Comforting Blend (Pure Tranquility) This is a blend you will use often, both in public and in private.
Soothing Blend (Muscle Mend) This is a blend you will want to keep handy to stop a headache, calm a bruise, or apply to joints before the pain becomes unbearable. The quicker you get a handle on discomfort using essential oils, the lower the inflammation and the more effective the therapy.
Stress Control Blend (Calming Breeze) This is a blend you will want to use during the day to lower anxiety when you need it most. It is not designed to put you to sleep at the end of a stressful day, but to clear your mind and help you remain calm, but alert.
Slimming Blend (Trim & Tone) This is a blend you can use to increase metabolism by creating an exothermic effect in your body. It can also assist in balancing and regulating blood sugars for slowing metabolism, it is primarily to be taken by ingestion, it can also help you control hunger. The oils in this blend, though spicy, will calm the digestive system and work to elevate your mood and enhance satiety.
Relaxing Massage Blend (Relaxing Touch) This is a strong, spicy massage blend youo'll want for warming your muscles, ligaments, and joints before and after exercise. It provides that extra degree of safety and comfort you need to maximize the effectiveness of your exercise. It will also help with your balance and form by sharpening your awareness and loosening the tension throughout your body. You won't feel as sore and stiff as you begin exercising, and you'll have quicker and easier recovery after exercise if you use the blend regularly. You can use it to increase circulation and release toxins.
Purifying Blend (Pur Vie) This is a blend you'll need for diffusing and disinfecting the air in your home or office. It will freshen, deodorize and neutralize cigarette smoke and other disagreeable odors. It's disinfecting action can also cleanse cuts and scrapes. It can be an excellent blend for repelling insects and treating bites of spiders, hornets, mosquitoes, wasps and bees.
Balancing Blend (Determination) This is the first blend you'll want to use when layering oils for back massage. It should help relax the tiny myofacia and deep facial connective tissues in the muscles and nerves along the spine, allowing the spine to naturally align and allow other oils to penetrate and provide their healing energy. It can also be used for many other calming tropical applications. Because this blend is more "yin", relaxing, and calming, it can be used as the opposite of your Massage Blend to improve balance and relaxing energy after exercise. This blend is mainly for topical application, NOT ingestion.
Focusing Blend (Life Unlimited) You'll want this blend to be wonderfully fragrant for multiple emotional uses, it should strike a balance between relaxing and energizing so it creates a mood of trust and acceptance. Like the Balancing Blend, it should break down barriers of doubt and help you feel confident in sharing your aromatic treasures with others. It should be the most versatile of all your most pleasing emotional blends and single oils.
Antioxidant Blend (Cell Defense) You'll want this blend to deliver antioxidants to help protect your cells from the powerful dose of free radicals that attack your body every day from toxins, from outside your body as well as within. (Another would be AGX Cell Therapy, gelcaps)
The Blends mentioned in the ( ), can be found at http://ClinicalGradeEssentialOils.myameo.com
In the book "Integrated Essential Oils and Aromatherapy" Dr Penoel MD, gives recipes for the following. Order at integratedessentialoilsstore.com
Circulation Blend Our body is a complex network of tubes, and the more freely they flow, the healthier we are. Our lymph and circulation are a major component of the free-flow of fluids throughout our body. Massage designed to enhance circulation, especially of the legs, the abdomen and the back, bring wonderful benefits to the whole body.
Whereas the Massage Blend is ideal for warming up muscles and joints before exercise, this Circulatory Blend is for enhancing free circulation to speed nutrition and energy throughout the body and eliminate toxins.
The purpose of the blend is to eliminate stagnation and toxins from the body by increasing healthy circulation through aromatic massage.
