Monday, June 6, 2016

Spirulina, Colloidal Minerals & more Toxic Surprises

You've heard that old saying "You get what you pay for" or "If it's too good to be true, it's false"

There are a multitude of nutritional products on the market.   How does one determine their preferences for one or another?  One yardstick is price.  Dr John Douglas once said "Don't look for bargains in fire extinguishers, parachutes or vitamins."

One large manufacturer of supplements told a customer that they are geared to manufacture for quality and ship all over the world.  The quality is no different than the typical name brand product.

I am convinced that quality of supplements one puts inside the human body matters a good deal more than the quality of the oil one puts in one's car.  It is much easier to buy a new car, than to obtain a new body (or regain your health) once it has been destroyed by a lifetime of bad nutrition.

Food Sourced

It is rare that a cheap price and quality go together.  Producing quality products is expensive for a number of reasons.

Simply choosing foods rather than chemicals greatly increases costs.  The synthetic chemicals used to fortify a box of cereal costs only a couple of pennies.  When you're nutritional supplements are literally passing through you, being flushed... you're not only flushing nutrition your body never utilized, but your flushing your money as well.  Does it do you any good to save at the counter buying a recognized brand name, that saves you money... if it isn't absorbed, and you gain no benefit?

A Quality product will also select resources of nutrients from foods a human being would normally eat-- foods that have a long history of safety.

Blue Green Algae

Consider the example of blue green-algae, or Spirulina, available in many products.  Wayne Carmichael is professor of aquatic biology and toxicology at Write State University.  He earned
a doctorate in aquatic toxicology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton in 1974.

Carmichael notes the very real possibility of Spirulina being contaminated with two types of toxins.  One category of toxins is neurotoxins or nerve poisons.  The second category of toxins found in blue green algae are liver poisons.  Carmichael notes, "The neurotoxins and hepatotoxins are certainly the most dangerous cyanobacterial compounds, but they are by no means the only bioactive chemicals made by these bacteria." 

Carmichael writes, "I am becoming increasingly worried by  a modern fad: the eating of cyanobacteria from the genus Spirulina as health food... Spirulina itself is not harmful.  The danger arises because there are No guidelines requiring those marketing Spirulina to monitor their products for contamination by potentially toxic cyanobacteria or by cyanobacterial toxins.  Moreover, the general publis is ill equipped to distinguish Spirulina and other benign cyanobacterial products from poisonous forms of cyanobacteria."

Carmichael continues, "Because cyanobacteria are often collected simply from the surface of an open body of water and because neither sellers nor buyers can distinguish toxic from nontoxic strains without applying sophisticated biochemical tests, the safety of these items is questionable." 

Carmichael warns that even non-lethal doses of these toxins may be a problem.  "The revelation that cyanobacterial hepatoxins can inhibit protein phosphatases has raised the disturbing possibility that human exposure to nonlethal doses might contribute to the development of cancer." 

Carmichael, Wayne, "The Toxins of Cyanobacteria," Scientific American, January 1994 pp 78-86.

With this, I'd like to share, this is one of the products brought to us for our son with Leukemia.  The oncology team said, no, it's probably going to make you sick, even cause serious health issues for a healthy person.

 Colloidal Minerals

Colloidal minerals are not really a natural product.  One would not naturally walk up to mud deposits and swallow them -- even if they were diluted with water first.  Analysis of the colloidal clays reveals that most are extremely high in aluminum. Schauss found that many products contained 1,900 to 4,400 parts per million aluminum.  Serious questions have been raised about the safety of this.

Other products have very high levels of salt.  Schauss found levels between 1.300 to 22,000 parts per million. The safest and most desirable forms of mineral supplementation are properly chelated minerals and sea vegetation. 

Schauss, Alexander, Minerals Trace Elements and Human Health, Tacoma WA, Life Science s Press, 1996, pp 5-9

Schauss, Alexander, "Colloidal minerals: Clinical implications of clay suspension products sold as dietary supplements." American Journal of Natural Medicine, Jan/Feb 1997 p 5.  


Carotenoids provide another illustration of the value of food sourced natural nutrients.  Researcher Melvyn Werbach, MD, points out that synthetic beta-carotene is only one of 272 steroisomers or forms of beta0carotene. A steroisomer is a 3-dimensional arrangement of molecule. Synthetic beta-carotene is completely lacking in 9-sis-beta-carotine which composes 1/3 of the natural beta-carotene found in foods.   Once again, finding that those popular name over the counter supplements are not what they claim.  This compnent of the natural product is far superior as an antioxidant to the synthetic product. The synthetic product does not exist in nature.

