Friday, June 17, 2016

Essential Oils and the Truth About Cancer

Pro's and Con's of Researching About Your Cancer This Blog is worth visiting at

Now this information is taken direct "quote" from the book "The Truth About Cancer" a conversation with Ty Bollinger and Dr Eric Zielinksi, and others.

"Essential oil is a volatile organic compound and what I think what people need to recognize when it comes to an essential oil, there is NO nutrition in it.  There is NO vitamin or mineral.  It is a chemical that essentially God gave to the plant to protect the plant from outside threats, whether it's bacteria, viruses, fungus or even infectors like flies, bees, whatever that might attack the plant."

When I was using Young Living oils, the owner of that company, Gary Young, taught that essential oils were like the 'blood' of the plant.  This is completely wrong.  It's not the life of the plant, it's more like the hormone of the plant.  Just one more reason I started researching more to learn from TRUE experts in the field of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils, recognized, world renown experts that are not self taught or self proclaimed.

"What it includes are organic compounds -- not organic as we think meaning organic, having a carbon chain included in it -- organic compounds like terpenes, alcohols, ketones, esters and you name it -- is basically chemicals... from the plant"

"There is no oil for one specific issue.  What we have found, and this is pretty fascinating, is that...let's use the Ayurvedic model, Indian folk medicine for example.

There is an abundance of lemons in India, so you'll find that the Indans use lemon essential oil for virtually everything: detoxification, internally, externally -- whether or not you are going to clean the counter, or whether or not you want to clean your skin.  They use the essential oils from lemon for everything from nausea to halitosis to diabetes to cancer.

When yo go to Australia, they are using Melaleuca, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus.  You go to Oregon and Washington, they are using Peppermint for everything.  It's important to realize that these oils, a lot of them do the same things.  When I report on research (Dr Eric Zielinksi quoted here), it is limited because we've only done a limited amount of research, but as far as I know there is no essential oil that does not have a cancer effect.

I just recently read a report over 130 research articles regarding essential oils and what the researchers came about was; what essential oils do is they actually prevent angiogenesis, which is the growth of veins and arteries.  It stops metastatic growth.  It actually prevents DNA repair which is -- that's pretty key.

That is really key, because there is one study that compared Sandalwood and Frankincense and they found that Frankincense triggered that apoptotic effect where the cancer cell died, but Sandalwood killed cancer another way, went around on the back end, in a sense and flanked it by triggering the actual DNA to not being able to repair itself so the cancer just died that way too."

"(Dr Josh Axe) Frankincense oil -- if you look at the research today, it is probably the most powerful essential oil if not the most powerful supplement, period, when it comes to natural cancer treatment in my opinion."
NOTE: Dr Josh Axe is a Chiropractor (not trained with Essential Oils specifically as any expert) and is a strong Leader in doTerra company (essential oils), so promotes for his business.
I asked Dr Scott Johnson, who has a school for Essential Oils (iEO Certification, Integrated Essential Oils cert. which is equal to a Clinical Masters), and is an author of several books, many medical related, to the use of essential oils.  Dr Johnson says: "Only YL reports that Bowallic Acids are found in frankincense essential oil. They are of the molecular weight that it would be extremely difficult to extract them from resin using steam or hydro-distillation. Solvent or Co2 extraction may pull them. Even though frankincense Essential Oil didn't have the Boswallic Acids, doesn't mean that it can't be effective for some types of cancer though. In vitro and anecdotal evidence suggests it is effective against some types of cancer.  I haven't seen any research suggest frankincense benefits Alzheimer's"   
Effective, but not cure alone.  So, I tend to take what I'm quoting here, as more marketing hype than actual scientific evidence or proof.  I sure wouldn't want to trust my life on this alone.  I lost a friend, she was using YL essential oils, mainly Frankincense oil and light & sound therapy, and she died suddenly when she had felt she was being cured.  They found her cancer had spread dramatically.  The "cure" she was trusting, did nothing for her.  I caution people from trusting everyone or thing you read... Dr Axe is not an oncologist, or expert in Essential Oils, but a "sales distributor" growing a business. 

