Friday, June 3, 2016

Essential Oils during Chemotherapy and Cancer Treatments

Taken with permission from "Evidence Based Essential Oil Therapy" by Dr Scott Johnson (available 
on Amazon).

Another poorly understood potential interaction is with simultaneous use of essential oils with chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer.  Presently, evidence does NOT exist as to whether the immune mechanisms and other pharmacological activity of essential oils could potentiate or interfere with conventional cancer treatment.  One review of 280 articles concluded that "nonprescription  antioxidants and other nutrients do NOT interfere with therapeutic modalities for cancer."  In fact, the study found just the opposite, that antioxidant supplementation enhanced the ability of cancer therapy to kill cancerous cells and increased patient survival rate.  A conflicting review determined that high-dose antioxidant supplementation interfered with tumor control by conventional cancer therapies and reduced survival rates of patients.

It is widely known that essential oils can enhance the penetration of other substances through the skin, but the interaction of essential oils with the range of cancer drugs used is still unanswered.

Because of this, it is recommended to AVOID the use of essential oils topically and orally for a minimum of 48 hours Prior to treatment and for 4-7 Days Following chemotherapy or radiation treatment.  Most chemotherapy drugs will exist the system within 3 days of use, despite the fact that side effects continue long after this due to associated tissue and organ damage.

In halation of essential oils can generally benefit the nausea and discomfort often associated with cancer treatments.  It is strongly rrecommended that you discuss the possibility of inhaling essential oils (like lemon, peppermint, ginger and spearmint) during your treatments.  These oils can simply be added to a cotton ball and placed in an oxygen mask or inhaled directly from the cotton ball.  Likewise, personal care products that contain essential oils are acceptable when undergoing cancer treatment.

My own husband had thyroid cancer Christmas of 2014.  Following removal of only 1/2 his thyroid, no follow up treatment was required.  He did use a Thyroid blend topically on his neck to help what remained of his thyroid, his thyroid levels remained normal range.

The following Christmas 2015, he was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer.  We have learned that the kidney tumor probably had been there as long as 8 to 10 years.  That perhaps an environmental toxin, or his Thyroid cancer, triggered the slow growing kidney cancer to metastasize and spread fast.  Between 2 scans, was a 6 week period, his cancer had grown 30%.  We chose to go to Huntsman Cancer Institute in UT, part of the Cancer Centers of America system.  He had his one kidney removed, it was 4x normal size with an additional tumor growing on outside of the kidney.  He also had a tumor on his sacrum wrapped around the sciatic nerve causing severe pain which is what brought him to a Dr after several Chiropractic trips gave no relief.  They radiated this tumor in one strong dose.  It was gone, but the irritation to that nerve was intense pain.  He found no relief from his pain medication.  We asked about using essential oils, and the oncology team literally that Dr shouted NO!  Later we approached again, asking about a pain blend to help since nothing was helping.  They listened to our Ameo, clinical quality.  They looked into what we gave them, and came back Topically only, as they didn't know how the essential oils may work or interfere with the cancer treatment.  The topical pain blend, worked wonders.  He also had 2 tumors behind his heart, between his lungs.  One they radiated 5 small doses.  The other was radiated 1 small dose.  This irritated the esophagus to become painful to eat, and increased stomach acid upset.  He started drinking a Ginger tea with 1-2 drops of Ginger Ameo essential oil and this settles his stomach and relieves that chest pain.  He had 5 tumors in 1 lung, and after his Inner Luken 2 (IL2) Immune Therapy treatments, the first cycle, when we returned for cycle 2, 3 of those tumors were gone, 2 had shrunk.  He is NOT getting chemotherapy.  He still uses the pain blend from time to time, as he's lost 40 lbs and muscle atrophy, causes back pain.  And sometimes the pain blend on his chest when he says it feels like a mule kicked him there.  As we understood the "no" from the Dr, was due to the fact majority of essential oils on the market, are not considered pure, no matter what they claimed.  They were impressed with the evidence support about Ameo being a clinical grade.  We're looking forward to the 3rd cycle, and expecting the 2 lung tumors that had shrunk, to be gone.  We're very hopeful with his treatments.  From my research only 25% respond to IL2 treatments, he obviously has.  They didn't expect the results of shrunken and gone tumors when he returned for cycle 2.  Only 5% are cancer free (or what is considered total remission), and we have faith, that my husband will be among the 5%.  He has a great attitude, he began with being healthy to start with.  As they explained to us, because he basically was health (except for the cancer), his body was strong enough to fight.  His attitude and faith were a strong asset as well.  Before we knew he had cancer, we had been taking Ameo AGX (Ameo Gene Expression) Men, Digest & Cell Therapy gelcaps. Along with using Ameo oils regularly, and taking Moringa oleifera from Zija in Supermix daily.  He was maybe 20 lbs overweight, strong body-muscular.  He never smoked or drank alcohol or anything caffeine, and we ate very healthy.  Why he developed these cancers is unknown.  He was around chemicals for weed control in the fields, and earlier years in industrial coatings at power plants, and some in oil field chemicals.  AND