Liver Blend The liver is one of our most important organs. It is an amazing chemical plant for the process we call metabolism. Every minute it processes 30% of the blood circulating in your body. It performs complex chemical reactions to remove toxins and distribute and store vital nutrients so you have an even flow of energy. It processes fats, carbohydrates and proteins so your body can use them safely. It stores and releases vitamins as needed. It constantly filters your blood, removing inhaled toxins, alcohol, harmful hormones, dead cells, and invading bacteria. If health is a priority for you, you'll want your liver to be clean and healthy at all times. (There are 2 liver blend recipes in the book)
Inflammation Blend The point of this blend is soothing inflammation. The Soothing Blend can be too strong for some inflammatory conditions, so we need an additional blend with a lighter, more calming action to lower inflammation. This blend is applied externally to keep the inflammatory process under control. Adding even an extra drop of pain-revealing Peppermint to the blend will add a little pain relief for an inflammatory condition, but it may be too much. The blend is very mild, but it has a wonderfully calming action on inflammation when used over an extended period of time.
Immune Balancing Blend One of the most important life-saving parts of an automobile is its brakes. When your immune system loses its brakes, you have autoimmune diseases in which the immune system goes to war with your body creating serious, life-threatening conditions like type-1 diabetes, Crohn's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.
Digestion Blend (Gest Calm or AGX Digestion gelcaps) Between the intake and the outgo of your digestive tract lies an amazingly complex alchemical processing system with delicate tolerances that can become easily upset and go out of balance. The Digestion Blend is designed to use with foods. It is made of culinary spices and as such can be adjusted to your personal taste to complement the recipes you most frequently enjoy. If you enjoy Mediterranean Cuisine, you will love adding more Mediterranean spices like Sweet Basil, Rosemary, Marjoram and a tiny amount of Oregano or Thyme. If you prefer food that uses Citrus and Mint flavors like Lemon, Orange and Spearmint, you'll want to add more of these digestive oils. Perhaps you enjoy Asian cuisine. Then Ginger and Citrus oils will take a more central role. Here's a suggested recipe (in the book) you can use as a basic formula for a great digestive blend.
Mental Focus Blend (Life Unlimited) This blend is a "brain traffic controller" to help regulate and organize the "neuro-chatter" in the mind that leads to hyperactivity, disorientation, confusion, stress and overwhelmed feelings. It is designed for use in the daytime where focus and attention are important, not sleep and relaxation. It's a great oil to use when driving, studying, taking exams, or performing tasks that require peak concentration. Using this blend consistently over time whenever you need peak mental ability for difficult tasks can help retard the mental aging process and activate the endocrine command centers of your brain that keep you young and alert.
Intimacy Blend There are essential oils that claim to prompt a sexual (aphrodisiac) response through (1) relaxation, (2) hormonal activation or (3) stimulating circulation (Davis). A blend created primarily for its aphrodisiac effect could have some limited benefit, but it would need to be used with great care and would not be as useful as a true intimacy blend.
Foot Massage Blend This blend is not designed for treating any specific ailment or complaint but rather for prevention and helping with any hidden or obvious health problems in your body.
Immunity--Boosting Blend Because of the effectiveness of essential oils in support of the immune system, has done a lot of research in this field in his clinical practice. He has seen significant cooperation between aromatic molecules and the immune system that protects us.
Creating these blends is easy. Order small roller ball bottles (5ml works). For the percentage in the recipes, I simply use 10 drops = 10%. After I've combined all essential oils in the recipe, I fill the remainder of the bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) which can be found in the cooking isle of your grocery store or Walmart. (Safe to cook with, Food grade, less expensive)
If you're already interested in the blends, purchasing the book for the recipes. You'll want to consider the essential oils you choose to use. There is at this time (2016) only one true clinical grade essential oil available to the public (link above). No there is no governing body in the USA over essential oils or quality. However, this Ameo company, follows the very strict high standards of clinical studies from research institutions around the world to meet their higher GCMS standards, in order to make a clinical grade claim. I've posted more about this in earlier Blogs. The Ameo clinical grade essential oils also is endorsed by the world renown experts in the field, Dr Daniel Penoel MD and Researcher Pierre Franchomme (note photo at top of page). Integrity, purity, and supported by science.
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