Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Skincare Answers from a Cosmetic Surgeon

Today I want to go back to basics and revisit why our products are so much more effective than others on the market. The ingredients on the back of any skincare product must be listed in order of concentrations. If the first ingredient is water, stated in any manner, then the product is water-based. The problem is that water cannot be absorbed by your skin! That’s why the TreSkinRX skincare collection is not only Aloe-based, but our concentrations of Aloe Vera far exceed what is found in other products containing Aloe Vera. 

Here’s something for you to think about: The organic, pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera that we use as the base of every TreSkinRX product is the SAME stuff I apply to surgical flaps in the operating room. It’s a practice I’ve implemented for more than 20 years because it prevents tissue damage and accelerates healing. The power of pure aloe vera is undeniable!

Here's a scientific reason why EX3 works so well.
The skin has a pH in the area of 5.5 to 6.5. Doctor office chemical peels generally fall in the area of 2.0, making them much more acidic, which is how they remove dead skin cells. Over-the-counter peels generally go no lower than 3.5, a pH low enough to give some benefit but not low enough to burn the skin. EX3 has a pH similar to that of a doctor’s office peel, but won’t burn because the base of aloe vera calms inflammation. 

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Are you happy with the way your skin looks? Does it have a glow to it, or is it dull? Are you wrinkle free or are those tiny wrinkles creeping up around your eyes and mouth? Has the sun damaged your skin or do you have blemishes?

If you are over 30, you probably recall that there were far fewer people with asthma and allergies when you were growing up then there are today. And far fewer people with skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. My personal belief is that the growing number of individuals with these conditions is directly related to the increased use of medications, processed foods and skin care products containing synthetics.
If you'd like to learn more about what is in your skincare ...products, and why they are not working for you. I suggest this short, easy to understand, book from Amazon. "Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin"
And look at this website, to learn what all natural, medical grade aloe vera as the base (not water filler), can do for your skin.

I’m always surprised when I meet people who admit they still visit tanning beds and even more surprised when these individuals ask me for skincare advice. Logically, my first recommendation to them is to stop tanning!

I’m nearly certain that all of us are aware of the cancer risks associated with tanning bed use. Beyond that, however, exposure to UV light - whether natural or artificial - disrupts the cellular matrix of the skin. The result? Areas of hyper pigmentation (ofte...n called “age spots”) and loss of skin elasticity (which causes wrinkles).
If you’re concerned that you don’t look your best without a tan, do yourself a huge favor and use a self-tanner instead.

Do you ever wonder which SPF sunscreen to use?
A common misconception is that the higher the SPF value in a sunscreen, the better the protection. This is not true. The difference between SPF 15 and SPF 100 is only 4% added protection. The FDA considers all sunscreens with SPF 15 and higher in the same category. Practicing safe sun exposure requires more than just applying sunscreen — it requires common sense. As good as some sunscreens are, they are not the total answer. Act...ivities such as fishing or going to the beach for the day are not a problem as long as you have total quality protection. This means investing in hats, visors, sunglasses and protective clothing as well as a quality SPF 15 sunscreen.
Have a great week! - Dr. A

TreSkinrx aloe-based triple defense sun guard with spf 15
An easy-to-use sunscreen designed to protect your skin from the sun's harmful UVB and UVA rays, TreSkinRX's Triple Defense Sun Guard with SPF 15 has water-repellent ingredients that shield you from the damaging effects of the sun even when you're in the water.
Recommended skin types:
This product may be used on sensitive, dry, normal, combination, oily or acneic skin types.
Product benefits:
TreSkinRX's Triple Defense Sun Guard with SPF 15 is a lightweight, non-greasy and non-PABA formula that provides light moisture and protection in one product.
The product is water repellent and therefore ideal for active lifestyles.
It soothes and heals as it protects.
Triple Defense Sun Guard with SPF 15 can be used on children and adults alike.
Directions for use:
Apply product to all areas of the body exposed to the sun. When outdoors for excessive periods of time, reapply every 1.5 to 2 hours. (Those with sensitive skin may require more frequent application.)
Triple Defense Sun Guard works with the skin's natural chemistry and, therefore, needs time to activate. Apply 30 minutes prior to sun exposure.

