Thursday, June 30, 2016

Anti-Inflammatory Response Omega's, Minerals, No More Pain

We all dread those aches and pains associated with aging and age-related diseases.  However
scientists have discovered certain nutrients that can help reduce the aches and pains of various inflammatory responses in the body.

Magnesium important for anti-inflammatory response!

A French study recently published in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta showed that magnesium deficiencies contribute to inflammatory response.  Because many diets don’t contain enough magnesium, and stress can deplete magnesium from the body, it’s important to take a good multi-mineral supplement with magnesium, like NeoLife Multi-Min.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Essential for Good Health!

A review published in the Journal of the Association of Physicians of India showed that certain fatty acids not only have anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties, but they also appear to specifically benefit premenstrual syndrome and auto-immune disorders, like Rheumatoid Arthritis.  The researchers believe that omega-3 fatty acids seem to play a fundamental role in inflammation and immune response.  NeoLife Salmon Oil and Omega III Concentrate deliver omega-3 fatty acids from healthy, fresh fish.

Fish oil helps patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis!

A German clinical trial published in Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie found that supplementation with fish oil fatty acids helped lower formation of mediators of inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  While fish oil supplementation was found to benefit both vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike, the researchers found that the vegetarian group experienced a more pronounced healthful effect.  The researchers believe this is because vegetarians don’t normally get enough essential fatty acids from their diets, therefore the benefit was more apparent.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduced pain and stiffness!

A review published early this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that consumption of omega-3 dietary supplements has shown to consistently reduce both the number of tender joints on physical examination and the amount of morning stiffness in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis.  Many patients taking omega-3 supplements that had been taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs had their doctors permission to discontinue use because of the favorable results of the omega-3 supplements.  The review also pointed out the importance  of consuming  a supplement with both eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, such as found in the NeoLife Salmon Oil.  (Note: majority of supplements today do not contain both, or either acid).

Scientists all over the world agree: certain nutrients offer hope to those living with the pain associated with certain age-related conditions, like arthritis.  If you, or someone you love, experiences aches, pain, or joint stiffness, discuss supplementation with a doctor – it could just be the answer you’re looking for!

Take the Pain out of choosing!

Now you’ve read the research and have decided to supplement, but what do you choose?  There’s no confusion when you turn to NeoLife supplements.  Made from only the finest ingredients and formulated for maximum absorption, NeoLife supplements are the perfect choice for your supplementation program.
Sponsor #32-260985

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Found in fatty fish, like salmon, herring and sardines, omega-3 fatty acids play important roles in maintaining long-term good health.  If you’re not eating two to three servings of fatty fish each week, you may not be getting enough EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids required for optimal function of the heart, blood and blood vessels, brain, nerves, eyes, joints, skin and sex organs. 

       Salmon oil:

Pure salmon oil from health-screened fish.  Cold-press processed from body fillets, not organs where toxins may collect.  Each 3 capsule dose provides 540 mg EPA and 360 mg of DHA, in balanced ratios as found in nature.

         Omega III Concentrate:

An exclusive NeoLife combination of fresh, health-screened cold water salmon, sardines, anchovies and herring, all containing naturally high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  Each 3 capsule dose provides 540 mg EPA and 360 mg of DHA, in balanced ratios as found in nature.


This essential mineral is present in all human tissues, especially bone.  Magnesium is needed for bone mineralization, protein synthesis, enzymatic reactions, muscular contraction and nerve transmission.


Delivers Broad-spectrum mineral supplementation with NeoLife’s exclusive amino acid chelates and complexes for significantly higher absorption.  Includes macro-minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, plus micro-minerals such as zinc, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, chromium, and molybdenum for overall mineral support.

Supplements you can count on!