Whatever you decide to do, should you or someone you know, be facing cancer.  Please, always consult your oncologist about everything you do.  Not all "natural" alternative remedies are effective or safe.  We had lost our son to Anthrax Vaccine Leukemia (Army), he was 23.  Never left the hospital for 9 months.  They said he'd die in 2-4 wks, he was the first to live past that 1 month.  He was tall, thin, and very healthy when he came down with this.  Not a smoker, no drinking, wanted to be a Chaplin in the army.  His general health is what gave him strength to survive those 9 months.  We had many supplements and cure-all alternative treatments given to us.  Each one, the oncology team said was bogus, no reputable studies on these claims.  This was 9 yrs ago.  They even told us how some would harm a healthy person.  The ONLY nutritional supplements they suggested as being pure at that time, was from NeoLife.  You'll find several Blog posts about the NeoLife vitamins I've posted the past couple months.  Ameo essential oils was not available at that time.  Our son was on high doses of chemotherapy and full body radiation, and they did say absolutely NO essential oils in any way (at that time would have been YL that we knew about).

What I can share with you, is that there is NO 100% anything that will work.  Do not believe any holistic or alternative supplements that make claim they cure several types of cancer, or stage 4 cancers, or all cancers.  There is no cure-all.  This is the first indication to walk away, it's bogus.  Second, look to see if it's reputable, recognized studies that would be published in well known scientific and medical journals (your Dr would recognize these).  Too often there are self-proclaimed authorities with undocumented, unsubstantiated studies.  Don't fall for "snake oil" salesmen.  Always approach your oncologist or Doctor BEFORE taking ANY supplement.  Realize that Over the Counter nutritional's are most often synthetic, could be harmful, at the least are ineffective (passing through you).  There are high quality nutritionals out there like Moringa oleifera, the worlds most nutritional botanical found in Smartmix, Supermix by Zija International... and again, not all moringa is grown or processed the same.  There is NeoLife, the highest quality whole food source nutritional supplements.  There are skincare products like TreSkinRX made with organic pharmaceutical grade aloe vera base & natural.  There is a huge quality difference in essential oils, and Ameo is a recognized by world authorities as a true clinical grade.  Learn about all these and more on earlier Blogs.  Educate yourself to make well informed choices. 


Anonymous said...

The past 4 years of my life has been years of torment right from when i was diagnosed with breast cancer (triple negative) stage IV. It was hard for me because i never in my life imagined i would have anything related to cancer. The first two years my oncologist gave me so much hope that i had to undergo chemo and radiation therapy twice and the lymph nodes were still there. It kept reoccurring and i was about to lose it all. I lost weight and i had high blood pressure due to steady thinking. I got the contact of Dr. Roland whom i was told treats cancer naturally with herbal medicine, i never believed but i was dying and to satisfy my curiosity i had to invite him over and he came with his medicine and began to treat me for a month. In three months time i didn't feel any symptoms and i decided to confirm and i went to my oncologist for a test and i tested negative to cancer. I never believed in herbal methods or treatments but now i do because it saved me. You too can contact him for more info on any form of cancer and also about his medicine and treatment process on ( do not die in ignorance and never give up hope. Prayers for all both patients and survivors.

Steven and Debbie said...

I'm very happy for you this worked. I do caution people to not put all your trust in one treatment, especially anything that claims to cure cancer, to cure several or all types cancer, or to cure stage 4 cancers. Cancer is so complex, it's completely different with each individual patient even if they both have the same cancer & stage.
I do like how natural therapies can enhance treatment, reduce symptoms, or possibly even shrink tumors. Again, I caution you to continuously be monitored by your oncologist (who can get your MRI and CT and labs).
I do believe in keeping your body as healthy (beyond the cancer) as possibly by removing toxins, increasing nutrition, so it can better fight the cancer.

I had 2 friends, both with breast cancer, both gave up on the traditional chemo treatments. One went completely natural, light & sound therapy, herbals and frankincense oil. She believed she was getting better, felt better... then one day simply died. Autopsy shown her cancer had severely spread and grown, and was what took her life. The other lady, treated with traditional chemo, and found the chemo had destroyed her organs, and the cancer although breast cancer was gone, returned as Leukemia, and her time is extremely short now. Often chemo treatments a cancer will return, not always the same cancer, but very often as leukemia or another cancer.

Prayers to you that you're healed, that you remain cancer free, thank you for your testimony on this topic Janet Williams.