Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Immune System

The Immune System

The war within
We are besieged daily by a vast army of viruses and bacteria that swarm over our skin and membranes, seeking to gain entry and get control.  The invaders are too tiny to be seen, yet their tactics can vanquish the must larger body cells they attack.   Usually we are unaware of the incessant wars within us because our defenders silently rout the enemy and restore peace.  But sometimes these sectaries are caught unprepared, and we develop a cold, the flu, -- or even worse.  During the last 50 years antibiotics have largely controlled bacterial invaders, but they are largely ineffective against viruses.  Now, with the escalation of AIDS and other strange new viruses, the war is getting more serious.  Strains of bacteria that were vanquished twenty years ago by antibiotics are resurfacing in new forms that defy ur present technology.

What are viruses?
Strictly speaking, a virus is not even alive.  It is a protein-coated bundle of genes containing instructions for making copies of itself.  When a virus slips inside one of our cells, it issues instructions for the cell to clone thousands of new identical viruses.  Within the next few hours they rupture the just cell and fan out to invade nearby cells.  At first, the odds are all on the side of the invader, but with a good immune system the battle turns, and final victory goes to the home team.

Our defense against viruses
Phygocytes --  The first soldiers to arrive at the scene are the phagocytes, the scavengers of the system.  Phagocytes constantly scour the territories of constantly scout the territories of our bodies, alert to anything that seems out of place.  Whatever the phagocytes find that is suspect, they consume.  If patrolling phagocytes happen upon a remnants of a cell burst open by the flu virus, the gobble up the wreckage, consuming some of the viruses in the process.  But the phagocytes cannot destroy the foes fast enough to keep them from infecting nearby cells.  Next, a big brother phagocyte called a Macrophage arrives on the scene.  As it engulfs a virus it sends out the alert to highly specialized T cells circulating through the body.

T cells – our second line of defense, are pumped out by the milli9ns from the thymus gland behind the breast bone.  There are two kinds of T-cells, the “helper” T’s search for trouble, but carry no weapons.  When they find it, they send urgent signals to their cousins the “killer” T’s who are trained to recognize and destroy the enemy.  Soon killer T-cells multiply into an army which invades the infected cells and destroys the virus invaders.

B cells – One third line of defense, are manufactured in the bone marrow and are sent to the lymph nodes, where they produce chemical weapons called antibodies.  By sticking to the surface of unwelcome invaders, antibody molecules slow them down, making them easier targets for phagocytes.  They also attract protein substances in the blood stream which blast through the invader’s cell membrane and destroy them. 

The virus defeated – As the immune defenses gather, the tide turns.  Within a week the invaders retreat.  The battle is won, but it is not forgotten.  We are left with an aru of memory T and B cells trained to spot this virus.  If it returns, it will be recognized immediately and defeated without a battle, we are immune.

Virus-Related Diseases

AIDS – A  life-threatening infectious disease spread by sexual contact and other exchanges of body fluids such as blood transfusions and intravenous needle use.  It is caused by the GTLV-111 virus.  AIDS causes immune suppression by destruction of T4 cells.

Chlamydial Diseases – Sexually transmitted infection which can cause sterility in women and problems with the urinary tract and prostatic inflammation in men.

Common Cold – A virus that attracts the upper respiratory system 

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) – Viral infection which may be without consequence or can be serious.  Can lead to hepatitis, cause abortion, stillbirth, liver damage

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBT)—Causes Infectious Mononucleosis and systemic immunnodeficient Epstein-Barr Virus Syndrome (SIDES).  Symptoms are fatigue and depression.  Mono hits hard and then leaves in two to four weeks.  SIDES attacks with many of the same symptoms, but is chronic, lingering for months or even years.

Herpes Simplex – Type 1 is usually found on the lips and skin (cold sores).  Type 2 is easily transmitted by sexual contact and usually occurs on the genital organs.

Influenza (flu) – Viral invasion, usually of the lining of the respiratory tract.  May spread to other parts of the body such as the blood or gastrointestinal tract.

Mononucleosis—Caused by the E[stein-Barr virus.  Causes fatigue and depression.

Viral Pneumonia – Viral infection that involves the lungs and respiratory passages.  CMV or Herpes are two of the many viruses that can cause viral pneumonia.

The Immune System and Cancer

A major lifesaving function of our immune system is its war against cancer.  Although science does not know exactly why a normal cell becomes a cancerous, many researchers believe that potential cancer cells arise constantly within us.  As they turn cancerous, the antigens on their surface usually change enough to alerts vigilant T cells.  Ceaselessly the immune system seeks and destroys these mutinous cells before they can begin multiplying.  Sometimes, however, the mutineers survive and the body loses.  Our first defense against cancer is a strong immune system.''