There’s enough pain in this world; don’t cause yourself any more by agonizing over your supplements!  When you choose NeoLife, you choose the best.  You can have confidence knowing that each product delivers the healthful benefits you need and desire for long-term health and wellness are guaranteed!
Sponsor #32-260985

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

“See” into the Future. Protecting your Vision Nutritionally

Poor nutrition can steal the future of your eye-sight..  You may see everything just fine now, but your diet could put you at risk for the leading cause of irreversible blindness in older Americans: macular degeneration.  But that’s not all: poor nutrition can also put you at risk to contract cataracts, cloudy spots in the eye lens that cause a progressive loss of vision.  To discover what nutrients you need to preserve your sight, read on… 

Recent evidence compiled by the National Institutes of Health shows that supplementation with Vitamins C and  E, beta-carotene, and Zinc helps prevent macular degeneration from worsening by 25%.  The study, called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDs) determined that the daily supplementation regimen that provided these results is 500 mg of Vitamin C, 44 IU vitamin E, 15 mg of  beta-carotene, 80 mg of zinc, and 2 mg of copper.  Moreover, researchers at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in Boston discovered that those with early age-related cataracts who consumed daily doses of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene experienced a small deceleration in cataract progression.

Studies consistently point out that diets with carotenoid-rich vegetables, like spinach, have a protective effect on eye health.  In fact, spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids which are also found in the part of the eye that’s subjected to damage from age-related macular degeneration.  Tufts researchers recently reviewed 30 years of scientific evidence, and concluded that “generous intakes” of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce risk of macular degeneration by as much as 40%!

Moreover, researchers in Indiana found that people who consumed high intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin, possessed higher levels of macular pigment (the highly concentrated deposits of lutein and zeaxanthin in the macula) in the eyes than those who consumed much less.  This study shows the importance of consuming carotenoid-rich foods and their impact on eye health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Harvard researchers compared the histories of 350 people with advanced macular degeneration to those of 500 people with good eye health, and found that those with the highest intakes of vegetable fat, who did not also consume a healthy balance of omega-3 fatty acids, were more than twice as likely to have the disease than those with lower intakes.  While many vegetable fats are good, if they’re not balanced by omega-3s this could cause a risk of macular degeneration.
Make sure the above nutrients are a part of your daily supplementation routine so that you can see clearly for years to come!

While macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people aged 55 and older, cataracts can start forming on your eyes as early as age 30.  So young or old, your eye health is at risk if you don’t get the nutrients that fight for your sight on a daily basis.  And, if you’re like most people, you’re not getting enough of these nutrients in your diet.  You’d have to eat a mountain of fruits and vegetables just to get the recommended amounts of 500 mg of Vitamin C daily, not to mention covering the other eye-saving nutrients!

Can you realistically get all of that from your diet?  If your answer is “No”, then supplementation is the answer for you, and we’ve got what you need:

Vegetable-sourced NeoLife Vitamin C products all contain the exclusive added benefits of Neo-Plex Concentrate with bioflavonoids,  containing the phytonutrient spectrum of whole oranges, and delivering Vitamin C as nature intended.  Choose from chewable All-C, Super C Threshold Control with sustained release of nutrients and convenient Powdered C mixes easily with your favorite foods or beverages!

Vitamin E Plus with all 8 members of the vitamin E family!  Made from whole-food sources, each 275 IU capsule delivers all 4 tocopherols and tocotrienols (not just alpha-tocopherol as found in many vitamin E supplements) in balanced ratios that occur in natural foods.  And, Vitamin E Plus is water-miscible for improved absorption! 

Salmon Oil for omega-3s!  Sourced from health-screened pure cold water salmon, each high potency dosage delivers balanced ratios of both EPA and DHA, insuring you get the best balance of omega-3s with every serving!

Chelated Zinc for maximum bioavailability!  Each tablet provides high-purity and high-potency zinc, plus natural amino acid chelation for improved absorption.  This is particularly important since less than 10% of dietary zinc is normally absorbed.

