Saturday, March 26, 2016

Nutrition Protein the "Number One" Nutrient & risk of deficiency

Protein means "Number One or To Be First"

Protein is the most vital and most important health-building nutrient there is.
Our bodies, muscles, skin, hair, nails and eyes even teeth contain some protein.  Our blood, heart, lungs, tendons, brain, and nerves even part of our bones are made of protein.

Protein builds genes and hormones
Genes are the mysterious controllers of heredity are a particular kind of protein.  Hormones, the chemical regulators of the body and enzymes the spark plugs of chemical reactions also are proteins.
Blood is largely protein
Thera are many kinds of protein in our blood.  ONe of the busiest is hemoglovin which consistantly transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and brings carbon dioxide back.  95% of the hemoglobin molecule is made of protein.
Cell replacement depends on protein
The proteins of the body tisues are in a constant state of change.  Millions of cells are always being broken down and others are being built as replacements.  It is thought that a lack of protein in the diet contributes to early aging, as the system is not able to replace dead cells with live healthy ones as fast as they are needed.
The Immune system depends on protein
Other proteins in the blood are defenders, giving us the means of developing resistance to disease.  Gama globulin forms antibodies which neutralize bacteria and viruses.  The presence of an antibody gives immunity to a particular disease.  Protein is needed to help form these vital disease-fighting antibodies.
Vital organs need protein
The liver itself has a voracious appetite for protein.  Without enough, the liver weakens.  Toxic substances accumulate, and the body becomes predisposed to many ailments.
Water balance depends on protein
Protein maintains the delicate water levels of the body.  With too little protein the fluid balance is upset so that our tissues hold abnormal amounts of liquid and become swollen.  Sufficient protein in the blood attracts fluid out of the capillaries in the feet and legs so that it can be eliminated from the body.  Beautiful ankles that have become puffy posts may indicate a lack of protein in the system.
Protein controls energy and mood
Daily fatigue and mood swings often results from blood sugar vacillation.  Tireness, headache, asthma, grouchiness and anger are aggravated by low blood sugar.  Protein is a blood sugar stabilizer.  The body is able to convert about half of the protein in the diet into energy.  Quick energy comes from carbohydrates, but sustained energy comes from long lasting protein.  Kids who start the day with a sugar cereal and snack on candy may have trouble -- not only with their health, but also with their dispositions.  Protein breakfast can help alleviate the symptoms of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.  It helps calm a child and promotes concentration at school and getting along with their friends.
A protein deficiency affects every part of the body
It may lead to the wasting or atrophy of the reproductive organs.  The thyroid, thymus and adrenal glands may be hurt.  The hair becomes thin and falls out, a common cause of baldness.   The skin loses its elasticity and becomes wrinkled.  We may take vitamins and minerals, but in order for them to be utilized by the body, they must have enough hormones and enzymes with which to combine.  Protein is needed to manufacture both hormones and enzymes.  A deficiency, may disrupt this rythum and cause illness.
Risks of Protein deficiency
 Growth slows or stops entirely.  Bones may become porous.  The structure of the teeth and gums deteriorates.  Healing takes place slowly because we can't make sufficient collagen which is the "glue" that holds us together.  The immune system cannot function efficiently and we are open to every kind of virus and bacterial infection.  The water balance may be disturbed with puffy arms and legs.  Our energy level may feel as though it just drained out our shoe heels.  Our moods may be in the basement because that is where our blood sugar level is.

Problems with protein absorption
Some conditions interfere with protein absorption.  Even if you're getting enough protein, you may not be able to properly digest it.  Protein must be digested in an acid medium.  If your stomach is deficient in hydrochloric acid or enzymes, it means that protein is not being properly utilized.  If you are taking an antacid after a meal, your creating an alkaline condition which hinders protein absorption.  Boost your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, seeds nuts and whole grains, to help create a more harmonious acid-alkaline balance for better protein absorption.
NeoLife GNLD's Beta-Gest and Enzymes are also excellent to help restore digestive efficiency and do away with the need for antacids.

What protein is best?
There are many  proteins, good and poor, available in our food supply.  Eggs, meat and milk are the best animal sources.  They are called "complete" proteins because they have all or most of the 22 amino acids present which are necessary to build body tissue.  Vegetables and fruits have some protein content, but they are not "complete".  They are deficient in one or more key amino acids, so they must be eaten in combination to maintain health.  A vegetarian who does not properly combine his foods at each meal is in danger of ruining their health.
Zija International has the leading source for "Moringa oleifera" found in many of their supplements, mainly Smartmix, Supermix, and XM+.  These come in simple small packets of powder you mix in with a bottle of water.  And Zija shade dries and uses the leaves, fruits and seeds of the moringa oleifera.  Shade drying preserves the full nutritional value.  Also safe for children, even in a baby bottle (using a portion of the packet, not adult serving).  Learn more at (and a blog post will be coming explaining moringa oleifera soon).  Zija also has XM Protein in Vanilla or Chocolate.  Consultant #3000770  

NeoLife GNLD protein is the answer
Protein supplements are an excellent way of obtaining enough protein for our daily needs.  NeoLife GNLD has been around since 1958, making the world's finest quality supplement protein.  Easy on the budget, and supplies all the body needs for repair and energy -- without excessive cholesterol or calories.  One serving supplies all 22 amino acids in just the right balance, giving us 1/2 the total protein needed for the day.  They have several types of protein to choose from, in Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry flavors, vegetarian protein, even Premium protein to add to your cooking.

Personally, I enjoy a blender every morning, I mix 2 cups of whole organic milk, with 1 scoop of NeoLife and/ or 1 scoop of Zija XM Proteins both in chocolate (my favorite), with 1 banana.  This gets me through the day, no highs or lows.  Another favorite for me, is mixing either of these two companies proteins, with assorted fruit such as strawberries or raspberries, and even replacing the milk with juice and ice for a smoothie.  My husband prefers to mix a scoop of his protein with his organic whole milk and nothing else, in a tall glass and no blender.

NeoLife GNLD
Sponsor #32-260985



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