Wednesday, June 29, 2016

“See” into the Future. Protecting your Vision Nutritionally

Poor nutrition can steal the future of your eye-sight..  You may see everything just fine now, but your diet could put you at risk for the leading cause of irreversible blindness in older Americans: macular degeneration.  But that’s not all: poor nutrition can also put you at risk to contract cataracts, cloudy spots in the eye lens that cause a progressive loss of vision.  To discover what nutrients you need to preserve your sight, read on… 

Recent evidence compiled by the National Institutes of Health shows that supplementation with Vitamins C and  E, beta-carotene, and Zinc helps prevent macular degeneration from worsening by 25%.  The study, called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDs) determined that the daily supplementation regimen that provided these results is 500 mg of Vitamin C, 44 IU vitamin E, 15 mg of  beta-carotene, 80 mg of zinc, and 2 mg of copper.  Moreover, researchers at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in Boston discovered that those with early age-related cataracts who consumed daily doses of vitamins C and E and beta-carotene experienced a small deceleration in cataract progression.

Studies consistently point out that diets with carotenoid-rich vegetables, like spinach, have a protective effect on eye health.  In fact, spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids which are also found in the part of the eye that’s subjected to damage from age-related macular degeneration.  Tufts researchers recently reviewed 30 years of scientific evidence, and concluded that “generous intakes” of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce risk of macular degeneration by as much as 40%!

Moreover, researchers in Indiana found that people who consumed high intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin, possessed higher levels of macular pigment (the highly concentrated deposits of lutein and zeaxanthin in the macula) in the eyes than those who consumed much less.  This study shows the importance of consuming carotenoid-rich foods and their impact on eye health.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Harvard researchers compared the histories of 350 people with advanced macular degeneration to those of 500 people with good eye health, and found that those with the highest intakes of vegetable fat, who did not also consume a healthy balance of omega-3 fatty acids, were more than twice as likely to have the disease than those with lower intakes.  While many vegetable fats are good, if they’re not balanced by omega-3s this could cause a risk of macular degeneration.
Make sure the above nutrients are a part of your daily supplementation routine so that you can see clearly for years to come!

While macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people aged 55 and older, cataracts can start forming on your eyes as early as age 30.  So young or old, your eye health is at risk if you don’t get the nutrients that fight for your sight on a daily basis.  And, if you’re like most people, you’re not getting enough of these nutrients in your diet.  You’d have to eat a mountain of fruits and vegetables just to get the recommended amounts of 500 mg of Vitamin C daily, not to mention covering the other eye-saving nutrients!

Can you realistically get all of that from your diet?  If your answer is “No”, then supplementation is the answer for you, and we’ve got what you need:

Vegetable-sourced NeoLife Vitamin C products all contain the exclusive added benefits of Neo-Plex Concentrate with bioflavonoids,  containing the phytonutrient spectrum of whole oranges, and delivering Vitamin C as nature intended.  Choose from chewable All-C, Super C Threshold Control with sustained release of nutrients and convenient Powdered C mixes easily with your favorite foods or beverages!

Vitamin E Plus with all 8 members of the vitamin E family!  Made from whole-food sources, each 275 IU capsule delivers all 4 tocopherols and tocotrienols (not just alpha-tocopherol as found in many vitamin E supplements) in balanced ratios that occur in natural foods.  And, Vitamin E Plus is water-miscible for improved absorption! 

Salmon Oil for omega-3s!  Sourced from health-screened pure cold water salmon, each high potency dosage delivers balanced ratios of both EPA and DHA, insuring you get the best balance of omega-3s with every serving!

Chelated Zinc for maximum bioavailability!  Each tablet provides high-purity and high-potency zinc, plus natural amino acid chelation for improved absorption.  This is particularly important since less than 10% of dietary zinc is normally absorbed.

Carotenoid Complex:  Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin!   The benefits of this extraordinary wholefood supplement have been demonstrated in human studies conducted by SAB members, and USDA researchers.  Each Carontenoid Complex capsule provides the phytonutrient value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid rich fruits and vegetable!  We know that with each serving you receive at least 15 of the most powerful carotenoids in nature:  alpha-, beta-, sis-beta-, gamma-, and zeta-carotene, lypopene, cislycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and beta-cryptoxanthin, violaxanthin, canthaxanthin, capsanthin, and cryptocapsin.
Sponsor #32-260985

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