What's in Frankincense that makes it so good?  (Ty)

(Dr Axe) "Frankincense is really high on a compound called Bosellia or  Boswellic Acid.  It is highly anti-inflammatory.  It is also a very powerful antioxidant.  There are studies -- there is actually a study that came out of the UK pretty recently, showing that Frankincense oil is effective at shrinking tumors.  It's effective against Ovarian cancer, Colon cancer and Breast cancer.  The Boswellia frankincense is a very powerful compound at fighting and treating cancer.

One of the most incredible things about Frankincense is that the essential oils themselves are very, very small molecular compounds.

Almost everybody knows this, in cancer treatment, that chemotherapy is NOT effective at treating any sort of cancer of the Brain because it can't pass through the blood/brain barrier versus Frankincense oil.  These compounds are so small, they can actually pass through the blood/brain barrier and start to reduce that neural inflammation.

I'll tell you an incredible story.  I was speaking recently and had somebody come up to me at the end, after talking about essential oils and she said, "I want -- I can attest to what you're talking about with Frankincense oil.  My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor 6 years ago and was given 3 months to live.  We got turned onto Frankincense oil, started using it every single day.  We diffused it in the home.  He rubbed it on the roof of his mouth.  It has been 6 years and he is still alive and we really believe it's because of this use of Frankincense oil."

NOTE: they didn't mention if any other conventional treatment for his cancer was being included or frankincense oil alone.  From what I've found on Pubmed, the levels of essential oils used in studies, are extreme and not simply diffusing or applying to the roof of your mouth, but literally taking many milligrams (I was explained equal to 3x 15 ml bottles at $70/bottle a DAY).  Again, I question the validity of this story.  Pubmed studies are usually vitro, not human studies on most of the cases.  
Dr Axe also explains "his" beliefs on the baby Jesus' gifts.  This is the first time I've heard it as he explains it.  I took theology in college, and all I can say, is we each interpret a scripture in a way God intends for us to understand it at that time in our life.  It may be totally different to another person, and that's ok.  Open heart allows for God's will, Open mind allows for learning.  
I do agree with his mention of Frankincense and Myrrh as "treatments" in the fight of cancer.  They support, not totally cure on their own, but work with medications to help the body protect the growth or spread of cancer, to help the body heal, to help strengthen the cells.  They also mention that Gold could have been Tumeric or Curcumin as it was sold for more than gold in the Spice trade, nicknamed this the Golden Spice.  This is an interesting interpretation.
Myrrh was actually has a study in the Journal of Food and Chemistry and Toxicology effective in the treatment of cancer.  It doesn't claim to actually cure the cancer alone.

My reason for this Blog, although I agree with many things mentioned in the various films for The Truth About Cancer, I have found that some of his "experts" are not the top world renown, UNBIAS, experts in the field.  That some of the information is more interpretation or opinion than science based.
As I've got a personal stake in researching cancers, I've found there are a LOT of marketing hype products out there to be wary of.  Any time a product or person claims to cure "many cancers" and "stage 4 cancers" with a simple single product, or supplement... run!!!  
Cancers are very complex and individualized.  That's why a stage 4 cancer that's spread, the cells tested from the other locations, are still cancer cells of the original cancer... example kidney cancer cells found in bone or lung, it's not lung cancer, it's still kidney cancer.
When it sounds too good to be true, it most often is (False)!  
It was explained to me, that often these "cure-all" claims, have UNdocumented cases, the patient thinks they had this cancer, self diagnosed.  No medical scans or tests confirming it.  But they followed a protocol and although they probably did not have cancer, thinking hypochondriac symptom, so they feel they were also cured.  That the person who is marketing their "cure-all" product, is usually self taught, or not even educated in the field of oncology or toxicology or even nutrition.  They are not a recognized renown expert in the field they are claiming to be an expert in curing everything with their "marketing hype".

