Monday, March 21, 2016

Evidence suggests synthetic nutrition causes more harm than good.

A changing world...
Evidence suggests synthetic nutrition causes more harm than good.

In 1996 the New England Journal of Medicine published an article on a study conducted over 18,000 people that were at risk of developing lung cancer (asbestos exposure or smokers). These individuals were given either Vitamin A and beta carotene, or a placebo.

The study was intended to continue for several years, but had to end prematurely, because people that were given the synthetic supplement were 46% higher ...risk of death from lung cancer.
There is no question that we need nutrition. Nutrition is vital in converting food into functional energy. However, we are robbed of nutrition in our diets, therefore it is important that we eat healthy from natural whole foods that supply the nutrition naturally.

From the beginning of time until the 20th century, heart disease and cancer were not the great scourge that they are today.  With the coming of our modern times things changed radically.  The food processing giants grew up and stepped in between the farm and the table.  They intercepted our harvested grains and robbed them of their essential oils, vitamins and minerals.  They also introduced hundreds of chemicals to preserve, shape, color and condition their products.  Tampering with our basic food supply has contributed to the greatest woes of this past century -- cancer, heart disease, and the breakdown of the immune system.

Now as we look into a new century, science and technology has come to our rescue with powerful new weapons against these relentless destroyers.  The discovery of the antioxidants -- Vitamin C, vitamin E, Carotenoids, Flavonoids and Cruciferous nutrients -- has given us the tools we need to fight back against our enemies, and win the war over cancer, and heart disease.

Free radical furor

Science has now identified free radical oxygen as one of the greatest enemies of our health and longevity.  Free radicals are highly reactive forms of oxygen that occur as by-products of normal metabolism in the cells.  They also come to us from rancid food and polluted air and water in our environment.  Turned loose in the body, they attack and ultimately damage the cellular foundation upon which our health depends.

Antioxidants are nature's weapons against free radicals.  As long as the body has abundant supplies, free radicals are held in check.  But when the antioxidant defense team becomes depleted, we become vulnerable to attack and injury.  Over the years this leads to heart disease, cancer, decline of the immune system and degenerative diseases of various kinds.

What is PhytoDefense?


Our source of protective antioxidants is in the plant world, which gives them the name "phytonutrients" (or phtochemicals).  "phyto" means plant, as distinguished from animal.  Phytonutrients belong to three distinct families: Carontenoids, Flavonoids, and the Crusiferous family of vegetables.

Mother's have always said, "Eat your veggies." Now we are beginning to understand why.  This is where God put the antioxidants that protect us from free radical oxygen damage.  But how many of us eat enough fruits and vegetables to get the protection we need?  The truth is that most of us aren't eating anywhere near the amount that we need to protect our health.  We should consume at least six servings of these protectors each day, but less than ten percent of us eat the recommend amount. Is it any wonder that disease is rampant, even in the presence of great scientific and medical advancement?


During the 1970's, researchers for the US Government conducted a series of studies called the National Health and Nutrition Examination  Surveys which tracked the eating habits of more than 20,000 Americans.  Based on these surveys, they found that people who consumed foods high in beta-carotene had the lowest incidence of dissease.  Then it was discovered that beta-carotene was only a single player in a huge family of over 600 nutrients which they called carotenoids.  (Carotenoid is the pleral of carotene).  These carotenoids are found in the pigment of yellow, orange, red and dark green fruits and vegetables.  NeoLife GNLD selects representatives from each family of these foods, and extracts their carotenoid components, and puts them into a capsule for easy access to all their marvelous benefits.

What do carotenoids do? 

The carotenoid family's job is to prevent free radical oxygen from reacting with cellular compounds in the fat based areas of the cell.  When our diet is rich in carotenoids, these powerful nutrients position themselves within the fatty layers of the cell walls.  When free radicals come lurking, carotenoids neutralize them, rendering them harmless to the body.  Studies suggest that when the carotenoids are not standing guard in the cell walls, free radicals are capable of entering the wall and attacking vital cellular components such as the DNA.  If your DNA suffers free radical damage, it may not regenerate, contributing to  premature aging.  Or, it may duplicate itself imperfectly producing a tumor or cancer -- the result of cells gone wild.

