Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Six Stages of Nutrition Part 2

Second Stage -- Digestion

The miracle of digestion

This is the process by which complex foods are broken down into simple substances that the body can use for energy and body building.  The miracle of digestion begins the moment you take a bite.  You produce more than a quart of saliva per day, and enzymes carried in the saliva immediately begin digesting food -- so much so that a piece of bread seems to melt in your mouth.

The role of HCL

In the stomach the miracle continues.  Some 35 million tiny glands pour out the digestive juices, hydrochloric acid (HCL) and pepsin.  Incredibly, the stomach can produce more than a quart of this extremely potent acid every day.  If we are not able to produce adequate HCL, our food ferments, producing heartburn and gas.

For those who have trouble with this phase of digestion, there is a product called Beta-Gest, a product that supplies the HCL, needed for this important stage of nutrition.  Without efficient digestion none of the rest of the stages of nutrition can take place.  Heartburn belching and a feeling of being too full, are signs that we need help.  How do you spell relief?  Not with antacids.

The role of Enzymes

Once the foods are acidified in the stomach, they are moved on in a gruel-like form into the small intestine where digestion continues.  Here the amazing pancreas acts upon it.  The pancras makes an enzyme soup which is dumped into the small intestine, neutralizing the acid, and further breaking down proteins into simple amino acids.  The liver then adds bile converting fats into simple fatty acids.  If the pancreas and liver are not functioning properly, digestion will not be completed, and gas and bloating begin to develop.

If you have trouble in this area, consider a product from NeoLife GNLD called Enzyme Digestive Aid that contains the elements you need to complete this part of digestion.  It has enzymes to handle sugar and protein, and bile to emulsify fats.  We have to get the body back on track in this important stage of digestion before any of the rest of the stages can properly take place.

Protein and digestion

One of the most difficult foods to digest is protein.  Its complexity often baffles the body's digestive resources.  Instead of the positive benefit that we should receive from protein, without adequate HCL, it can ferment and turn into fiery acids that torment the stomach.  To help solve this problem protein supplements such as Super Ease, NouriShake, Premium from NeoLife GNLD, or even XM Protein from Zija are largely predigested in the manufacturing process.  They lay light on the stomach, go right into the system, and give energy for the day without the misery of heartburn and indigestion.  When you try NeoLife or Zija protein you will be pleased with it's digestibility and good taste.  NeoLife protein comes in Vanilla, Chocolate & Strawberry flavors.  Zija protein comes in Vanilla and Chocolate.  NeoLife can be mixed with milk, Zija mixed with water (if your lactose intolerant).  

I personally like to use a blender, I mix a scoop of both Chocolate NouriShake and chocolate XM Protein with a banana (sometimes a scoop of peanut butter) for a nice shake.
Links will be shared below.

NeoLife GNLD
Sponsor #32-260985

Zija International  

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