Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why Food Supplements? Part 1

What are food supplements, and why do we need them?

Food supplements are vitamins and minerals and other concentrated nutrients which are necessary for good health.  Why do we need them?  Can't we get everything we need from our regular food?  What if we choose healthy organic foods?  Many health authorities tell us that w edon't need supplements.  They say all we have to do is eat a good diet.  But millions of us feel that this is precisely the problem.  Most of us do NOT get a good diet, and we are desperately in need of extra help to maintain our health.

An important USDA survey showed that only 3% of the population of the US eats a diet which meets the Four Food Groups pattern.  Not a single person of the more than 21,500 people surveyed obtained 100% of the RDA for each of ten essential nutrients.  (USDA Human Nutrition Information Service Publication Nutrient Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, 1977-1978.  Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, report no. 1-2, pp. 367-370)

Much is lacking in our food

It is a fact that most of our food is grown on commercial farms and is produced by chemical fertilization in nutrient-depleted soil. The result is food that looks good, but may not supply what our bodies need for good health.  To further darken the picture, it may be picked before it is ripe, and stored for weeks before we get it.  Results?  Less and less nutrition that reaches our plate.  If it is displayed under bright lights, cooked at too high a temperature, or boiled in water, more nutrients are lost, resulting in further deficit.

Much is added to our food

Not only are we hurt by what is lost from our food supply, but there is the problem with what is added.  During the past century a whole new world of additives and pollutants have deluged our food, water and air.  Hundreds of chemicals have been added to our food which are designed to flavor it, preserve it, color it, keep its shape, etc.  Our water supply is fouled with poisons that are added, or simply find their way in -- such as chlorine, pesticides and industrial wastes.  Our air is also polluted with things like petrochemicals from automobile exhausts and tobacco smoke.  All of this requires more nutrition daily just to cope with the toxins and allergens that surround us.

We need super nutrition to handle the stresses associated with modern civilization, but we bring home less and less from the grocery store in the form of usable nutrition.  Consequently, our civilization is plagued with an increasing onslaught of degenerative disease.  Immune systems can't keep up.  Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases sweep like a giant epidemic across the land, taking even children and young adults in its path.

The refining industry

To further complicate the picture, there is the food refining industry.  Perhaps a more fitting term would be the "robbing" industry.  They take our wheat which contains so much good nutrition, and strip it of approximately twenty-two nutrients.  Then they add back a few synthetic vitamins and minerals, and call it "enriched."

This is like walking down the street one dark night with $22.00 in your purse, and somebody jumps out and slugs you, and takes it all.  But as you lay there unconscious, your assailant feels sorry for you and puts back into your wallet a few counterfeit dollars, and says, "There!  Now you are enriched."  After that kind of treatment you probably would not feel "enriched".  Yet that is what is happening to us, nutritionally, every day.  The food giants constantly rob us of the nutrients God put into our grains, and replaced them with a few synthetics, and called the devitalized white flour "enriched."

Ancient Einkorn

Nature’s Original Wheat 

Jovial Foods is proud to offer you einkorn, the world’s most ancient wheat,
and the only wheat that’s never been hybridized. Einkorn is a delicious, healthy alternative to modern, mass market wheat and can be an excellent solution for those with gluten sensitivity.

