Monday, March 21, 2016

The Nutrition Chain of Life

The Chain of Life

In nature you never find a single nutrient existing all by itself.  Each plant and animal is a miraculous combination of nutrients that work harmoniously together to support life.  It is an accepted fact that every living thing is composed of six basic components: Protein, Carbohydrates, Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals, and Fatty acids called Lipids and Sterols.  These six elements can be thought of as the links of the chain of life.  Each link is important, and without any one, life is impossible.


Some lessons from a chain

A chain must have all of its links present

If there is a break somewhere, the chain is useless.  This is also true in nutrition.  The functioning of one link in the nutritional chain of life is dependent upon the presence of another.  For example, vitamins must have minerals to be used effectively.  In fact, for optimum body functioning, all six links must be present in sufficient quantity and in proper balance.  Only then can the chain of life exist.
A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

 In our food supply there is an endless variety of protein, carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and lipids and sterols.  But food supplements are another story.  Most manufacturers are not concerned about the balance and completeness of nature.  They are concerned about sales.  Tehy make a product as inexpensive as possible so that the consumer will buy it.  The consumer on the other hand, often buys whatever is least expensive without regard to his or her actual needs.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to find a manufacturer who is primarily concerned about meeting the real needs of the body?  NeoLife GNLD is that kind of provider.  They have actually made this old adage about the chain and it's weakest link their guide to help them visualize the kind of products that should be designed and produced.  Here is how NeoLife GNLD meeds our needs with products that take into consideration each link of the chain of life.


When we look into a mirror, what we see looking bacck at us is mostly protein.  Internally, our organs and muscles, even our bones, are composed largely of protein.  We use it for energy, building new tissue, fighting infecctions, and a host of other essential functions.  Based on scientifi studies, we need a daily intake of one-half gram of protein for each poind of weight.  That means if you weight 200 lbs, you need 100 grams (a little more than three ounces) of protein each day.  While this sounds simple, good protein is hard to find.
Animal proteins such as milk, meat and eggs are "complete" (they have all the essential amino acids present in the right portions).  Most fruits and vegetables are "incomplete" (certain essential amino acids are missing).  They must be eaten in specific combinations to provide what is needed.  Since most people don't eat this way, fruits and vegetables are not a dependable way to provide the bulk of our every-day protein.

NeoLife GNLD supplies this link in the chain of life by manufacturing a protein supplement that is complete and perfectly balanced in its amino acids (as in animal protein) but low in fat.  It contains all 22 amino acids.  It is easy to fix, delicious, and inexpensive.  One serving of Super Ease or NouriShake protein provides about one-third of a daily needs.

Most protein supplements come from soy beans.  Soy is inferior as a source of protein compared to animal protein.  The usable value of protein is measured by a comparative scale called the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER).  This tells us how well we utilize any kind of protein.  The highest PER in our food supply is found in milk, meat and eggs.  They are all about 3.0 or above on the PER scale.  Super Ease and NouriShake proteins measure up to this standard.  Soy beans, on the other side, rank at approximately 1/5 on the PER scale.  That means that you must consume two times as much soy-based protein to get the same amount of benefit.

Many people buy the cheapest products available in order to save money.  But consider this -- if you pay half as much for a product, but you only get half the good from it, is it still a bargain?  NeoLife GNLD protein contains all 22 amino acids in perfect balance.  It is smooth and delicious.  Super  Ease and NouriShake proteins are strong links in the chain of life -- equal to the best in nature, at a very reasonable price.


Vitamins are catalysts that trigger thousands of necessary biochemical reactions in our body.  They help us digest food, grow, think, and a host of other essential funcctions.  Most vitamins cannot be manufactured in our body, so they must be supplied by our food.  Since they are found abundantly in nature, why should we be concerned about taking them as supplements?  It is true that they are found everywhere in nature, but when man gets through with nature -- watch out!  It may be changed beyond recognition.

Note: The xray photo of unabsorbed vitamins leaving the body.  This is what happens when you're consuming most vitamins on the market today, created synthetically, not naturally.  You are literally flushing your vitamin and money, and receiving no benefits.  Remember, marketing claims for nutritional supplements, herbals, are still not regulated (or partially regulated) by the FDA.  Your counting on the integrity, quality, science behind a product.  You get what you pay for.

This is what happens to our food.  After it goes through processing industry it does not look much like it did in nature.  They strip away its vitamins, oils and fiber, and load it with artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and man-made chemicals that adversely affect our health.

NeoLife GNLD helps solve the vitamin shortage created by the food processing industry with vitamin products like those found in nature.  Vitamins A and D come from fish liver oil or lemongrass.  The B complex is from yeast.  Vitamin C is from a vegetable source, accompanied by the flavonoids from citrus.  Vitamin E is from wheat germ and contains its whole family of tocopherols.

Most store varieties of vitamin formulas are synthetic.  They are made from non-food sources such as petroleum.  Manufacturers re-arrange the molecule structure to simulate natural vitamins and claim that they are the same.