Carotenoid Complex:  Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin!   The benefits of this extraordinary wholefood supplement have been demonstrated in human studies conducted by SAB members, and USDA researchers.  Each Carontenoid Complex capsule provides the phytonutrient value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid rich fruits and vegetable!  We know that with each serving you receive at least 15 of the most powerful carotenoids in nature:  alpha-, beta-, sis-beta-, gamma-, and zeta-carotene, lypopene, cislycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and beta-cryptoxanthin, violaxanthin, canthaxanthin, capsanthin, and cryptocapsin.
Sponsor #32-260985

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

JAMA reccommends Multi-vitamins for All Adults

JAMA and Harvard researchers recommend all adults use dietary supplements.

Two Harvard researchers in a review, submitted to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA, 2002, 287:3116-3126), suggest that all adults should take at least a multi-vitamin/mineral tablet, daily.

This is a landmark position since the American Medical Association has traditionally suggested that adults receive their nutrients from diet alone.  This new recommendation suggests that the traditionally conservative, and non-pro-supplement, medical establishment is finally accepting the benefits of nutritional supplements.  JAMA is acknowledging the fact that many adults do not receive a sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals from diet alone, and that a nutritional supplement is insurance to safegard against inadequacies.

The article suggests that many groups are at risk for inadequate intake or absorption of certain vitamins.  The elderly, vegans and alcohol-dependent individuals in particular are primarily at risk for insufficient vitamin/mineral intake.

The researchers point out that deficiencies in vitamins B6 and B12, are associated with heart disease, and Vitamin E and lycopene may decrease the risk of prostate cancer.  All of these nutrients can be found in nutritional supplements.

This recommendation substantiates what NeoLife has been touting for over 55 years -- your diet alone cannot support your nutritional needs and help you achieve optimum health.

NeoLife was founded on the basis that modern, processed foods are "stripped" of certain nutrients, ital to overall health.  It's taken the mainstream medical community over 40 years to catch up to NeoLife!

Have you had your "Greenies" today?

Formula IV and Formula IV Plus, NeoLife's legendary "greenies", offer something unique to health- conscious customers:  They contain not just vitamins and minerals, but also lipids, sterols, enzymes, and a complex array of other naturally derived nutrients.

Behind the Basic's

Each Formula IV product provides NeoLife's exclusive Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates, providing lipids and sterols that support your health at the cellular level.  The Tre-en-en in Formula IV and Formula IV Plus works in synergy with the vitamins and minerals in the products to ensure that the cells in your body are fully able to receive and process these critical nutrients.  No matter how good your diet, your vitality and health won't be well supported if your cells don't receive the nutrients they need.  Whereas other supplements don't even begin to cover the "basic's" of human nutrition, Formula IV and Formula IV Plus, clearly go well beyond just the basic's.

Balanced and Potent 

Formula IV and Formula IV Plus deliver balanced ratios of broad-spectrum nutrients, rather than the mega-doses of isolated nutrients found in many other supplements.  These products are produced under strict laboratory conditions with the same care for quality, purity and potency that has come to be expected of NeoLife.  No manufacturer goes to greater lengths to produce safe and effective formulas.

"Dietary Insurance" to be your Healthy Best!

Superior supplements enhance your body's general health, energy level, and stress-coping capabilities by addressing dietary "gaps" -- this describes Formula IV and Formula IV Plus to a "T"!  For decades, literally thousands of NeoLife customers have reported increased energy and vitality while using Formula IV and Formula IV Plus.  This effect can be attributed to synergistically filled in dietary gaps with important nutrients and then making certain those nutrients are delivered into the cells where energy is produced by including Tre-en-en.

Don't Miss A DAY!

Ensure that you, your family and friends are getting the nutrients that your body needs to be its healthy best.
Sponsor #32-260985

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

XanGo -- Noni -- Mona Vie -- Nu Skin -- RU Curious?

Exotic 'super fruit' juice spawns $1B nutrition business for one company  Experts Doubtful... by Paul Foy Associated Press, Feb 8, 2008.

 SALT LAKE CITY -- On stage at a sales convention, XanGo executive vice president Joseph Morton said that when he first stumbled across mangosteen, a tropical fruit with purported curative powers, "I didn't have to have it confirmed in the New England medical journal before I would listen".