Now, our personal experience.  In  my family, since I was a child, I've never tried coca cola or coffee.  I like fruity herbal tea, but lemonade or water is my first choice.  I grew up in an average family.  Both my parents smoked, and were special occasion drinkers, nothing daily or much.  Eventually both parents stopped smoking.  I never started, found out I was actually allergic to the tobacco plant and smoke.  I never really drank, I tried it a couple times age 16 & 21, didn't like it (being drunk) decided I can't handle it, just don't drink.  My husband coming from a family with alcoholism, decided never to drink or smoke either.

Now, we've had cancers among many other diseases. We've had lung cancer, lymphoma, throat, melanoma, mild breast, cervical and thyroid cancers.  Most of us beat our cancers.  Then our son, who was a strong LDS boy, Eagle Scout, ROTC, Missionary, joined the Army who also never smoked or drank.  He came down with Anthrax Vaccine Leukemia from the Army.  He was the first to live past ONE month, it's that deadly and fast.  He suffered never leaving the hospital for 9 months.
About 8 yrs later, my husband had thyroid cancer, had 1/2 the thyroid removed and thought he was good.  Later we found that the past 4 (at least) yrs of lab tests, shown renal failure.  Nothing had been tested beyond, nor mentioned to us.  We learned 30% of those with thyroid cancer will develop another form of cancer within 1 yr.  And we learned the probability of Steven having had kidney cancer for at least those 4 yrs of labs, up to 8-10 yrs before.  But that his weakened "immune" system, from the thyroid cancer, may have triggered the kidney cancer to metastasize, spreading to lymphs behind his heart, in his lung, in his sacrum bone.  

Don't ignore the symptoms that are easily passed off as simply working too hard, getting older, out of shape.  When you have pain, it's your body's way of trying to warn you something isn't right.  Steven, my husband, had pain down his leg.  Had repeatedly gone to a chiropractor, without any relief.  Decided maybe it was a disc problem, went to his doctor to get an x-ray, they found his kidney to be 4x normal size, and the tumor on the sacrum.  We did some investigating.  Locally in our state, we were told they could try chemo (which we later learned never touches stage 4 kidney cancer) yes, he was stage 4, when it's masticated beyond the original organ, it's now become stage 4.  From that point, we decided to research for a better hospital that specialized in stage 4 kidney cancer, in maybe a treatment plan that was better than making him comfortable.  We found Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, UT.  We made arrangements to come to Utah, had additional tests and scans to find the tumors had spread to at least 4 locations in his body.

They began with removal of his kidney, which at 4x the size, had an internal tumor of 6cm, and external of 10cm, so this was removed and he lost approximately 10 lbs.  Then they radiated his sacrum bone strong once, and removed that 2cm tumor.  The 3 cm lymph tumor behind his heart, they took 5x lower dose radiations.  Now it's also gone.  Then upon his return for cycle 2, they found another small lymph tumor they did a low dose single radiation near the heart again.  

So, he's not being treated with chemo, but with an Immune Therapy drug called Inner Luken (IL2).  He gets a dose to begin with about every 8 hrs by IV along with a lot of medications to counteract the effects as this is very hard on the body.  Your capillaries leak fluids, you swell and gain 20-30 lbs.  You later will pee that weight off.   All in all, his muscle tone is down severely, and he's down to 164 lbs now from 197 lbs before starting.  During his first cycle, which is 5 days in ICU to be closely monitored, he received 8 cycles which could be up to 15, and some don't even tolerate 8 doses.   They go until the kidney that is left, the platelets, and the liver are to their pushed limits.  A dose takes about 15 minutes to administer, but shortly after they get the "riggers" which is severe cold shaking throughout the full body.  They cover with a warming "bear hugger" air blanket, and more medications.  Once the riggers stop, a fever spikes.  He's had to be packed in ice for a 104 F. fever, but on avg they go up about 101-102 F., and more medications to control this as well.  His heart will rise, and has gone as high as 225, which was dangerous.  His blood pressure drops.  His oxygen drops especially when he's sleeping.  They have wild dreams, and speak in their sleep, and have other complications from hiccups to severe #10 level pain.  After several hours, these symptoms clear, and he's just exhausted and sleeps most of the time.  His second cycle they found before we left the first time, only 5 small tumors left in 1 lung.  So upon return scans, they found 3 of those 5 tumors are gone, and 2 are reduced in size.  It appears the IL2 Immune Therapy is working.  IL2 super revs up the body's own immune system to fight the cancer cells.  The radiation kills cancer tumors, leaving the dead cells floating about for the body's immune system to imprint and target as something to destroy... including the matching living cancer cells.