Another matter of concern is the blockage or removal of nutrients when large amounts of synthetics are used.   For example, large amounts of beta-carotene may decrease absorption of lutein (essential for the eyes), lycopene (important for the prostate), or astaxanthin (important for protecting the mitochondria).

Werbach, Melvyn, "Are Natural Food Supplements Superior to Synthetic Nutrients?"  Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Feb/Mar 2000 p 172. 

Vitamin E

This problem has also been observed with Vitamin E.  Stephan Christen found that large amounts of isolated alpha-tocopherol can actually decrease availability of gamma tocopherol.  This is an important nutrient for dealing with nitrogen based carcinogens. 

Christen, Stephan, et al, "g-Tocopherol traps mutegenic eletrophiles such as NO and complements a-tocopherol: Physiological implications," Proc., Natl., Acad. Sci, USA April 1997 Vol 94 pp 3217-3222.

Genetic Engineering

 One aspect of natural sourcing which is usually neglected is the alteration of nutrients by man's tampering. NeoLife does not accept genetically modified materials for use in the products.

For example, soy is a commonly engineered food.  The modification of the food is detectable due to the presence of a gene for antibiotic resistance.  This could be a potential problem if the gene were passed on to bacteria in the digestive tract. NeoLife routinely tests soy for this marker and rejects soy products which have been genetically modified.

Just how dangerous can genetic tampering be?  No one knows!

The worst incident indicating risk of even slight changes in foods or supplements was the introduction of altered tryptophan into the American market.  The product caused a disease called eosinophilia myalgia syndrome.  Thirty-eight people were killed and hundreds became seriously ill.

Jaffe, Russel, "Tryptophan Update: Helpful Adjunct and Innocent Bystander," Journal of Nutritional Medicine, 1994;4;133-139

Toxicological Testing

For years NeoLife has worked with the founder of the American College of Toxicology, Dr Arthur Furst.  He has established protocols for testing products for both potency and also for possible contamination.  Products can be contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals.

Numerous calcium products have been contaminated with lead for years.  These products should  not be used by children.  NeoLife has tested calcium products for lead contamination for many years.  Many other products on the market have never been tested.

One 1993 study in the American Journal of Public Health reported that 25% of 70 calcium supplements investigated exceeded the Food and Drug Administration's provisional total tolerable daily intake of lead for children under 6 years of age.  Federal regulations were supposed to go into effect in 1999 to restrict the lead content of calcium products.

Bourgoin, Bernard P, PhD, et al, "Lead Content in 70 Brands of Dietary Calcium Supplements", American Journal of Public Health, Aug 1993;86(8):1155-1160
"Lead in Calcium Supplements," Nutrition Week, June 20, 1997;27(24):7/Council for Responsible Nutrition News, May 1997;14   

 Alfalfa and Herbals

A major supplement manufacturer had a problem of contamination of alfalfa product with toxic fumigants a number of years ago.

Herbal products in particular are subject to contamination with bacteria.  NeoLife  uses a complex process to safely kill bacteria in herbal products without leaving residues of toxic chemicals and without irradiation." 
Oakland Tribune, Jan 22, 1982 p D-9; Wall Street Journal, Jan 21, 1982.

Salmon Oil

Fish oils are a particular subject of concern for toxicological testing.  The fats in fish are often contaminated with a number of toxic compounds. Evaluation of NeoLife Salmon Oil has revealed no detectable contamination of any kind.  This means that the supplement may be a better source of nutrients than eating many fish which can carry significant toxic residues.

Contaminants such as PCB's can be passed from mother to infant through breast feeding.  This creates a dilemma because fish oils are important for the development of eye tissue and brain tissue of the infant.

Assays for Potency
Salmon Oil is also an illustration of the importance of testing for the potency of a particular ingredient in products.  Tufts University conducted a study of 10 major fish oil products on the market several years ago.  They found that the products averaged only 38% of the EPA  (one of the most important and active components of the product) Listed on the label.  DHA was also substantially reduced from the label claims.  DHA is an important nutrient for brain, eyes and nerves.