The multilevel marketing company (MLM) has built a huge business around it's mangosteen-based juice, which it promotes as an immunity booster.  The company still hasn't proved its health benefits -- which it says could include a stronger immune system and improved joint function -- to skeptical experts.  XanGo's web site includes a disclaimer, noting the juice is not meant to treat or prevent disease.  A lab test arranged by The Associated Press found its antioxidant power to  be on par with other fruit juices.  (Note from Blogger: example Mona Vie of Acai berry ORAC score is 12.5, NingXia Red, of wolfberries ORAC score is 364, Zija's Moringa oleifera's ORAC score is 157,000.  ORAC is the antioxidant of any food.  There are about 500 Pubmed studies on the benefits to health of Moringa oleifera, which several World Health Organizations agree, is the worlds most complete nutritious botanical)

Morton, a 37 yr old triathlete nicknamed Ironman Joe, was on a business trip to Malaysia when he saw mangosteen, a white delicacy wrapped in a blood-red leathery shell, on the dessert menu.

From that introduction, Morton and his business partners capitalized on a new brand category of liquid "super-fruits" that is "doing gangbusters", said Jeff Hilton, a partner at Integrated Marketing Group, a branding and packaging consultant.

XanGo has more than 2 dozen competitors that sell fruit juices, powdered drinks and vitamin fizz tablets.  Tahitian Noni International Inc sold $2 billion worth of Noni juice, from the French Polynesia fruit, in its first 10 yrs by 2006.  Mona Vie, also of Utah, bottles a  blend of acai juice from the Amazon basin berry.  Pure Fruit Technologies INc, underprices XanGo on mangosteen-based juice that sells in health food stores.

XanGo, a private company that doesn't reveal financial statements, said at the October convention that since its launch 5 years ago, sales of the mangosteen-based juice topped a cumulative $1 billion.  It ships out bottles by the case from Spanish Fork, Utah and says it has 700,000 unsalaried sales associates in 17 countries.

"That's the only product they sell, and people are taking it around the world," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, who quaffs the puplish-color XanGo and pops multivitamins and other supplements every day.  Hatch was the prime sponsor of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which allows the sale of supplements unless the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can prove them harmful.

An independent lab test performed for the Associated Press shows XanGo's antioxidant strength is no better than other readily available fruit juices, yet i tcosts nearly $40 a bottle.  

"My big concern with XanGo is that the business haas gone a long way without showing any benefits in human trials," said Wayne Askew, director of the  Division of Nutrition of the University of Utah's College of Health.

Others are skeptical too.
"It's a 'Wizard of Oz' story," said Anthony Almada, president and chief executive of GENr8 Inc, a marketer of sports nutrtion dietary supplements, "The industry is build on storytelling, and because they do it one-on-one, without advertising, they don't incur the wrath of the FDA."

Dietary supplements are a $22 Billion largely unregulated business in the US.

 For the lab test, The Associated Press shipped a 750-milliliter bottle of XanGo to Oregon STate University's Linus Pauling INstitute at Corvallis.  The institute measured its antioxidant strength against store bought juices that sell for a few dollars a bottle.

On a scale of molecular weight, XanGo's antioxidants measured 14,884 "micrmoles" per liter -- slightly higher than cranberry juice, but lower than black cherry and less than half the power of blueberry juice.  Apple juice finished last in this test.

"In terms of its antioxidant capacity, XanGo is in the middle of the pack," said Balz Frei, the institute's director and chairman.

Antioxidants are substances added to many foods and even soap in the belief they can slow down the damage oxidation can do to cells.

Frei and other scientists emphasize that antioxidants haven't been shown to actually work inside the human body.  Antioxidants are known to work in test tubes, but stomach acids could neutralize them before they can get to work destroying any cell-damaging free-oxygen radicals.

Uncertainties over testing protocols have stalled research, yet every day seems to bring another mangosteen bottler, as an Internet search will show. 