Be your best advocate.  
Research the person behind the product development, what is their education, their expertise in the field (or not).  
Research the product itself, what clinical trial studies have been done, any reputable study will be published in accepted scientific or medical journals, usually found on Pubmed as well.  Research the company, the Integrity, history, financially security.  I know of one company, the man started selling vacuum cleaners, then fire extinguishers, then decided he's an expert now in nutrition and developed a vitamin line, which the FDA testing found some of the line had NONE of the vitamin or mineral claimed, actually in the supplement.  One oncology team we worked with for our son with Leukemia, as we were sent supplements to help clean his blood, build his blood, support his body, cure his cancer... we obviously took it to his oncology team.  They explained one was placebo effect, this is worthless... this one could harm a healthy person (my mom was taking that one, and was always sick..stopped and regained her health).  
Not all hospitals are created equal.  Not all hospitals specialize in a cancer.  Not all hospitals have access to the latest greatest treatments, usually only to chemo and radiation especially in smaller population hospitals.  We met several people at the Huntsman Cancer Institute that came from other states, where they were told they have so many months... or would have extreme radical surgery... or only treated with chemo.
Research the hospitals.  The bigger places like Cancer Centers of America, John Hopkins, MD Anderson, Huntsman and many across the USA, specialize in cancers or advanced treatments.  They also have programs, and are not out of reach for the average person to receive treatments.

My husband is being treated at Huntsman Cancer Institute in SLC, UT.  We live 1,100 miles away.  I'm able to stay in the ICU room (where he receives IL2-Inner Luken, which is Immune Therapy NOT chemo), and the hospital has family shower, family free laundry, family kitchen, and actually very good (not hospital usual) restaurant foods at very low prices.  They understand you're already stressed even as the supportive family member.  They have a wellness center for $40/hr massage or acupuncture (believe me was helpful under stress, headaches, not sleeping, worry).  They also have mini apartments at $42/day or $1,000/mo for families coming a longer distance.  Their whole team, from the Doctors, to the Nursing, to the Housekeeping, are friendly and professional, very caring.  At least this is our experience with this hospital.  And although most would go to Mayo from where we live, Mayo doesn't offer this treatment my husband needed for his stage and type of cancer.  He's nearly cancer free.  And we've met several who were stage 4 cancers, including stage 4 kidney cancer, who are cancer free and treated at Huntsman.  Our local Doctor told us literally to "get the hell out of this state" and he said Huntsman was an excellent choice for my husband.  His own wife was treating at MD Anderson (both he and his wife are Doctors), and not trusting the local small Cancer center's care or  local hospitals treatment options.
We've asked our oncology team about alternative treatments to add to the immune therapy, such as a nutrition supplement or essential oils.  We were told NO!  When we asked why?  It was explained too often patients trust marketing hype, or buy local from stores and the products are synthetic although the bottle claims pure.  We asked specifically about a couple companies.  One was told to us by our son's oncology team, NeoLife (I'll post a link at the end) for individualized supplements... they looked into it, yes!  My husband needed additional  Calcium.  We asked about Zija, Moringa oleifera?  They looked into it and said yes!  With about 500 studies confirming and several world organizations endorsing moringa oleifera as the worlds most nutritional botanical.  They also said no at first to essential oils, because they are not considered pure.  Ameo is what we asked about, and they looked and approved that topical only for pain, it works wonderfully for my husband.  

Here are the links.  #3000770
Sponsor #32-260985 
All I'd suggest, is to not trust fast-easy, usually expensive, and rarely actually effective marketing hype "cure-all" treatments.  Don't necessarily trust a local Dr or hospital, and research for the best for your specific cancer.  Contact them.  Then keep an optimistic attitude, strong faith, and don't give up. 


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