"PCBs in Breast Milk" Pediatrics, Comittee on Environmental Health," July 1994;94(1):122-123
Tuffs University Diet and Nutrition Letter, Vol 5 Nu 11, Jan 1988    


All nutrition is mediated though the functioning of the digestive tract.  Neglect of this area of nutrition can mean that supplements simply will not work.  A poorly functioning digestive tract can also result in serious problems handling foods.

NeoLife has supplements targeted to support digestive function.  NeoLife also maintains an artificial digestive tract to evaluate whether supplements will dissolve in the environment of the human digestive tract.

Some competitive products have sat in the artificial digestive tract for a week without ever breaking down. A number of NeoLife supplements are especially designed for digestibility and testing has proven their superiority as described below.

Supplements to Aid the Digestive Process

Beta-Gest is an extract from beets for the support of stomach function.   Inadequate hydrochloric acid production (HCL) can result in bloating, belching, burping, bad breath and sometimes heartburn. The outstanding characteristic of the NeoLife Beta-Gest is its "controlled-release."

Common sense suggests that HCL is a very powerful acid.  A tablet introduced into the stomach could create irritation or even damage if it released rapidly.  The controlled release aspect of this supplement prevents these problems.


This is also a betaine HCL.  Dr Hugh Tuckey, who worked on the problem of HCL supplementation for 30 years, found that this natural form of HCL worked better than synthetic alternatives.  Other qualitative aspects of the product included the following:

  • 100% plant-sourced enzymes 

    The Presence of lactase to aid breakdown of milk sugar

    Proteases to aid in protein breakdown.

    If needed, this can be one of the most helpful of all supplements.  Many nutrients are essential for production of digestive substances.

    Thus a lack of any one of several nutrients can result in decrease in digestive substances.  The lack of digestive substances then increases the severity of nutrient deficiencies leading to even more serious problems.  HCL is particularly important for absorption of iron, calcium, phosphorus, and Vitamin B12.

    Stomach acid begins to decline at 30 years of age.   By age 70, as much as 30% of the population has serious decline in stomach acid.  HCL kills harmful microorganisms that enter the digestive tract with food or beverages.  Deficiency here can kill.

    Tuckey, Hugh, "The Human Need for Hydrochloric Acid," National Health Federation Bulletin, Oct 1967

    Enzyme Digestive Aid
    This supplement is designed to support breakdown of foodstuffs in the small intestine.  This is a complete formula to aid in breakdown of protein, fat, and carbohydrate.  Once again "targeted delivery technology" is central to the quality of product.

    Enzymes are quite susceptible to damage by the HCL in the stomach.  NeoLife uses a special enteric coating to protect capsule contents from destruction by stomach acid and ensure that active enzymes reach the intestines.

    Research suggests that cooking of food can be very taxing on the pancreatic production of digestive enzymes.  This supplement can support that vital organ in its life preserving function.

    Howell, Edward, Enzyme Nutrition, Wayne, New Jersey; Avery Publishing  Group, 1985

    Acidophilus Plus
    An acidophilus in the colon synthesize nutrients and help break down foods for improved absorption.  In addition, beneficial bacteria crowd out or destroy harmful organisms in the digestive tract which can make us ill.

    Researcher Kem Shahani noted a  clinical nutrtion meeting inn 1996 that he had observed undesirable and pathogenic organisms in some acidophilus products.  He also noted that nearly 50% of the products he examined did not have even 10% of the organisms the product was supposed to have.   Other researchers have observed this problem.  NeoLife customers have noted dramatic differences in effectiveness of NeoLife Acidophilus Complex compared to other products.

    The NeoLife product uses an exclusive Gel-Gard protection system to assure delivery of the maximum number of live bacteria to the colon.   These organisms are easily killed by the stomach acid.  Each capsule of NeoLife Acidophilus Plus delivers 5 billion live organisms.  This is as many as eating 10 servings of yogurt!

    The product contains 5 key organisms:
    • Lactobacillus acidophilus -- cancer inhibition
    • Lactobacillus bulgaricus -- potent antitumor activity
    • Lactobacillus casei -- Cancer inhibition, protection from bacterial infections of intestine
    • Bifidobacterium bifidum -- Protection against "travelers diarrhea"
    • Streptococcus thermophilus -- protection against "gravelers diarrhea"
     Brennan, M, Wanismail, B, and RAy, B, "Prevalence of viable Lactobacillus acidophilus in dried commercial products." J Food Prot. 46:887-892 
    Sponsor #32-260985 


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