Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Vitamin E, I'll Bet You Didn't Know About This...

Prevents Heart Attack and Stroke
The blood stream is composed largely of red blood cells and platelets.  The red cells are the delivery trucks, carrying nourishment to all the cells in the body.  The platelets are much smaller, and do a very different and special kind of job.  They are the repair crew, standing ready to patch up the walls in case of injury.  To do this they are equipped with an ability to become sticky and multiply rapidly so they can form themselves into a patch, a plug any break or leak that might develop in the miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries that make up our cardiovascular system.

Problems begin to develop if these platelets become sticky and form clots when there is no break or leak in the system.  Then all kinds of bad things begin to happen to us such as angina pain in the chest, isolated painful clots in the legs and finally perhaps a heart attack, or stroke.  According to Dr Wilfrid Shute, MD, Vitamin E has a unique ability to prevent this abnormal stickiness and in turn to prevent the terrible consequences that follow.  It normalizes the activity of the platelets allowing them to clot in an emergency by keeping them from doing so when there is no need.

Vitamin E is found in whole grains (especially in wheat germ) and in certain vegetables.  Heart attacks and strokes were not a major problem throughout history until our 20th century because people lived on whole grains, and received a steady supply of Vitamin E from the food.  But with all the wonders of the 20th century came the food processing industry which extracts Vitamin E out of our grains.  With greatly reduced Vitamin E supplies in our food, heart attack and stroke have become the number one killer in our land.

There is a very good chance that you or someone you love will be struck down by one of these problems in the near future.  So many are crippled or die in the prime of live when they should be advancing in their career and enjoying their family  Could it be that all this misery is caused , in a sense, by a Vitamin E deficiency?  We buy fire insurance on our house, and car insurance on our car, but what about the preservation of something far more important that can never be replaced -- our health-- or perhaps even our life  Could a sufficient amount of Vitamin E taken regularly each day over a period of years significantly reduce the risk of heart attack?  Dr Shute say's "Yes".  Based on over 40,000 case  histories during his experience with Vitamin E, he believes there is every reason to believe that Vitamin E does indeed prevent this dread scourge of the 20th century.

Slows Down Aging
One of the most important things to sustain life is oxygen.  It is more critical than food or water.  Without oxygen we couldn't live more than a few minutes.  So it is not surprising that inside the human body oxygen plays a major role.  If we could peer into the blood stream with a powerful microscope we would see oxygen being transported to the trillions of body cell aboard billions of red blood cells to be used in the biochemical process called life.

On the other hand there is a type of oxygen lurking in our system called "free radical"  oxygen which may attack the cells and damage them.  Multiply this by trillions of incidences throughout life and you have the degenerative force that brings about aging and chronic disease.  For example, hardening of the arteries begins in youth when free radical oxygen attacks the cells of the veins and arteries.  It continues to hammer away at us until later in life arteries become plugged and we die of heart attack when we should just be entering the period where we earn the most money and enjoy our grandchildren. 

But wait!  Isn't there any protection from this encroaching condition?  Yes, there is.  Certain nutrients are well known as antioxidants.  They have a built-in ability to slow down or stop the misuse of oxygen. This increases energy by preserving the supply of oxygen available to the cells.  It also helps by reducing the destruction of good cells by free radical oxygen. 

Protects against destructive oxidation
What antioxidants can stop this senseless degenerative waste?  There are five commonly available ones that are very effective against destructive oxygen attack.  They are Vitamin E, Vitamin C, the carotenoid complex (of which beta carotene is the best known) the flavonoid complex, and the cruciferous family. 

To receive protection in the oil soluble parts of the cell choose NeoLife GNLD, Vitamin E Plus, and Carotenoid Complex.  To receive protection in the water soluble parts of the cell choose Vitamin C and Flavonoid Complex.  To receive additional protection in all parts of the cell choose Cruciferous Plus.

In this battle against free radical oxygen it is important to choose NeoLife GNLD products because they contain a wide variety of the most effective antioxidant components from real food sources.  More than just a beta carotene, NeoLife GNLD puts the entire carotenoid, flavonoid and cruciferous families to work, protecting the whole cell against destructive oxygen action.