XanGo's research and development manager insists mangosteen has more to offer than it's so-called oxygen radical absorption capacity -- a rich cocktail of other beneficial chemicals barely known to science.

"You have a fruit that's very complicated, with a lot of chemicals in it," says Mike Pugh, who dismissed antioxidant ratings as a "numbers game" He said the type of antioxidants can be more important. 

Pugh believes all the scientific debate can be pointless: If mangosteen makes people feel better, he said, it must do some good.

"It helps with my severe allergies," said Tim Gardner of Ham ond, Wis, a 27 yr old district manager for a chain of auto parts stores who drove nonstop with his wife and 2 other couples to Salt Lake City for the XanGo convention.  Gardner said he became a sales recruit to lower his cost to $25 wholesale fom $37.50 for a 3/4 of liter bottle.

"You're not trying to sell the product; you're sponsoring other people," Gardner said.  "Every distributor is a customer, and every customer is a distributor."

John Taylor, a one time Nu Skin Enterprises Inc, distributor and trial consultant for disaffected distributors who analyzed XanGo's mul-tiered compensation plan at the AP's request, said it was little different from scores of other multilevel marketing ventures.  (MLMs)

It's a formula, he said, that makes money for the top 1% of distributors and leaves many other recruits stockpiling products they can't sell.

"The reason you lose money is you have to buy products every month to stay good with the company," Taylor said.  "That's the rub."

Bob Freeze, XanGo's vice president for public relations, dismissed Taylor as a "disgruntled" former Nu Skin recruit "who has taken up a fight to bring down any legitimate multilevel marketing company".

Provo, Utah - based Nu Skin, a $1 billion network marketing company that sells dietary supplements and skin care products, has been fined 3x by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for misrepresentations.

Successful XanGo distributors take a cut of commissions from others recruited into their chain of sales associates, Denise Villahermosa, 49, who lives in northern Virginia, sits atop an organization of 6,000 distributors -- "we all use the product" -- that produces more than $100,000 in monthly sales.  That  makes Villahermosa a top-level "premier" distributor; she gets commissions bonuses and travel rewards for her efforts.

"We sell the XanGo story," Villahermosa said.  "I  share my story, how I got involved and how the product has worked for me.  I wanted to stay healthy."

XanGo has been warned by the FDA for claiming that mangosteen could ward off disease or cancer.  The company insists those claims were printed by a third party on a brochure at a recruitment seminar and it's not responsible.

XanGo executives said they haven't heard from the FDA since receivingg a warning letter last summer and assume the case is closed.

Paul Teitell, the FDA's assistant district director in Denver, said the matter isn't settled.  The agency can seize the product, stop the company from doing business or prosecute, he said.

"The fact they haven't heard from us since last summer doesn't mean the case is closed," Teitell responded.  "We warned them, and what happens beyond that warning is based on the way they behave, not how we behave."

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Digestive Problems?

Supplements to Aid the Digestive Process: Beta-Gest
Beta-Gest is an extract from beets for the support of stomach function.  Inadequate hydrochloric acid The outstanding characteristics of the NeoLife Beta-Gest is its "controlled-release".
production (HCL) can result in bloating, belching, burping, bad breath and sometimes heartburn. 

Common sense suggests that HCL is a very powerful acid.  A tablet introduced into the stomach could create irritation or even damage if it released rapidly.  The controlled release aspect of this supplement prevents these problems.

This is also a betaine HCL.  Dr Hugh Tuckey, who worked on the problem of HCL supplementation for 30 yrs, found that this natural form of HCL worked better than synthetic alternatives.  Other qualitative aspects of the product include the following:
  • 100% plant-sourced enzymes
  • The presence of lactase to aid breakdown of milk sugar
  • Proteases to aid in protein break-down 
 If needed, this can be one of the most helpful of all supplements.  Many nutrients are essential for production of digestive substances.

