Sunday, June 5, 2016

Expecting Results too Quickly with Essential Oils

Beware of your mindset where essential oils are concerned.  If you are too focused on the allopathic mindset because of using over-the-counter drugs, you may miss the outstanding benefits of essential oils.  For example, the holistic model that Dr Penoel MD, teaches recommends that when we have a respiratory infection, we don't want to stop the flow of mucous.  We want to get it out of the way as quickly as possible so we can accomplish a deep and permanent healing.  The over-the-counter, synthetic drugs will dry up and clog up the mucous -- preventing deep healing and actually extending the disease and giving it a better chance of returning later on.

With Dr Penoel's healing of upper respiratory infections is this:  If we act quickly, and apply all the therapies he recommends, the symptoms are very manageable, we can work full days with a full time job throughout the whole illness, and a few days later come out more energetic than before.
Essential oils often work slower than the allopathic drugs, but they work more thoroughly and permanently to restore balance, energy, and vitality.

With this in mind, it's important to remember Dr Penoel's advice to continue with his therapies for several days after symptoms are gone.  This prevents what he calls "morbid transfer", which is having the infection transfer to other organs for a more serious manifestations.  OR, it prevents the disease from returning again too soon.  Be patient with essential oils.  They are safe, they are pleasurable to use, and they provide deep and lasting wellness.

Here's another rule of thumb he uses for thorough healing.  When you have suffered with a condition for many years, it may take you one month of serious therapy to clean up a year of damage to your body.  For example, if you have suffered with chronic headaches for 5 years, it may take you 5 months of serious cleansing to rid yourself of them.  A quick symptomatic headache remedy, like peppermint on the temples, may provide some relief, but if you want to be free of the headaches entirely, you will need to pay the price.  There are many conditions of this nature that only a deep cleansing with multiple instructions can accomplish.  You can't expect to permanently undo serious damage with a single, quick fix.  Allopathic medicines are most often designed to control the symptoms, not permanently cure the ailment.  They are not capable of accomplishing the kind of deep healing that many of these essential oils can.  But we must be patient and obey instructions to get long-lasting and even permanent results. 

You also can't expect to continue a lifestyle, same old bad habits, and add essential oils or vitamins, to make any changes in your health.  You must also change your lifestyle.  Stop any bad habits, start exercising more, eating healthy, avoiding toxins, getting enough sleep, along with the essential oils or nutritional supplements that are of the purest and highest quality to gain any real results.  Taking a low quality adulterated partially synthetic essential oil, is also not going to get you results.

Too Little Oil?
The "timid" English aromatherapists have cautiously written many volumes of frightening advice about the dangers of using too much essential oil in a blend.  They use the word "poison" a lot and forbid many oils for children and pregnancy that have been clinically proven to be safe.  In a way they have done the industry a disservice because many medical professionals in England have embraced their "timid" approach to aromatherapy.  It's largely used for aromatic calming, and incidental help for various conditions, and for those purposes a tiny drop of essential oils can go a long way.  In such timid dilutions the quality of the essential oils is not that critical, and the timid results are still real.

However, the medical, clinical, French approach to essential oils use has proven itself safe and highly effective all over the world.  Dr Penoel, and others have trained professionals like Jane Buckle, Ron Guba and Kurt Schnaubelt who frankly feel that the timid approach doesn't take advantage of all that essential oils have to offer.  Millions all over the world are trying essential oils and finding them safe and effective for in-home use in 50:50 dilutions and in capsules  as they are recommended by a true professional.  They are verifying quality claims and endorsing the bolder clinical use of clinical quality essential oils.  Competition is also helping us find the truth of the matter. 

Too Much Oil?
You wouldn't put a Tablespoon of salt in a 1/2 cup of water for an eye wash.  It's too much.  It would do harm.  You need a saline solution that matches the salinity of tears.  The same is true for essential oils.  They are powerful and highly concentrated.  So when you're taking them in teas, water and recipes you'll need to use some care to regulate the amount of oil you're using.

There is a misconception we all share at one time or another that tells us if a little works well, then more must work better.  In matters of flavoring and many safety issues exactly the opposite is often true.

Take Peppermint for example, it has a cooling action and can be highly effective in a spray for sunburn.  But putting peppermint straight on a second-degree burn would be a big mistake in its undiluted, highly concentrated state, it is no longer cooling but rather irritating, it's too much.

If your application of essential oil didn't work well for you as you expected, you may want to check the instruction and adjust the quantity in your blend.  This can make a big difference in some applications.  For example, diffusing more than 20 drops of an essential oil is too much for your brain and your lungs to take at one time.  Using undiluted, powerful essential oils like Oregano,  Cinnamon, or Thyme all over your face for acne would be dangerous and likely do harm.  You also wouldn't slather undiluted Oregano all over your body to get rid of moles, or even diluted Oregano.  But these strong oils in careful dilution, applied judiciously, offer outstanding clinical benefits

I read accounts on the Internet of people who had over used essential oils, and had severe reactions.
Remember, a reaction is NOT detoxing.  According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), 2% of Emergency Room visits are essential oil related, and this was given in a class in 2014.  It's highly recommended to invest in reputable resources, books by Dr Daniel Penoel, MD and Shirley Price, Jane Buckle PhD-RN, and Kurt Schnaubelt, Julia Lawless, Valerie Ann Worwood, Marcel Lavabre and Dr Jean Valnet MD, Dr Scott Johnson, and Dr Joshua Plant PhD.  Take your certification education also through schools such as Shirley Price School of Aromatherapy, or iEO Certification.  Oh there are well known popular schools of aromatherapy however, they are not "written" courses by world renown authorities in essential oils or aromatherapy as those mentioned here.  Any education provided by or through an essential oil company, would also be questionable as their first goal is promoting more and sales for their profits.  Just as there are dozens of essential oil companies or companies who've added the popular in demand line of essential oils to their products, jumping on the band wagon of popularity does not mean it's the quality or standards you're looking for.  Integrity of the company, Credentials of the people behind the products, testing to prove purity and quality, sourcing, and comparing a standard not set by in-house GCMS.  Ameo is a first and only true clinical grade essential oil company to prove through more testing, to meet the high standards set by research institutions doing clinical studies.

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