Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blueberries, Green Smoothies, Running and Skincare

Green smoothies 

Have become a bit of a trend in recent years and for good reason. Consuming one each day can significantly benefit your health and the look of your skin.
By including leafy greens, carrots and berries into a morning smoothie, you are consuming antioxidants, beta carotene and vitamin K. The result? A decrease in inflammation within the body, which is a primary cause of many skin conditions; minimized underage circles.

Why Blueberries Rock 
Blueberries, the fountain of youth! So delicious and packed with healthy benefits for your skin. They are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and are a great source of fiber. They are also a nutritional powerhouse. When you think of anti-aging and keeping your skin healthy, you need to think of the foods you’re putting into your body. Make sure blueberries are a part of your daily routine. Use them in your cereal, pancakes or smoothies. They’re also great added to salads.
The Vitamin C in blueberries, fights free radicals which damage your skin cells and break down collagen. Loosing collagen leads to wrinkles and nobody wants those. The antioxidants in blueberries protect you from premature aging and give your skin a more youthful and softer appearance. Free radicles are harmful to your body and they can damage the collagen which is there to keep your skin firm and healthy.
Making sure you eat foods rich in antioxidants will help to increase circulation which results in glowing skin. Besides the fact that blueberries are simply delicious, they are crucial for collagen production and guarding against skin cancer.
Everyone wants to look younger, so add those blueberries to your diet. They can keep you looking younger and feeling younger, both physically and mentally. And something else to keep in mind – blueberries can put you in a good mood and keep those stress levels in check!
ne; and improved cellular repair. Give it a try and after a few months of adopting the green smoothie habit
The Benefits of Running

Who would have thought that running, as well as any exercise could be great for your skin. Running promotes healthy circulation and when the circulation is moving, it helps to keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant. Exercise nourishes skin cells and keeps the blood flowing throughout the body, including the skin. Running also helps with stress and when stress is reduced, certain skin issues like acne and eczema can diminish.
If you’re a runner, one of the many things you need to be aware of is damage from the sun. Those who love to run are out morning, noon and night, as well as throughout the year, whether in the heat of the sun or coldness of the winter. No matter when you run, protection from the harmful UVA and UVB rays is extremely important, and believe it or not, those harmful rays can affect your skin even in the coldest of winters. Sunburns will increase your risk for skin cancer and can quickly age your skin. So, not only protect your body by wearing appropriate clothing, eyewear and shoes, but make sure you have the appropriate sun protection.
As mentioned before, running gets your circulation moving and when that happens you also sweat, or for us women, glisten.
It’s important after running to get in the shower to remove the bacteria that sweating causes. TrĂ©SkinRX’s Purifying Cleanser isn’t just for your face. It’s great in the shower too! And if you are exfoliating your skin with our EX3 Daily Renewing Exfoliant, do it after exercising as perspiration and glycolic don’t mix well together. Your skin could become a little irritated so wait until after exercise to exfoliate your skin.
Running is more than a great way to keep in shape, it does so much more for your overall health. It also provides that boost your confidence and self-esteem. When you feel good, you look good, and you’re a happier person overall.

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