Saturday, May 7, 2016

Healthy Skin from Within ACNE part 1

Marvelous organ, the Skin 
I've posted blogs before about skincare products, their myths that can't work, and what does work.
But skincare isn't just about products you apply to the skin outside.  It's about what you do for your health inside as well.

The skin is just as much an organ of the body as the heart or liver.  It is the largest, weighing about seven pounds, and covering a surface area of about twenty square feet.  (Give or take according to our size).  It consists of three distinct layers...
1- The epidermis which is the thin top surface of the skin (the layer that most products applied, can only reach this "dead cells" layer, so it's a very short temporary fix)
2- The dermis where most of the skin functions take place (where you want products to reach "living cells" to be able to heal them healthy.
3- The subcutaneous layer which is composed mostly of fat.

The epidermis is what you see, a beautiful protector against weather, radiation, temperature, invading organisms and harmful objects.

Under the beautiful outer surface of the skin lies the miraculous wonderland of the dermis -- consisting of collagen tissue fibers inter-woven with the blood and lymph vessels, wweat and subaceous glands, hair follicles, and nerve endings.  A square inch of skin contains a whopping 19 MILLION cells consisting of...
  • 78 nerves
  • 650 sweat glands
  • 19 blood vessels
  • 78 sensory apparatus for heat detection
  • 13 sensory apparatus for cold detection
  • 1300 nerve endings for recording pain
  • 160 pressure apparatus for the sense of touch
  • 100 suacious glands
  • 65 hairs with muscles.
The skin maintains crucial control of our 98.6 degree body temperature.  Millions of sweat glands supply water to the surface of the skin, which helps cool us in hot weather.  One to two pints of water evaporate from the body each day from perspiration.  (More in hot weather, hard work or working out, or hot flashes, fevers).   This is why drinking 1/2 hour body weight in OUNCES of water daily is very important.  Blood vessels of the skin also help regulate body temperature.  If the outside temperature is low, they contract to conserve the body's heat.  When the outside temperature rises, they relax, allowing excess heat to escape through the skin's surface.  (Think of how your rings fit on your finger, in the cold, they slide right off.  In the heat, they are hard to remove).

Our skin works around the clock to protect us from the fluctuations of our environment.  Dry weather poses a problem, robbing us of vital moisture.  Yet the skin has its own protective mechanism.  Millions of tiny oil glands produce a thin, visible coating of natural oil that serves to protect us from drying out. 

Acne and Nutrition 

One of the most detested afflictions to hit the teenage world is "zits".  At a time when boyfriend and girlfriend relationships are coming into the critical zone, what should appear on the scene but pimples!  To make matters worse, they even seem worse than they are, bringing feelings of inferiority along with the scars that may accompany them for the rest of their lives.  This is a plague that should never happen to a teenager, yet it is estimated that as many as 85% are affected to one degree or another.

Saturated Fats -- Medically speaking acne is a combination of skin infection and eruption which occurs when the sebacious ducts become clogged.  Though this is genetic to some degree, it is also related to diet.  One common aggravator of this condition is the intake of saturated fats.  These fats are found in fast-foods cooked in oil -- such as french fries, potato chips and many other munchables.  Even some kinds of peanut butter, margarine, and cheap ice cream are high in saturated fats. 

Most acne can be helped by staying away from foods that aggravate the condition.  Choocolate, sugar and cokes greatly exacerbate the problem for many acne-prone teenagers, and should be avoided as much as possible.

Vitamin A --Often teenagers who succumb to zits have a history of vitamin A deficiency symptoms.  As children they may have experienced ear infections, kidney or bladder infections, or asthma and bronchitis.  All these problems have one thing in common -- they are disorders of various mucous membranes which cannot maintain their health without sufficient Vitamin A.  These symptoms are the body's way of telling us, "I am not getting enough Vitamin A".  During teenage years, acne is a further step in this syndrome.  More vitamin A each day helps the skin -- and all mucous membranes maintain better health.

Zinc -- This mineral works hand in hand with Vitamin A to help prevent acne.  Zinc is very "friendly," accomplishing countless functions in the body.  It promotes healing of cuts and burns and assists in all types of tissue repair.  Vitamin A alone helps prevent acne.  Zinc alone also helps.  But when the two are used together, they are able to accomplish even more.

It is important to get the right kind of Zinc.  NeoLife's zinc is "chelated" for better absorption.  Inferior mineral supplements are absorbed and utilized very poorly -- as loww as 5 to 15% of the potency shown on the label.  NeoLife's chelated zinc is absorbed up to  90%.  This means that you get about 10 times more value for your money with this kind of product.

Using Vitamin A and Zinc for acne is a long term project.  It cannot be though of as a medicine to cure a disease.  For those who have vitamin A deficiency symptos it must be thought of as basic requirement or proper chemistry.  Any time it is short in the system, the same old problems will return.  (Another simple tip, "when you stink, you need zinc" simply body odor can indicate this need)

Formula IV and Formula IV Plus -- Since zits are partly a hormonal upset, Vitamin A and  Zinc may not solve the problem alone.  We must also give our endocrine system some help.  These glands produce the hormones that control these areas of development and health.  During the teenage years there are great demands made on the hormonal system, and it is difficult for the body to respond adequately.  Acne can be one result.  Formula IV was developed by medical doctors who were specialists in this field for just this type of problem.  Formula IV and Formula IV Plus supplies what the endocrine system needs to produce the hormones to help ease the upset that produces acne.  All teenagers' hormones "begin to hop" when they reach puberty, and they all need Formula IV or Formula IV Plus (no Iron) daily to improve their endocrine activity.

Watch for the next blog "ACNE part 2"
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