During the 5 days in ICU, is followed with 1 week out to recover (about 9 days) which he's very warn out and tired.  He then returns for cycle B (cycle 1 A & B, cycle 2 A & B etc).  Another 5 days in ICU.  During his first cycle, he received 8 treatments each week in.  During his second cycle he's received 6 treatments in.  This will decrease.  And he'll have a total of 4 cycles, usually by the last cycle the body can only handle 1 (maybe 2) treatments in a 24 hour period.  Even if upon returning, all the tumors are gone and there appears to be no more cancer, they continue the treatments to make sure all floating unattached, non-tumor growing, but still active cancer cells are killed off.  Also during his time "home"he is very pro-active on his health.  He exercises on a recumbent bike, a tread mill, a mini trampoline (helps clear lymph nodes), some regular floor exercises, and when he's recovered after about 2 weeks out of his latest treatment, he's back to work full time.  This includes a 2 hr commute TO work and FROM work each day.  He also enjoys staying active with our 40 acres and his 3 mules.  The key to success with any treatment, illness, even cancer is all in attitude.  He's always kept a positive attitude, not even labeled "faith" but just being happy, appreciative of his life, he enjoys his job-work.  We get along with family and have many concerned and caring friends and co-workers even clients.

He also drinks Moringa oleifera (Smartmix) from Zija every day.  He drinks Daily Tea from Zija every day.  He uses Ameo oils as needed usually if in any pain or discomfort, externally only as they don't know how it might react with the Inner Luken treatments.  The head person who administers the Inner Luken was very against all essential oils in the beginning.  Until we explained about Ameo and it's proven tested and research standards met clinical grade, then she approved Ameo only and externally only for now.  She was also against supplements of any kind, saying majority are synthetic and poor quality and food would be better.  Until we educated her about Moringa oleifera and Zija company and their purity standards and quality control, then she approved this only.  We then approached her about NeoLife GNLD supplements also, and the purity and standards met as whole food nutrition, and once again, she approved these only.  That since he needed to take vitamin D and Calcium, she'd rather he take NeoLife than anything else on the market.  I found this very interesting.

Our son, when he was hospitalized for 9 months at OU Medical in Oklahoma City OK, with Anthrax Vaccine Leukemia.  We had well wishing caring family & friends sending us products & supplements from so many companies.  The oncology team took us aside, to explain this product is garbage.  This product doesn't do what they claim.  This product will harm him not help.  This product could kill "us" if taken.  My mom was on that one, and was always sick.  She took herself off and regained her health & strength.  BUT, they explained to us about NeoLife GNLD, and how that was the ONLY product they would suggest or recommend to any cancer patient and would be good for anyone.  I found that very interesting as well.

Here we have two major hospitals, with two oncology teams (different cancers), both accepting or recommending NeoLife GNLD as supplements.  And as the OK team didn't know about Zija, and Ameo oils were not available 9 yrs ago at that time.  However, the person over my husband accepted Zija, Ameo & NeoLife but strongly suggested we avoid all other supplements especially over the counter, and no other type essential oils as they are more marketing claims than research supported.
Again, very interesting to us. 

We will continue with these products.  Just as I have found information (given in earlier posts) about skincare products, especially the false claims on the market and using water as a filler that benefits nothing but is cheap.  I really like the TreSkinRX brand using a clinical-pharmaceutical grade aloe vera in their products base, not water.  And I like that all these companies, have research supported studies, testing proof, and experts in their fields not self proclaimed... they are what they claim.  I'd rather trust my health to the suggestions of a Harvard Medical School genius, or a cancer research Dr, than to a chiropractor, a veterinarian, or a minister or someone without that caliber of expertise, just trying to sell a product line or make a name for themselves.  Loyalty is a good thing, if you place your loyalty where it's well deserved.  If the company isn't as "loyal" to product claims, research support, test proof, highest caliber of people endorsing or on the science advisory board of product development... if they have let us down, why do we hold loyalty to that company or product line?  Because we've begun to build a  business under them?  I did this with several companies in the past that I found to be "less than truthful" about their claims.  MY personal integrity, if I learn something is not what it's claimed, I'm out.  I've matured and learned over the years, to do my research first, and not follow their marketing pitch.  What I use, or what I sell, what I've signed up for a discount in, or what I buy from a store-business-online, I do my research and know that the ingredients are in their, and that they are pure.  That the science in research is there supporting their claims, not just their word on it.  That the caliber of the people behind the product, is of the highest, not someone making a name for themselves.  I went to a local Dr, and he suggested a diet program of packaged foods.  Not only did I literally gag at the awful taste, but I researched the products, to find they are very high in sodium, very low in nutrition, were mostly filler (like eating saw dust), and not healthy.  I explained this to him, and he said he signed up to sell it, and he didn't know this about the products.  He's a Doctor, and he didn't take the time to research the products he's promoting?  We do have to be our own advocate of our health.  Do a little leg work, do a little research, read up on what the name is on the ingredients labels.  Often, due to a government regulation especially with cosmetic or skincare, they have to use a scientific name so it's standard across the board.  So what you're reading that sounds "chemical" could be natural.  Don't assume, do a quick google search on what it actually is.

I hope my posts are helpful.  I hope they make you question, look at products you use, research.  I hope they help you be educated to make informed choices for a better life style and health. 
NeoLife GNLD
Sponsor #32-260985


Ameo clinical grade essential oils

Zija (moringa oleifera)


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