I am frequently asked if it's ok to use bar soap on your face. The simple answer is no. The ingredients that keep these soaps in bar form can clog pores, contributing to breakouts. Proper cleansing sets the stage for everything else that occurs on your skin. I recommend a pH balanced liquid cleanser. TrĂ©SkinRX’s Purifying Cleanser is designed to unclog pores and remove impurities. The unique formulation of ingredients works to cleanse the skin while leaving it feeling soft, silky and refreshed.

Do you or someone you know suffer from Acne? Acne has four main causes: excess oil production, plugged hair follicles, prevalence of acne bacteria, and inflammation. Despite this, most acne products are formulated to treat just a single cause of the condition and are, thus, incapable of eliminating acne. TreSkinRX Clear Skin products are formulated to work in concert to target all four causes, making them far more potent and focused than other acne treatments available.
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that makes your face turn red and may cause swelling (of the red blood vessels) and skin sores that look like acne. While the cause of rosacea is unknown and there is no cure, there are products available that can control the signs and symptoms of this condition.

Hyperpigmentation shows up as blotchy or dark areas, and is often caused by an increase in melanin. An increase of melanin may be the result of sun damage, inflammation or other skin injuries including acne. TreSkinRX products use ingredients that work to brighten and even skin tone for a more balanced appearance.
To reduce the appearance of age spots and other forms of hyperpigmentation, exfoliate daily with our renewing exfoliant, EX3. This amazing product will help remove dead skin cells while activating the production of collagen - your skin's natural cell rejuvenation process.

Common Myths
While commonly accepted myths are prevalent in many consumer industries, they run particularly rampant in the skincare category. Given the emotion that accompanies the desire to improve one's appearance, marketers have been able to convince consumers of many factors that, at face value, don't make much sense. It's as though the trendy product design and incredible before and after photo's erode one's better judgment.
Some of Dr Adbullah MD, FACS, FICS, favorite skincare myths are outlined below.

Myth #1
Products containing collagen and/ or Elastin can rejuvenate skin cells.
Countless advertisements in recent years exclaim a product's use of collagen and/or elastin. These are major structural proteins in our skin that are often advertised to have magical qualities when applied topically. However, the reality is that, when added to a product, collagen or elastin has absolutely NO benefit to the skin whatsoever. At most, they may make the product consistency "feel" more silky and smooth.

Here's Why:
Collagen and elastin are proteins found in our skin and in that of all animals. These proteins comprise the structure of the dermal layer of the skin. However, a collagen and elastin cannot be absorbed into the skin because their molecular size is too large, a step that would be essential if they were to do any good whatsoever. What's more, if you take them out of a human or animal source, the proteins are dead. Therefore, even if the skin could absorb them, they're completely inactive and would not provide any benefit. The only collagen or elastin our bodies can use is that created by our own cells and tissues. That from another human or animal source is completely useless.

Say for a moment, however, that collagen and elastin did have some beneficial properties when applied topically to the skin. It would then be important to note the type of collagen or elastin that is used. Most collagen and elastin found on ingredient lists is referred to as "soluble collagen" or "hydrolyzed elastin". This means the manufacturer has actually cut the molecule into tiny pieces. Therefore, even if they were beneficial, you aren't getting true collagen or elastin in these products -- only pieces of these proteins.

The only benefit of using collagen or elastin in a skincare products is the improvement it brings to the consistency of the product. In other words, they make the product feel nice on the skin.
Learn more about "Real" Skincare, medical grade Aloe Vera as the base, which "heals skin healthy" at

Myth #2
The concept of "gentle exfoliation"
There is no such thing as "gentle exfoliation". By it's nature, exfoliation requires force or strong acid to remove dead and damaged skin cells. Only by being aggressive with exfoliation will it give the desired effect of collagen stimulation and dermal rejuvenation. Although rubbing the skin with "granules" or "microspheres" may give a temporary polished feel to the skin, it will not provide the necessary force to slough dead cells and boost collagen production (naturally).
When I first started using EX3, I thought it was strange to leave the exfoliant on the skin, waiting about 10 minutes before adding moisturizer or make up. But I followed the instructions, and again, was very happy with the results. Youthful skin, and my skin produces it's own collagen & elastin, naturally, with wonderful results.