Thus a lack of any one of several nutrients can result in decrease in digestive substances.  The lack of digestive substances then increases the seveerity of nutrient deficiencies leading to even more serious problems.  HCL is particularly important for absorption of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B12.

Stomach acid begins to decline at 30 years of age.  By age 70, as much as 30% of the population has serious decline in stomach acid.  HCL kills harmful microorganisms that enter the digestive tract with food or beverages.  Deficiency here can kill.
Tuckey, Hugh, "The Human Need for Hydrochloric Acid" National Health  Federation Bulletin, Oct 1967

Enzyme Digestive Aid
This supplement is designed to support breakdown of foodstuffs in the small intestine.  This is a complete formula to aid in breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrate.  Once again "targeted delivery technolgy" is central to the quality of the product.

Enzyms are quite susceptible to damage by the HCL in the stomach.  NeoLife uses a special enteric coating to protect capsule contents from destruction by stomach acid and assure that active enzymes reach the intestines.

Research suggests that cooking of food can be very taing on the pancreatic production of digestive enzymes.  This supplement can support that vital organ in its life preserving function.
Howell, Edward, "Enzyme Nutrition", Wayne, New Jersey; Avery Publishing Group, 1985

Acidophilus Plus
The acidophilus in the colon synthesize nutrients and help break down foods for improved absoption.  In addition, beneficial bacteria crowd out or destroy harmful organisms in the digestive tract which can make us ill.

Researcher Kem Shahani noted at a clinical nutrition meeting in 1996 that he had observed undesirable and pathogenic organisms in some acidophilus products.  He also noted that nearly 50% of the products he examined did not have even 10% of the organisms the product was supposed to have.  Other researchers have observed this problem.  NeoLife customers have noted dramatic differences in effectiveness of NeoLife Acideophilus Complex compared to other products.

The NeoLife product uses an exclusive Gel-Gard protection system to assure delivery of the maxiumum number of live bacteria to the colon.  These organisms are easily killed by the stomach acid.  Each capsule of NeoLife Acidophilus Plus delivers 5 billion live organisms.  This is as many as eating 10 servings of yogurt!  The product contains 5 key organisms:
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus -- cancer inhibition
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus -- potent antitumor activity
  • Lactobacillus casei -- cancer inhibition, protection from bacterial infection of intestine
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum -- protection against "travelers' diarrhea"
  • Streptococcus thermophilus -- protection against "travelers' diarrhea"
Brennan, M, Wanismail B, and Ray B, "Prevalence of viable Lactobacillus acidophilus in dried commercial products" J Food Prot. 46:887-892
Sponsor #32-260985 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Don't Look for Bargains in Fire Extinguishers, Parashutes or Vitamins

Don't Look for Bargains in Fire Extinguishers, Parachutes or Vitamins 

There are multitude of nutritional products on the market.  How does one determine their preferences for one or another?  One yardstick is price.  Dr John Douglas once said, "Don't look for bargains in Fire Extinguishers, Parachutes or Vitamins"

One large manufacturer of supplements told a customer that they are geared to manufacture for quantity and ship all over the world.  The quality is no different than typical name brand product.

I am convinced that quality of supplements one puts inside the human body matters a good deal more than the quality of the oil one puts in one's car.  It is much easier to buy a new car, than to obtain a new body once it has been destroyed by a life time of bad nutrition.  Yet, why do we look for name brand jeans, larger TVs, and are fussy about the oil in our
car, but we buy low quality, low price, vitamins for our health?  You find a certified mechanic for your car, a licensed electrician, a reputable roofer... but you trust marketing hype without looking into it if  it's truth or not?

Food Sourced
It is rare that a cheap price and quality go together.  Producing quality products is expensive for a number of reasons.

Simply choosing foods rather than chemicals greatly increases costs.  The synthetic chemicals used to fortify a box of cereal cost only a coupe of pennies.

A quality product will also select sources of nutrients from foods a human being would normally eat -- foods that have a long history of safety.  Why do we trust and purchase products without realizing that word on the ingredients label is a toxic chemical, or a petroleum (oil) base ingredient?  Would you put it on your plate to eat?  Then why accept it in your supplements?