Synthetics have no "synergistic" nutrients accompanying them, so they do not work as well in the body.  Synthetics are not "balanced" as in nature.  The ratio of B vitamins is determined by cost rather than our body's needs.  Half of a synthetic's molecular structure rotates the wrong way and cannot be used by the body.   A label that says 50 mg really only has 25 mg to offer the consumer.  Vitamins represent the health food store's strongest link in the chain of life.  Yet even here most of them are inferior to NeoLife GNLD products.   


Minerals are as essential to health as vitamins.  They are an important part of every enzyme.  They are part of the structure of every cell.  Tehy control the body's water balance.  Essential minerals include calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, copper, iron, manganese, potassium, selenium, chromium, sodium, and zinc.  They are all vital to health, performing hundreds of biochemical jobs.  Without any one of them life is impossible.

Some of us need more minerals than we receive in our food supply -- as demonstrated by leg cramps, anemia, brittle bones, diabetes, water retension, goiter, slow healing, prostate problems and many other physical maladies.

Mineral supplements help strengthen this link -- but the way they are prepared by the manufacturer drastically affects how our bodies absorb and utilize them.  Some mineral combinations are insoluble.  Others dissolve easily and we utilize much of their potency.  The terms of how much we utilize, the cheapest prodcut can actually cost more.  The best way to prepare minerals for absorption is by chelation.  NeoLife GNLS's chelated minerals are wrapped in amino acid coatings at the molecular level, making them much more usable than unchelated forms.

Neolife GNLD chelated minerals strengthen this link in the chain of life with combinations that dissolve easily and give maximum absorption.  Think of the x-ray photo of un-absorbed minerals, vitamins passing through the body.


Countless enzymes are present in all plant and animal life.  They ripen fruits and vegetables, and are present in great abundance in all raw foods.  They control every chemical reaction in the body.  Everything about us is related to, and shaped by enzymes.

Because of their consciousness of the value off enzymes, NeoLife GNLD manufactures its protein at low temperature.  Since heat destroys enzymes, temperatures must not be much above body temperature to preserve them.  Super Ease, NouriShake and Premium protein are good illustrations of this concept.  Much of their value would be lost if they were heated in the manufacturing process.

Digestive Enzymes are a specialized field in nutrition.  Our bodies produce many enzymes to digest food and make it available to the system.  Pepsin is made in the stomach to disgest protein.  Pancreatin is produced by the pancreas to finish the job in the small intestine.  Other enzymes are produced to digest fats and carbohydrates.  But many of us do not produce enough enzymes, and we suffer from indigestion, allergies, gas, heartburn and other complications.

Beta-Gest contains the enzyme, pepsin, to help digest protein in the stomach.  Enzyme Digestive Aid works in both the stomach and the small intestine, and contains the digestive enzymes needed to handle protein, fats and carbohydrates.  If your own enzyme-producing capacity is deficient, these products can bring sweet relief.

NeoLife GNLD is conscious of the need to preserve enzyme systems as they are found in nature.  Supplements that are rich in natural enzymes prepared at low temperature assure consumers of a strong representation of this vital link in the chain of life.  

Lipids and Sterols

Lipids and sterols are part of the essential fatty acid family.  Our food supply should be rich in them, but in this day of advanced technology our food is robbed of these important nutrients and this puts us at risk in many ways.

Lipids and sterols are part of the structure of the hormones made by our endocrine gland system.  Hormones make uss what we are.  They control our mood, energy, appearance, healing, sexuality and many other important aspects of life.  Without a rich supply from our food, we have difficulty manufacturing these hormones, and we suffer in many ways.  Lipids and sterols also become part of the cell structure.  Every cell has a membrane surrounding it that has a layer of these fatty acids within.  They keep the cell wall soft and pliable so that nutrients can readily pass through.

Fod processors remove lipids and sterols from grains because, when they grind the grain, it exposes the oils to oxygen, and they become rancid.  If we rely on white flour as our source of lipids and sterols we risk serious deficiencies.  The endocrine system becomes hampered and can't produce the hormones that are needed.  This predisposes us to chronic fatigue, allergies, arthritis and other degenerative diseases.  At the cellular level the cell membranes are starved for lipids and sterols and become tough and resistant, making it more difficult for nutrients to get into the cell and wastes to be excreted.  A toxic buildup pollutes our very being, leaving us fatigued and easy prey for disease.

Most vitamin formulas completely neglect this extremely important link in the chain of life, but NeoLife GNLD richly supplies it in Formula IV and Formula IV Plus.  In laboratory testing, the Tre-en-en Grain Oil Concentrates of Formula IV and Formula IV PLus greatly increase the output of the endocrine system, putting an end to chronic fatigue and the degenerative diseases caused by poor adrenal function.  They also abundantly supply the needs of the cell wall, making it easier for nutrients to get in, and wastes to get out.  This is a very important link in the chain of life, and NeoLife GNLD reinforces it beautifully.  


This link consists of sugar and starch, which is the most abundant parts of our food supply.  Even if other links fail, our food will give us all the carbohydrates we need.  Since this is mainly what we bring home from the grocery store, they are not needed in a food supplement program.


So there we have the nutritional chain of life.  Each link contributes its positive benefit, and they all work together to make us what we are.  We invite you to learn more at
Sponsor #32-260985 

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