Myth #3
Expensive skincare products from established brands are the most effective.

This is exactly what the marketers of these brands want you to think. In reality, this statement is far from true. These brands, most of which invest far more in marketing than in product research and development, gain their "well known" reputation through aggressive advertising campaigns.

Celebrities who endorse a product, usually are not using that product, but are being paid to help market it only. With the economy today, why waste money on products because of a name? Choose products that have the research backing their claims.

Myth #4
Water Based Skincare Products Keep Your Skin Hydrated

This is, in my opinion, one of the biggest myths within the skincare industry. Water-based skincare products don't hydrate because the skin cannot absorb water. The presence of water simply dilutes the active ingredients that are contained within the product.

Motivated by my patients' obvious frustration and confusion about skincare, in 1996 I embarked on a yearlong quest to find the best skincare line. I wanted to give my patients a strong recommendation when they asked what products to use pre-and post-procedure and for ongoing maintenance of their skin. (This is quoted from Dr Abdullah)

My background certainly was helpful in this endeavor. A significant part of my surgical training was spent working with burns and exploring elements that impact wound healing. In fact, I conducted research on the growth factors involved in skin repair at a cellular level. Additionally, I was aided by an expert knowledge of organic chemistry, biology, and pharmacology.

Given that my surgical mentor, Dr Martin Robson, past chair of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, was recognized worldwide for his research on the benefits of aloe in healing, I was influenced to utilize high-grade aloe in my surgical practice. After all, I saw firsthand how the application of aloe to skin flaps in surgery has a remarkable ability to prevent tissue damage and accelerate healing. Robson's work encouraged me to pursue my own research into potential applications for aloe within a clinical environment and, thus, I've authored numerous studies proving its benefits in conditions ranging from frostbite and burns to diabetes. These experiences, including the results I've seen in my own practice, have continually convinced me that aloe vera is a powerhouse ingredient for use in sensible skincare. Aloe vera has immense and manifold benefits to the skin, and its effectiveness has been proven not only in the laboratory but in human studies, as well. Because of this, I became particularly interested in developing a line of skincare products that could properly use aloe's valuable properties.

The research project was eye opening, at minimum. I was surprised to find that nearly every skincare brand I encountered -- whether physician-dispensed or over-the-counter, drugstore or department store, organic or conventional -- utilized a base of water. When aloe was utilized, it was in minute quantities and of inadequate quality to generate results. I began to realize that product formulations were often more marketing than science. Most formulations I reviewed had little hope of ever accomplishing the results for which they were intended, and I was left feeling disenchanted. In good faith, I couldn't recommend ANY single brand to my patients. What's more, I realized it was essential that consumers become educated about the basic needs of their skin to prevent the continued frustration they were encountering. With that, I've spent the past ten(+) years providing this knowledge to each of my patients, and it's that knowledge that I share with you.

While I know formulate skincare products utilizing a base of pharmaceutical-grade aloe and ingredients proven by unbiased science to benefit the skin, it is important I note that, beyond my brand, many good skincare products do exist. However, rather than blindly trusting a single brand, buying a bundle regimen, or placing hope in a product that makes big promises, it's important to review each formulation independently to determine if it will work for your skin. Through the pages of the book (Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin. Available on I will give you the skills you need to become an empowered consumer of skincare.

I frequently hear the following question: “Dr. Abdullah - I have oily skin, so I use ‘oil free’ products, but I’m still oily. Why?”
I cringe when I hear someone with oily skin being told to use alcohol-based toners or an abrasive facial scrub. Never rely on the term ‘oil-free.’ Many ingredients that aren’t oils can still clog pores, causing breakouts and oily, greasy skin.

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that commonly involves scaly and itchy rashes. It is often due to a hypersensitivity reaction (similar to an allergy), which leads to long-term inflammation of the skin. Due to our high concentration of 100% organic, pharmaceutical-grade aloe, a substance clinically proven to reduce inflammation and sooth damaged skin, TreSkinRX products work well to control inflammation associated with this condition.