It is also now thought that plaque is formed in the veins and arteries by free-radical oxxygen attacking the LDL cholesterol and changing it from a beneficial component of the blood to a substance that clogs the veins and arteries.  Thus, it is not the presence of LDLD (bad) cholesterol that is dangerous.  It is its oxidation by free radical oxygen -- that clogs the arteries and makes us vulnerable to heart attack.  This makes it imperative that we protect the bloodstream -- and the cells with a sufficient supply of carotenoids.


This family of antioxidants exists in the pigment of blue, purple, emerald, orange and red plants.  Citrus fruits and berries are particularly high in flavonoids.  Over 4,000 of these protectors have been identified so far.  Flavonoids and vitamin C work together to guard against free radical attack in the water based areas of the cells and blood.

Our  knowledge of flavonoids can be traced back to 1936 to a Hungarian scientist who showed that an extract of citrus rinds, combined with vitamin C, was effective in strengthening the walls of capillaries, the body's smallest blood vessels.  A lack of vitamin C and flavonoids produces scurvy, the breakdown of the capillaries, which brings internal bleeding and death.  The name ascorbic acid, was given to vitamin C which means "no scurvy acid".  Common symptoms of a partial scurvy condition are bruising easily and bleeding gums.

NeoLife GNLD has selected the families of fruits and vegetables that are rich in the flavonoids and has combined them in a tablet called Flavonoid Complex.  This product draws from the flavonoids found in beets, kale, grapes, blueberries, cranberries, elderberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapefruit, lemons and oranges.  It places them within easy reach by simply taking a convenient tablet.

Cruciferous Plus

The word "cruciferous," is related to the wor, "crucifix" which means "ccross".  It was given to this class of vegetables becuase their blossoms all have the shape of a cross (crusifix).  Hundreds of sccientific studies link lower risk of cancer with increased consumption of cruciferous vegetables.  Memers of this pungent family include: broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, mustard, horseradish, and Brussels sprouts.

The first study reporting the health-producing abilities of cruciferous vegetables was published in 1978.  Since then, the healthful properties of cruciferous vegetables have been so well documented that the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society recommend eating at least one serving of cruciferous vegetables per day.

What do cruciferous nutrients do?

Besides being loaded with vitamins, minerals, and giber, cruciferous vegetables are chock-full of antioxidants.  While carotenoids are liimited to the fat based parts of the cell and flavonoids to the water based parts, cruciferous antioxidants perform their protective work in both areas -- and may protect us especially against hormone associated cancers of the prostate and breast.  Research has shown that the special protection afforded by cruciferous phytonutrients lessens our risk of developing cancer of the breast, prostate and lining of the uterus.  They may also protect against lung and digestive tract cancers.

One potent member of this cruciferous family is called sulforaphane, found in broccoli and other crciferous vegetables.  It has been shown to inhibit tumors of the lung, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, breast, liver and bladder in rats and mice.  Sulforaphane can prevent chemicals from becoming active carcinogens in the first place.  It can stimulate enymes that detoxify them, block their interaction with DNA, and facilitate their excretion.

What about the "plus" in Cruciferous Plus?

"Plus" refers to antioxidants from oranges, licorice root and soybeans that protect our cells in their own important ways -- but are not part of the cruciferous family.

Here are the tools

These are the tools.  What will we do with them?  Science has identified the true source of our protection from cancer, heart disease, the immune system, and degenerative diseases.  NeoLife GNLD has developed the products to make them readily available for our use.  Now that we have the knowledge and the products, how will we use them to protect our health?

The most prestigious voices of the scientific community are urging us to eat at least six servings of the brightly colored fruits and vegetables and one serving of the cruciferous vegetables per day to provide the antioxidants that will do the job.  But sadly, most of us eat only one or two of these mighty protectors each day -- and sometimes, none.

What to do?

Begin eating at least six servings of the brightly colored fruits and vegetables each day.  But if that is not practical, supplement with NeoLife GNLD's PhytoDefense.  Each packet contains the Carotenoid, Flavonoid and Cruciferous families of these vital protectors.  One packet is equal to six servings of these precious antioxidants.  Fill the antioxidant gap with PhytoDefense and enjoy a stronger immune system and protection from the diseases we fear most.

Learn more about NeoLife GNLD products at
Sponsor #32-260985

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