Saturday, June 4, 2016

Expecting Results that CanNOT be Delivered with Essential Oils

This is an error that many of the books (not by actual experts), and websites fall into.  We have read the books, attended lectures, and listened to many "so-called" experts who claim to cure things that simply  cannot be cured with essential oils, they persist in holding out hope and selling large quantities of oils to people desperate to believe their stories.  This is why 2 of the major essential oil companies are having FDA compliance problems.  Essential oils do not cure Ebola or Lupus or cancers, among the erroneous claims.

Dr Daniel Penoel MD has a lot of experience with this in his medical clinic and practice for near 40 years as a medical physician.  Because he is often contacted as the medical professional of last resort when all allopathic treatment and drugs have failed.  It's oten a cancer that has spread too far or people who have lost their eyesight and their limbs to diabetes.  So much could have been done using essential oils for prevention early in their lives, but the best use of essential oils for these people is calming them while they await the inevitable or make it through surgeries.  The allopathic route or even some other alternative routes are the best route for them to take at these serious stages of degenerative disease.

As Jane Buckle PhD,RN says, essential oils will not grow a new valve in your heart, but they will certainly make a valuable contribution to your calming and healing after the surgery.  And that alone could save your life.

If you were disappointed by a recommendation that you thought promised a cure, you may want to revisit the actual promise.  The oil recommended for your heart condition may have merely been "palliative," for calming you and helping your body recover after surgery.  Many books merely use medical terms that are hard to understand like "vulnerary," (wound healing capability), or "carminative" (eliminating gas).  But they don't indicate how reliable the action or what you should actually expect.  The effect may be relatively mild, and some other therapy may be far superior.

If there is virtually no evidence-based research behind the claims, then you're probably not going to experience the results you expect.  At least start by trying therapies that have plenty of anecdotal evidence borne out of clinical practice, of which there are a great many.  Look at as there are near 24,000 studies with essential oils.

In the book "Integrated Essential Oils and Aromatherapy" Dr Penoel's rankings of therapies and effectiveness of various treatments because they represent clinical and in vitro findings by actual medical chemists and licensed medical doctors.  This book is available at

When our son was hospitalized for 9 months, we lost him at age 23, to Anthrax Vaccine Leukemia (Army).  This is 100% deadly, and he was the first to live past 1 MONTH!  During this time, we had well intentioned people and family sending us all sorts of so called "Miracle cures" that cure all types of cancer, stage 4 cancers, and Leukemia.  We shared these to the Oncology team, and they explained how this one was a placebo effect, totally worthless... this one could even cause us (healthy people) to get sick and would kill our son.  They would only recommend one nutritional company as being the only one that had proven purity and quality vitamins and supplements.
Sponsor #32-260985

Then we had a friend, who chose to follow a long time big essential oil company advice that would cure her cancer.  She refused traditional medical treatment, having faith in the oils.  She thought she was getting better, until she suddenly died.  The cancer had continued to grow and spread, which without medical attention, she wasn't aware of this.

My husband fighting his 2nd cancer, asked his Oncology team about using essential oils, and nutritional supplements.  They approved him using Moringa oleifera (Supermix) from Zija International (as he couldn't handle taking the NeoLife pills, had trouble keeping foods down as well).  We asked about using essential oils, not as a cure (we knew better), but to help with pain or indigestion.  They replied NO!  Because they thought we'd be using the essential oils well known on the market at that time.  When we explained we'd be interested in Ameo, a clinical grade essential oil, after they looked into this, they said Yes, topical only (because they didn't know how it would interact with his IL2 Immune Therapy for his cancer).  OR  

California Doctor Sentenced To 14 Years In Prison For Fake Cancer Cure

Be open and honest with your Oncology team, or your medical Physician.  Go to your Doctor, and let them run tests to give you an accurate diagnosis, don't self diagnose.  Follow your medical teams treatment plan, and with approval, consider a true clinical grade essential oil, as Ameo is, as a supportive step (with Dr approval), to calm, help with sleep, maybe digestive issues or relieving discomfort.  Do not expect a "cure-all".  As with ANY supplement or treatment option that makes a claim to cure several diseases or several cancers or stage 4 cancers, if it's too good to be true, it's NOT true.  Most of these claims are unsubstantiated, undocumented, unpublished research (if any real research was done).  If it's not been published in world accredited scientific or medical journals, then it's not a reliable study.  Yes, I do believe in holistic and alternative therapies.  But I'm also realistic and educated enough to know that they are intended to support your body to help during the healing process, not to actually cure.  Learn about the tests to prove the quality and purity, the natural resources they use, how it's developed or processed.  Learn about the credentials of their development or scientific team.  Learn about the Integrity of the company.  Not all medical Doctors are in the pocket of Big Pharma, that's a scare tactic.  Your Dr wants you to be cured.  He'd be out of business if all his patients died, who'd go to him!  (or her).  Referral is the #1 best resource anyone has, a company or a Dr or a Hospital. 

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