Facing the Facts
The simple truth is that the aging process cannot be reversed, and, thus, it's important that consumers are realistic about the results they'll achieve by using a skincare formulation. While there are certainly methods available to ask one's age (I should know; I've made a career of it, says Dr Abdullah) , they do not come from a bottle. However, the importance of healthy skin cannot be underestimated for what it can do to improve the aesthetics of the skin.... Advanced formulations are, indeed, capable of greatly improving characteristics associated with poor skin health, such as rough texture & fine lines dramatized by a lack of exfoliation, and diminishment of the skin's ability to produce collagen and elastin. You see, healthy skin is beautiful sin. And skincare products can help your skin reach its peak condition.

In the posts to follow, we're going to cover a lot of territory. But as we embark on this journey, there are several key facts I want you to keep in mind:
1> The most effective skincare regimen is one that is simple.
2> If a product sounds too good to be true, it probably is
3> Maintaining an effective skincare regimen should not cost you a fortune. (you also get what you pay for, dirt cheap is worthless)
4> There are no shortcuts on the path to beautiful skin. Getting there requires a commitment to healthy behaviors.
5> An advertisement should never be the tool by which you decide the skincare products you'll buy. By becoming educated, you empower yourself to objectively evaluate claims and select products that will meet the needs of your skin.

Dr. Abdullah is a board-certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon and a recognized expert on the restorative and medicinal effects of aloe vera which he has used in his medical practice for over 25 years. He is a member of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC) based in Dallas, Texas, and has served on its board of directors.
As a board-certified plastic surgeon and noted aloe researcher, Dr. Abdullah is a pioneer of the practice of using pharmaceutical-grade aloe in plastic surgery for the treatment of skin damage. Given the amazing results in his practice from using aloe vera, Dr. Abdullah specifically searched for an aloe-based skincare line he could offer to his patients. In 1996, after his search came up fruitless, he applied his background in chemistry and biology to formulate the TreSkinRX pharmaceutical-grade aloe vera based products. He offered these products to his patients until 2009 when TreSkinRX was launched to introduce these products to the world!
"My objective was to develop skincare with integrity using ingredients that makes sense, are high-grade natural substances, and have rejuvenating effects on the skin."
- Dr. Ahmed Abdullah, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Board Certified in Plastic Surgery & General Surgery.
Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeon.
Owner, Plastic Surgery Institute PC, Fargo ND.
Co-Owner and Medical Director, PSI Ambulatory Surgery Center , Fargo , ND.
Co-Owner, Heartland Diagnostic Services, Fargo ND.
Clinical Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Grand Forks ND. 1994-Present
Member, Board of Directors, International Aloe Science Council, Dallas TX. 2003-Present
Member, Board of Directors, Heartland Independent Provider Network. 1998-Present
Consultant, Plastic Surgery, Veterans Administration Hospital, Fargo ND. 1995-Present
Staff Plastic Surgeon, Dakota Clinic Limited, Fargo ND. 1993-1995
Chief Resident, Plastic Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1992-1993
Residency, Plastic Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1990-1992
Chief Resident, General Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1989-1990
Residency, General Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1986-1989
Internship, General Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. 1985-1986
Laboratory Instructor in Anatomy, Northwestern University Medical School. 1982-1984
Northwestern University, Chicago , IL, M.D., 1981-1985
Professional Memberships
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery
Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation
American Medical Association
International Aloe Science Council
American Burn Association
Blocker, Lewis Plastic Surgery Society
Singleton Surgical Society
Lipoplasty Society
Yun-Ho Lee Award of Scientific Merit 2002, International Aloe Science Council
Corporate Achievers Award, 1999, National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Honors in Anatomy, Psychiatry & Anesthesia, 1985
Khalilullah Trophy in Biology, 1976
Duke of Edinburgh Award, Silver Medal-1976
Duke of Edinburgh Award, Bronze Medal-1975
Kensett Medal-English Literature, 1975
Cree Medal-Science, 1975

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