Blue Green Algae or Spirulina
Consider the example of blue green algae, or Spirulina, available in many products.  Wayne Carmichael is a professor of aquatic biology and toxicology at Wright State University.  He earned a doctorate in aquatic toxicology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton in 1974.

Carmichael notes the very real possibility of spirulina being contaminated with 2 types of neurotoxins or nerve poisons.  The second category of toxins found in blue-green algae are liver poisons.  Carmichael notes, "The neurotoxins and hepatotoxins are certainly the most dangerous cyanobacterial compounds, but they are by no means the only bioactive chemicals made by these bacteria."

Carmichael writes, "I am becoming increasingly worried by a modern fad: the eating of cyanobacteria from the genus Spirulina as health food...Spirulina itself is not harmful.  The danger arises because there are no guidelines requiring those marketing Spirulina to monitor their products for contamination by potentially toxic cyanobacteria or by cyanobacterial toxins.  Moreover, the general public is ill equipped to distinguish Spirulina and other benign cyanobacterial products from poisonous forms of cyanobacteria."  (Note here: My mom was taking a Spirulina product, our son's oncology team told us that one was dangerous, would make people very sick.  She had been continuously sick, and when she stopped taking this Spirulina product, she eventually regained health).

Carmichael continues, "Because cyanobacteria are often collected simply from the surface of an open body of water and because neither sellers nor buyers can distinguish toxic from nontoxic strains without applying sophisticated biochemical tests, the safety of these items is questionable."

Carmichael warns that even non-lethal doeses of these toxins may be a problem.  "The relation that cyanobacterial hepatotoxins can inhibit protein phosphatases has raised the disturbing possibility that human exposure to nonlethal doses might contribut to the development of cancer."
Carmichael, Wayne, "The Toxins of Cyanobacteria," Scientific American, January 1994, pp 78-86

Colloidal Minerals
Colloidal minerals are not really a natural product. One would not naturally walk up to mud deposits and swallow them -- even if they were diluted with water first.  Analysis of the colloidal clays reveals that most are extremely high in aluminum.  Schauss found that many products contained 1,800 to 4,400 parts per million aluminum.  Serious questions have been raised about the safety of this.

 Other products have very high levels of salt.  Schauss found levels between 1,300 and 22,000 parts per million.  The safest and most desirable forms of mineral supplementation are properly chelated minerals and sea vegetation. 
Schauss, Alexander, Minerals, "Trace Elements and Human Health," Tacoma WA, Life Sciences Press, 1996 pp 5-9
 Schauss, Alexander, "Colloidal minerals: Clinical implications of clay suspension products sold as dietary supplements: American Journal of Natural Medicine, Jan/Feb 1997 p5

Carotenoids provide another illustration of the value of food sourced natural nutrients.  Researcher Melvyn Werbach, MD, points out that synthetic beta-carotene is only one of 272 stereoisomers or forms of beta-carotene.  A stereoisomer is a 3-dimensional arrangement of a molecule.  The synthetic product does not exist in nature.

Another matter of concern is the blockage or removal of nutrients when large amounts of synthetics are used.   For example, large amounts of beta-carotene may decrease absorption of lutein (essential for the eyes), lycopene (important for the prostate), or astaxanthin (important for protecting the mitochondria).
Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Feb/Mar 2000, p 172

Vitamin E
This problem has also been observed with Vitamin E.  Stephan Christen found that large amounts of isolated alpha-tocopherol can actually decrease availability of gamma tocopherol.  This is an important nutrient for dealing with nitrogen based carcinogens.
Christen, Stephan, et al, "g-Tocopherol traps mutagenic electrophiles such as NO and complements a-tocoherol: Physiological implications," Proc. Natl Acad. Sci., USA April 1997, Vol 94 pp 3217-3222.