Increases Circulation
What do the following things have in common?
  •  Your hands turn blue on a chilly morning when you are out camping (You hate camping)
  • Your legs cramp when you walk, and stop you in your tracks.  The doctors call it intermittent claudication
  • Ulcers form on your legs and feet, and grow into large painful sores.
  •  You wake up in the middle of the night with severe leg cramps
 What do they all have in common?  Circulation problems
Among orthomolecular physicians vitamin E is known as a vasodialator.  After observation of thousands of cases by such illustrious medical doctors as Dr Evan Shute and Dr Wilfrid Shute, of New London, Ontario, Canada it has been shown that Vitamin E opens up arteries and capillaries for greater blood flow.  They have also discovered that Vitamin E has the ability to promote the building of new capillary systems to have varicose ulcers, intermittent claudication, nocturnal leg cramps and other circulatory problems have shown improvement with the bolstering of Vitamin E supplementation. 

Promotes Healing
What is more painful and slower healing than a deep burn.  And the scars that are formed can be almost as miserable and ugly.  So many people bear the tragic marks of wounds or burns for the rest of their lives when all the time according to Dr Shute, there stands in the wings a marvelous healer that can take control and guide the healing process back to normal without fuss or muss.  Usually, extensive burns call for skin grafts to bring healing.  In studies done by Dr  Shute and other orthomolecular physicians, Vitamin E is reported to be a healer second to none.  They describe many cases where deep burns respond to Vitamin E and heal completely.  Vitamin E oil regularly applied to the affected area protects against infection, begins the healing process, and usually leaves it free of scars.

Surgical operations and wounds also heal faster with Vitamin E, according to Dr Shute, and with less scarring.  Taken internally in preparation before surgery, and continued internally and externally after surgery, Vitamin E speeds healing and reduces scar tissue and infection.

Vitamin E takes the fire out of sunburn.  It soothes the skin, reduces peeling and restores the health of the skin damaged by the ultra violet rays of the sun.

Another source for healing skin is with a skincare product line that uses medical grade aloe vera as the base of each product in their line, and not water or purified water as our skin cannot absorb water.  Aloe vera is healing for the skin, for burns, skin graphs, and daily care needs.  Consider looking at TreSkinRX, developed by Dr Abdulah with his impressive credentials. 

Female problems and Vitamin E
Fibrocystic breast disease, also known as benign cystic mastitis, has frightened many women who have found painful lumps on their breasts.  Though the cysts are not malignant tumors, women with this syndrome face a higher risk of contracting breast cancer.  This illness strikes almost half of all women at some point in their lives, usually between the ages of 30 and 50.  It is responsible for almost three-fourths of all breast surgery not only to remove the cysts but also to make sure the lumps aren't malignant.  Some experts believe that methylxanthines, substances found in coffee, cola and chocolate cause the cysts.  But crossing those items off your grocery list won't always solve the problems.

Vitamin E seems to offer a safe, effective remedy for those cysts.  In a study done at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, researchers used Vitamin E successfully in the treatment of Cysts for more than three years.  In one experiment, researchers gave 600 IU to a group of women every day for 2 months, in many cases, there was a decrease in symptoms, incluidng pain and tenderness and hormone levels returned to normal.

"We treated 26 woman patients in the study." says Robert London, MD director of the division of clinical research at Sianai Hospital.  "The cysts cleared up in 10 of them.  Twelve more had fair responses, and only 4 had showed no response to the treatment.  That's an overall positive response of 85%, and no side effects were noted.  It certainly seems to be a rational therapy for this common problem if further studies bear out our preliminary observation."

Which Vitamin E is best?
There are many grades of Vitamin E available in the stores.  NeoLife GNLD uses only the finest natural Vitamin E, which comes from Wheat germ.  This kind of Vitamin E is more expensive, but has a much higher activity level in the body than synthetics, or even naturals derived from inferior organic sources.

NeoLife GNLD Vitamin E is "water miscible." This means that it dissolves in water and is able to be taken up and used in the system with great efficiency.  This allows 100% absorption whether there is bile available to dissolve it or not.  Plain Vitamin E oil (Whether natural or synthetic) goes right through without being absorbed if there is no bile to dissolve it.  The sad thing is that often the people who need it the most cannot produce the bile to prepare it for absorption.  Though they take great amounts of a plain Vitamin E oil, they may be getting precious little in the bloodstream where it is needed.  NeoLife GNLD Vitamin E Plus avoids this problem and makes it all available to the blood and the cells where it belongs.  This makes it a "best buy" in terms of what it will actually do in the body.

Additional Information about Vitamin E at this link

Additional Information about NeoLife Vitamin E Plus at

NeoLife GNLD
Sponsor #32-260985

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