Ancient einkorn (rhymes with "fine corn") is the oldest food to make it's way back to your table.
Never hybridized, einkorn is pure and nutritious, and a wonderful way to improve your health and wellness.
Einkorn was one of the first foods planted, at the birth of agriculture 10,000 years ago. It grew wild for millions of years before that.
Never hybridized, einkorn is pure and nutritious, and a wonderful way to improve your health and wellness.
Einkorn was one of the first foods planted, at the birth of agriculture 10,000 years ago. It grew wild for millions of years before that.
Einkorn has more protein than any other grain
Einkorn is packed with more nutrients, vitamins, and dietary minerals than regular wheat. Einkorn has 40% more protein and 15% less starch than commercial wheat, plus abundant B Vitamins and trace minerals like iron.
Jovial Foods is proud to offer you einkorn, the world’s most ancient wheat, and the only wheat that’s never been hybridized. Einkorn is a delicious, healthy alternative to mass market wheat, and can be an excellent solution for those with gluten sensitivity.  
Quick Facts About Einkorn
Einkorn (rhymes with “fine corn”) is the oldest food to make its way back to your table.
How old is it? Einkorn was one of the first foods planted, at the birth of agriculture 10,000 years ago. It grew wild for millions of years before that.
Einkorn is the only wheat to have never been hybridized (unlike modern soft and durum wheat), and to have only 2 sets of chromosomes. This is real wheat, the way it was meant to be.
Einkorn means “one grain” in German. That’s because einkorn only has one grain attached to the stem, while other wheats have groups of four grains.
Just a few years ago, einkorn was close to extinction. Einkorn was abandoned 5,000 years ago, because it is difficult to harvest and mill, and has one fifth the yields of modern wheat.
Where did jovial get it? We worked in Italy with a group of researchers who were replenishing original seeds. We started planting just 50 acres in 2009 and now we are the largest growers of einkorn in the world.
Why should I eat einkorn? There are many reasons, but here are a few:
Flavor, Flavor, Flavor: Einkorn just tastes great! The intensive farming methods used to raise yields have stripped flavor and vital nutrients from today’s wheat. With einkorn, you can actually taste wheat the way nature intended it.
More Nutrients Means More Energy: Einkorn has 30% more protein and 30% less starch than regular wheat, plus abundant B Vitamins and trace minerals like Iron. Those extra nutrients translate directly to more energy and a greater feeling of wellness, not empty calories.
A Good Gluten?: The gluten in einkorn lacks the high molecular weight proteins that many people can’t digest. If you are sensitive to modern wheat, einkorn can provide a delicious alternative. Please note that einkorn does contain gluten and is therefore not ok for those with Celiac Disease.

A Good Gluten?
Einkorn grows tall and proud, just the way nature intended. The gluten in einkorn lacks the high molecular weight proteins that many people can’t digest. If you are sensitive to modern wheat, einkorn may provide a delicious alternative. Einkorn does contain gluten and is not ok for those with celiac disease.
Live Well with Mother Nature’s Original Gluten
Einkorn grew wild in Paleolithic times, millions of years ago. When the first farmers gathered and planted wild einkorn seeds over 12,000 years ago, einkorn became the choice crop to nourish the earth’s first civilizations. Einkorn was rugged and could grow in cold climates and poor soil. Nomadic populations transported seeds as far as the Roman Empire and Egypt. In fact, Roman warriors consumed einkorn porridge for strength and energy before battles.
Saving Einkorn from Extinction
During the Bronze Age, farmers started cultivating the wheat that we now know as bread wheat or spelt, because it had higher yields.  Over time, einkorn came closer and closer to extinction. In 2009, when jovial’s founders were searching for a healthy alternative for their gluten sensitive daughter, there were just 200 acres of einkorn growing worldwide. Now, jovial is the largest grower of einkorn in the world, and einkorn is gaining in popularity as people recognize its health benefits – particularly how healthful it can be for the growing number of people with gluten sensitivity.
What makes einkorn’s gluten different?
  • Einkorn has never changed genetically for millions of years. Its gluten is the original form that humans were gathering thousands of years ago.
  • Studies have shown that the DNA of einkorn’s gluten structure is different because einkorn lacks certain high molecular weight glutenins that are present in other types of wheat.
  • Einkorn has the same amount of gluten as modern wheat*, so you can bake beautiful breads that are tastier and more nutritious than gluten free bread.
  • You can bake great bread with einkorn, yet because the gluten is very weak, you won’t have such a problem digesting it.

    *Studies on the protein composition and baking quality of einkorn lines
    Herbert Wieser, Karl-Josef Mueller, Peter Koehler
    European Food Research and Technology (Impact Factor: 1.44). 229(3):523-532. DOI:10.1007/s00217-009-1081-5

    Einkorn just tastes great.
    Einkorn isn’t just rich in history and nutrients – it’s also packed with flavor. This isn’t one of those superfoods you have to force yourself to enjoy. Intensive farming stripped most wheat of its taste along with its nutritional value. Go back to nature’s original wheat for a pleasing flavor that will nourish.
    Just a few years ago, einkorn was close to extinction
    Einkorn was abandoned 5,000 years ago, because it is difficult to harvest and mill, and has one fifth the yields of modern wheat.
    Learn more at
    We order from jovial goods, and we LOVE the taste.  We've tried all the pasta's including the rice pasta's, and the einkorn flour for baking.  The website has many recipes and more information.

     Watch for "Why Food Supplements? Part 2"

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