Genetic Engineering
One aspect of natural sourcing which is usually neglected is the alteration of nutrients by man's
tampering.  NeoLife does not accept genetically modified materials for use in the products.   For example, soy is a commonly engineered food.  The modification of the food is detectable due to the presence of a gene for antibiotic resistance.  This could be a potential problem if the gene were passed on to bacteria in the digestive tract.  NeoLife routinely tests woy for this marker and rejects soy products which have been genetically modified.

Just how dangerous can genetic tampering be?  No one knows!  The worst incident indicating risk of even slight changes in foods or supplements was the introduction of altered trypophan into the American market.  The product caused a disease called eosinophilia myalgia syndrome.  38 people were killed and hundreds became seriously ill.
Jaffe, Russel, "Tryptophan update: Helpful Adjunct and Innocent Bystander," Journal of Nutritional Medicine 1994;4: 133-139

Toxicological Testing
For years NeoLife has worked with the founder of the American College of Toxicology, Dr Arthur Furst.  He has established protocols for testing products for both potency and also for possible contamination.  Products can be contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals.

Numerous calcium products have been contaminated with lead for years.  These products shojuld not be used by children.  NeoLife has tested calcium products for lead contamination for many years.  Many other products on the market have never been tested.

One 1993 study in the American Journal of Public Health reported that 25% of 70 calcium supplements investigated exceeded the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) provisional total tolerable daily intake of lead for children under 6 years of age.  Federal regulations were supposed to go into effect in 1999 to restrict the lead content of calcium products.
Bourgoin, Bernard P, PhD, et al, "Lead Content in 70 Brands of Dietary Calcium Supplements", American Journal of Public Health, August 1993;83(8):1155-1160.
"Lead in Calcium Supplements," Nutrition Week, June 20, 1997;27(24):7/Council for REsponsible Nutrition News, May, 1997;14.
(Note: NeoLife Cal-Mag, and Calcium products have NO lead, and were not found to be among the 70 supplements that did have lead)

Alfalfa and Herbals
A major supplement manufacturer had a problem of contamination of an alfalfa product with toxic fumigants a number of years ago.
Herbal products in particular are subject to contamination with bacteria.  NeoLife uses a complex process to safely kill bacteria in herbal products without leaving residues of toxic chemicals and without irradiation.  
Oakland Tribune, Jan 22, 1982, p D-9; Wall Street Journal, Jan 21, 1982.

Salmon Oil
Fish oils are a particular subject of concern for toxicological testing.  The fats in fish are often contaminated with a number of toxic compounds.  Evaluation of NeoLife Salmon Oil products has revealed NO detectable contamination of any kind.  This means that the supplement may be a better source of nutrients than eating many fish which can carry significant toxic residues.

Contaminants such as PCB's can be passed from mother to infant through breast feeding.  This creates a dilemma because fish oils are important for the development of eye tissue and brain tissue of the infant.

Assays for Potency
Salmon Oil is also an illustration of the importance  of testing for the potency of a particular ingredient in products.  Tufts University conducted a study of 10 major fish oil products on the market several years ago.  They found that the products averaged only 38% of the EPA (one of the most important and active components of the product) listed on the label.   DHA was also substantially reduced from label claims.  DHA is an important nutrient for brain, eyes and nerves.
"PCBs in Breast Milk", Pediatrics, Committee on Environmental Health, July 1994;94(1):122-123
Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter, Vol 5, Nu 11, Jan 1988.   

All nutrition is mediated through the functioning of the digestive tract.  
Neglect of this area of nutrition can mean that supplements simply will not work.  A poorly functioning digestive tract can also result in serious problems handling foods.

NeoLife has supplements targeted to support digestive function.  NeoLife also maintains an artificial digestive tract to evaluate whether supplements will dissolve in the environment of the human digestive tract.

Some competitive products have sat in the artificial digestive tract for a week without ever breaking down.  A number of NeoLife supplements are specially designed for digestibility and testing has proven their superiority.  Why flush your money and your nutritional supplements as they pass through you, benefiting nothing for your body and health?
Sponsor #32-260985