer is simple.  Lay off from sugary foods that upset the bllod sugar level, and increase protein foods that help maintain the proper levels.  NeoLife GNLD Super Ease and NouriShake protein are marvelous aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels.  Formula IV and Formula IV Plus also help by increasing adrenal action which helps stabilize blood sugar levels.  

Unfortunately, as with my own husband, doctors don’t explain what or why things are happening, such as his tachycardia, nor how to reverse it or prevent it.  Everything is simply about medical treatment with pharmaceutical medications including their undesirable side effects.  Never is a simple solution of nutritionally balancing the body, is a considered solution.  It is our responsibility to educate ourselves, to make informed choices and find the purest forms or nutritional supplements to help our body to be as healthy as we can be.

What NeoLife GNLD products help maintain a better Heart health?
·         Vitamin E Plus to prevent in-vein clotting, protect against free radical oxidation, and promote the integrity of vein and artery walls.
·         PhytoDefense for protection against free radical oxygen attack on LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream.
·         Lipotropic Adjunct for increased lecithin production by the liver, helping to keep blood lipids in suspension – and other factors that protect against excess life-threatening “homocysteine” in the blood.
·         Salmon Oil or Salmon Oil Plus to help prevent cholesterol deposits, and lower blood pressure through Omega-3 factors found in fish oil.
·         Vitamin C or Super C for stronger more flexible veins and artery walls
·         NouriShake or Super Ease Protein to help maintain proper blood surgar levels, and supply building blocks for cell rebuilding.
Begin today to apply a nutritional approach to controlling America’s number one killer, heart disease.  The sooner you begin, the greater your chances for a longer healthier life.

NeoLife GNLD at
Sponsor #32-260985

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