Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wrinkles, Eczema and Nutrition

Under the beautiful surface of the skin lies the layer called the dermis, which is nothing short of
miraculous in its structure and work.  A square inch of skin is as busy as a whole city carrying on the transportation and manufacturing activities that make up the miracle called life.  Like the steel and concrete of a city, collagen supports the structure of the skin.  The constant replacement of old collagen with new keeps the skin young and fresh.  When collagen can no longer be replaced as it is needed, the  beautiful skin of youth begins to wrinkle and sag, and we start to look old.

Vitamin C and Collagen -- How do we produce collagen for healthy, vital skin?  Vitamin C and flavonoids are crucial in this process, as is protein and various minerals.  The "minimum daily requirement" soon runs out and additional Vitamin C with flavonoids must be supplied.  There is no set about, as each person's body chemistry is different..  The body must have enough vitamin C for the immune system, plus many other essential activities -- and still have enough left over to manufacture collagen.                                                                                               Photo of me age 57

The wisdom of adding generous amounts of natural Vitamin C to the diet throuugh the years can only be tested by time.  The disks between the vertebrae of the backbone are made of collagen.  The ligaments that strengthen our limbs, the glue between every cell that holds us together, and the fiber of the underlying structure of the skin -- are all composed of collagen.  If we supply all that is required on a regular basis to make the needed collagen, we have hope of retaining much of the strength and beauty of our youth into old age.  If we fail -- well, take a look around you at those who grow old and neglect nutrition.

Please refer back to previous blogs posted about skin care products.  You can NOT add collagen to your skin through a product, your body must produce it. 

Protein -- This is another of nature's building blocks for making healthy skin.  Everything you see in the mirror is made of protein.  As old cells sluff off they must be replaced with new.  Millions of new skin cells must be produced each day.  Without adequate protein in our diet, the beautiful texture of the skin suffers.  The USDA tells us that we need from 50 to 100 grams of protein each day to maintain our physical structure.  But this is just where many of us fall down.  This results in a lack of energy, a deficient immune system, and old looking skin.

NeoLife helps us solve the protein deficiency problem with it's famous Super Ease and NouriShake proteins.  Many of us neglect protein for various reasons -- because of its cost, dieting, our inability to digest it, etc.  Super Ease and NouriShake  are inexpensive, easy to prepare and digest.  A protein breakfast gets the day started right with long-lasting energy, a better immune system, and plenty of building blocks for beautiful new skin.

Vitamin B Complex -- Red, rough, and blotchy skin can be the look of a vitamin B-complex deficiency.  "Whistle marks" around the mouth, a magenta tongue, and a blotchy red complextion are all ways of saying, "I'm not getting enough of the B-Complex".  Formula IV, Formula IV Plus, Stress 30, Sports 30, Active Forty Plus, B-Complex, Super B and Liver +C are all excellent sources of natural B-complex.

Eczema and Nutrition

Eczema is a skin disorder that plagues many people beginning early in life.  It appears in thickened red patches of skin that ooze and itch -- and come and go without rhyme or reason.  A good nutrition program as outliined above is a "must" for basic skin health.  But with the eczema-prone person there is often an internal factor that starts with imperfect digestion.  Proteins not fully digested in the stomach or small intestine enter the blood stream, and are looked upon by the body as enemies.  Thus the body calls up its defence system, triggering histamine production.  This results in various problems and difficulties.  Eczema is one of them, making it related to food allergies rather than vitamin deficiencies.
NeoLife helps us correct digestive prblems with Beta-Gest and Enzyme Digestive Aid.  Beta-Gest, taken with a meal, helps provide more hydrochloric acid and pepsin for better digestion of proteins in the stomach.  Enzyme Digestive Aid continues helping digestion in the small intestine.  Restored digestion reduces allergic reaction in the blood stream, and thys reduces the incidence of eczema with its misery  Now you can get BetaZyme which has Both Beta-Gest and Enzyme Digestive Aid together in easy to take packets.

NeoLife offers the finest dietary products for skin care from within.  The natural vitamins, minerals, protein, and fatty acids in these formulas are there to see you through life with the glow of health.  And into old age looking years younger.  Join the look-younger-longer crowd, and get started with a nutrition program that will help you attain the beautiful skin you desire -- naturally.  

The photo on this blog is me.  I've been using NeoLife for many years, and TreSkinRX skincare products for several years.  You'll learn more about both product lines in earlier blogs.
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